
18 Reviews
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Are you serious with 8 stars for this?
13 July 2023
Went to see it to a theater because the ratings are so high here and on RT. Well I walked out after half the movie. So one can argue I can't rate it, but I just couldn't sit through this cheesy garbage anymore.

Here is why - 1 you are going to watch bunch of old botox filled office worker looking white dudes play edgy, agile and capable man, and couple of straight sucker mom women play some "sexy sharp and skilled" chicks..? 2 They all suck at acting including Tom in this one.

3 you going to listen to raging music soundtrack when nothing really is happening in the movie.

4 the team of the main character look and act like they just need to retire. The whole thing seemed 90's in a bad way. So far what I am saying is that there is no edge, there is no thrill, lines are cheesy, story is stupid, and feels shallow AF. At the end I want to add : sure MI was never known to be well acted high quality movie, but at least there was some thrill and fun to them, well say good 6+ stars worth... But this was just a money making forgettable garbage. TV show quality (and I mean old TV, not even an Amazon streaming lol) And while they probably will still make millions I want my $15 back.
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Downsizing (2017)
Unique and underated !!
20 January 2023
This movie is a trip, I avoided it for years because of the low rating, but my wife and I truly enjoyed it. I can only assume the low ratings are just because the film isn't what you expect and is a strange sort of humor. These are the same reasons we liked it, truly enjoyed the sarcastic take of Dusan (played by (Christoph Waltz). Matt Damon did great work and his character was pictured perfect to me. The story where you follow the main character is putting you through some rollercoaster and has a new turn up ahead always through the movie. The acting was great, the story is awesome and the uniqueness keep it fresh. Definitely underated film, perhaps just misunderstood by the American culture (no offense meant) but sorry it's not a dry humor jokes and no iron man flying here. If you think you can widen your horizon check it out! Damn good movie, well done!
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Man on Fire (2004)
Oh that camera work just butchered this movie
4 December 2022
Straight to main points on what I think was wrong with this movie: the absolute fail is the edit, with it's method of semi photo semi video with random flashes on the screen with double vision effects... Typical mid 2000's thing that messed up couple of other movies. But you would think a good film maker would recognize the fact that it's annoying and unprofessional.

On top of that couple of highly illogical plot turns and some cliche lines really setting this movie back. With very overused soundtrack that played every 10 minutes of the movie.

All that being said, this does have some good acting and action, overall keeps you on the edge of your seat. Strong 6 stars, just again, this damn camera work is absolute annoying trash !
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Mousehunt (1997)
Tom and Jerry for adults??
27 November 2022
Firstly I asked myself am I too harsh on the 4* rating I give it? It's only a kids movie, but wait is it though?

No it's not for kids and it's not intellectual enough for adults. This film, although had some bright and unexpected moments is flooded with cheap clown humor and that humour is taken too far. It was cringe to watch. The ratings here suggest it's indeed a good fun entertainment, but you are basically watching ton and Jerry acted out where the biggest laugh is tiny mouse inflicting sadistic pain on a dumb person. I turned it off at the very end of the movie perhaps 10 minutes to the end, and wish I would have done it earlier.

You need to be 6 y. O. to find this funny.
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9 stars flights, 6 star rest of the movie
25 August 2022
As the title says : the movie itself seemed to damn cringy and cheesy, but the scenes in the sky make up for it all plenty. Here is why I say it's cheesy and cringy - first of I don't remember the first top gun entirely, as I watched it as kid, and when tried rewatching it couple years back I turned it off because it was just too gay . Thinking about it made me wonder if all the gay jokes about navy within other branches have started with the original top gun movie. Back to this one - it's also mawkish at parts in the same way. Also there is too much crying and unnecessary drama by old looking yet too polished characters (actually everything that they show on the ground is too polished).

HOWEVER, as I said before all of that doesn't matter the moments the mission in the movie starts. The mission the dog fights, all the shots in the sky are so damn good, totally delivers!

I will get this movie on video edit and cut out all the fly material and save it that way to rewatch, and then it's a strong 10 star ))) So if you late to theater for the first 30 minutes of top gun I don't miss anything. Well done.
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Reacher (2022– )
6* I'm being generous
12 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It does have potential, but soapy af at moments.

Here is just couple of things that were hard to overcome for me personally: 1 the characters are going back and forth who is to lead and who is to follow.

Civilian reacher also happens to be a local Sherlock Holmes, gets to be a runner boy by the local small town police and then they switch and ge gets on top running the local police .. just facepalm. Also suggest you are watching soap opera where for the lack of actual concrete story you get to be taken on bluffy rollercoaster of this sort of BS pseudo important thrills.

Second big no no for me : small town with no crime at all, everybody knows everybody, yet you got bad guys driving up to peoples homes and even break in to cops houses and no one notices nothing. Also small town, yet big politics, small town yet A LOT of players and tied ends, just doesn't stick to be honest. Is it a small town, or does it change to a big town when story requires?

That actually brings me to the next point : Jack reacher is effective sharp-minded killing machine, he got hands full of people to suspect in this simpleton town, yet struggles for some reason to get the problem solved.

Just every angle is crap in my opinion. I suspect that the high rating is for separate scenes, which I can say there are some good shiny moments here and there. Like I said : potential but watered down by let's make a show and make it speak that. You are watching 2 episodes and already know this s**t is going to be stretched.
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Boss Level (2020)
Worth it
7 July 2022
I had approached this movie twice, first time I watched about 5-10 minutes, and said "hard pass" Second time I came back to it and sat through the first part of the movie that seemed cheesy to me the first time (well it is) and what I discovered is that this movie is better than seems at first. Its still same movie, it just makes more sense. Without spoiling it - it's worth watching action movie, it's fun and does have a complete fun story for an action flick. Go for it.
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Dr strange and dora the explorer
26 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Welcome to marvel universe where the border of soap opera has been crossed and you have no clue wtf you are watching. You got these characters with their fake looking too polished costumes and cringy moments one after another.

