
4 Reviews
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A Single Man (2009)
Borefest with a terrible ending
15 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
THIS REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILERS Here's the thing, in a story there's something called 'deux ex machina' in Latin. Basically it's a contrived, unexpected plot device ie. event that abruptly and conveniently ends the story, because they couldn't think of a better ending. 'A Single Man' has a perfect example of this when the main character dies from a sudden heart attack at the end. It could have happened at any point during the 90 minute boring gay love story but for some unknown reason we have to sit through this over-hyped (because it's Colin Firth) nonsense to get to it. Boring. Boring. Boring. Those endorsing this film talk about the great acting, lighting, directing etc. That's all well and good but if the story is this bad what's the point Tom Ford? Learn how to write a good script first.
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Skyfall (2012)
Totally overrated
17 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Such an awful script. Whats worse is they have stolen bits of other action films but still they get it totally wrong. And there are too many holes in the story to mention. How the British media can say this is good is just a total embarrassment. You expect it to be a bit silly cos its Bond, but this takes it down to another level. The set-ups are so implausible and the payoffs so predictable. Bad guy getting caught and then escaping so easily? The tube train explosion? And Skyfall is the name of Bond's Scottish home? Not very likely. Plus Bond fails in his mission! The worst thing is how this film's success has been celebrated. Just terrible, like it was written for idiots.
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Life Just Is (2012)
Don't give up your day job
7 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
What a truly woeful film. I think this director should spend a few years learning how to write a proper screenplay. Then spend even more time learning how to direct it. The problem with 'Life Just is' is that nothing actually happens. Is that supposed to be the point?? Some might say this is 'minimalist', non-plot, art film or even 'Bergman-esque', while the majority of the audience are yawning away for ninety minutes. (And yes, that was ninety minutes of my life I can't now get back) The thing is though, Bergman spent many years perfecting his directorial style making more conventional films before even attempting to do something like this. The same with Godard. But this director certainly hasn't and his film doesn't actually say anything. Anyone who thinks it does must list watching paint dry as one of their favourite hobbies.
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Get Lucky (2013)
Don't bother
7 August 2013
Think about all the worst things to do when making a film and this does them all. Bad everything. Acting, directing, writing, plot, casting, editing, photography, the list is endless. Just astonishes me why people still make or are interested in watching cliché British gangster films. That ship sailed long long ago. And who would be stupid enough to put up the money to make this drivel? Please can we move on, and invest in good plausible stories. Doesn't have to be Jane Austen or a romantic comedy. Or cost an absolute fortune to make. They can be thrillers, crime stories, violent, whatever. Just as long as they are well made with a decent script. This film should be shown to aspiring film students as an example of how to get it totally wrong.
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