
2 Reviews
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Unpredictably good, excellent cinematography and intriguing story
12 March 2005
I watched this movie not expecting much. People close to me informed me that the movie was exceptional and worth watching, but these are also the same individuals who enjoyed the Mummy II. It is rare that I enjoy a film of this level without previously having good expectations of the film. I did not enjoy this film in the traditional sense. The cinematography of this film was transcendent if not sublime. It left me feeling as though I had seen a unique film. I wish more films today left me with that feeling. I highly recommend this film for all. It has the ability to please those whom enjoy film as an art form and those interested in just plain entertainment.
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Jekyll & Hyde: The Musical (2001 TV Movie)
If you can watch this with an open mind you will enjoy it
11 October 2004
I am not a fan of Bay Watch, but David Hasselhoff did an outstanding job. I believe theater is Hasselhoff's calling. If you can watch this musical with an open mind, and get over the fact that the star has done crappy TV you will realize that he has talent for theater. His performance left me shocked and wanting more. I have watched the musical many times and the performance still amazes me. I first saw the musical in a College English class, Horror Fiction and Film, at Chapman University. I thought the professor was crazy for making us watch this film, but I was wrong. Anyone who is a fan of musical theater will enjoy this. I only wish I heard about this when it was still live. I would have enjoyed seeing it. I hope that Hasselhoff does more theater in the future. There is room for him to improve, but I believe over time he could be an outstanding theater performer.
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