Dr strange is Dr stranger he cried 3 times within first 5 minutes. You are dropped in a wedding and some soap opera stuff and then dropped into another unrelatable seen and so on. Story doesn't matter just look at these special effects! He also got more make up than the witch chick. And topped with Dora the explorer who is in a middle of this cobb salad mess. Think my review is messy? This is how the movie is written it's seemed rushed cheesy and corny with cringed lines and stupid make up. I suspect it's meant for 8 year olds. Trash. Marvel needs to step back and really reevaluate their latest work, they been popping out these movies by quantity and not quality. What a garbage theater.
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Hellbender (2021)
13 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The low ratings here make me think that majority of people are so used to action and CGI packed movies they just can't recognize anything other.

This was pretty short and good film, with a complete story. A transition of a vegetarian to a beast. A young witch and a daughter of a witch chooses to be what she can be and drop the moral of eating people isn't nice. And explore the power she gets. Pardon the silly description, but that's kind of the story. The movie has excellent soundtrack and visually pleasing shots. Actors did very well, there are no cringe moments in that regard. The film keeps you on the edge of the seat. It's not going to be a action packed film and it doesn't need to be, and wasn't meant to be. Furthermore: it doesn't need to be a 3 hour movie where you just can't look at the screen no more. Although I'd watch a second part if they would make it. Loved it! This is a second underrated movie from this studio I ran accoross.

If you religiously watch marvel and DC perhaps this isn't for you, or think for instance that new elm street was good this isn't for you.
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Honeydew (2020)
Underrated. Atmospheric horror.
10 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start with the railings here: they are what they are because people set wrong expectations, or/and this is not mainstream. It's very different from most stuff out there. I get it there are bunch of trippy art house films with wierd vibes. However this one stands out for being its own. Firstly - the soundtrack of this movie in itself deserves a recognition, just the sounds sets plenty of creepy atmosphere, being sometimes uncomfortable to just hear. Bravo. From the beginning of the movie I wasn't ready for it, my wife and I and even considered turning it off. But than shortly in to it I kinda understood that it might be special. Was intrigued.

If you are expecting common horror or a blockbuster, that's not it, far from it. You are in for slow, phycological and creepy ride. The intro gives you plenty hint to what is going to be happening in the story, yet keeps you interested to watch.

I thought that acting was good. The display of the relationship between main characters was done excellently. And played well. The Karen character also did phenomenal job.

The topic of cannibalism, the lobotomy, no happy ending is that not enough base for something scary and disturbing.
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The Batman (2022)
From cool to boring to silly and overdramatic.
1 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As my title says: in my opinion this movie went from being cool (original take) with good potential, to being ridiculously stretched out and boring, to becoming silly overdramatic.

You do get a hint of what you gonna get at the beginning of the movie - the hero lacks confidence, the script goes something like: maybe it's not possible to save Gotham, maybe it's too late... Blah blah.. as Nirvana plays in the background.

I didn't expect it to stay this melancholic.

I'll go in order: the beginning of the movie I noticed the different approach and I did appreciate it. The bike rides, the low profile on streets and not always in fancy bat suit. Although being a bit emo, he was also cool and collected, maybe it was supposed to be not emo but gothic ..? I get it, they showed him being surrounded by darkness and reflecting what his surroundings are. Even having scenes with his make up and vibe of almost a joker like character in a slight hint. Even the melancholy mentioned above was fitting, at least as a sprinkle and not a whole flavor of this sad soup ..haha.. Anyway, I thought the beginning had potential.

But it then got watered down so much, I lost interest, it wasn't holding me on the edge of my seat. The story started splitting in different directions, and becoming unclear. The game of Sherlock Holmes (Batman) and Dr Watson (detective) got a bit boring. That with the super stretched screentime killed it so much. I also didn't appreciate the cliche cat lady (felt like she got nothing new to her character, and she didn't ) while found riddle character to be boring also. Just not edgy, nor fun. Although he could have been much sharper if they tried better, especially with such an actor.

From there the interest to this movie was getting lost and it was hard to win it back. As that's where you are for next 1-2 hours.

Towards the end of the film cool and collected Batman did show us he was in fact an emo and not a strong willed and cool minded Batman. The silly riddle character made him scream like a little b*"ch. They both were being hysterical and stupid. He also gets taken down with bunch of unprofessional shooters who didn't even use fully automatic weapons. Again he is being emotional and overdramatic there. To top it the Batman also failed as a detective problem solver.

So you left with fiasco in the story and fiasco of a character and fiasco of a movie. Triple

I'm no professional critic and I hope I was able to break it down on why this Batman seemed like a little b**ch instead of a hero. Same goes for the villain. Watered down, stretched, Batman without a target is what we got.

PS: I see a lot of low rating are here strictly mentioned Robert Pattinson. I don't think he is terrible Batman, I think he got dealt crappy cards for this role. Could have been good, but wasn't. Also if we are going to talk about actors I don't know if I appreciate a cat girl role to go to someone with possible enabler and predator status. At least keep her away from younger viewers.(pg13 movies) but that's debatable I get it.
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Bullet Head (2017)
23 February 2022
Isn't a bad film. Perhaps too many "story time" between the characters, seemed a bit forced. (I get it, introduction of characters) but those parts felt synthetic. Let me say - the acting wasn't bad. Perhaps the fact that the story sort of gets hung on pause and stays while you also getting a display of a low budget scenes that's zone in the movie (for me) dropped it from 7* to 5.5 ... only if characters would act more decisively as they are introduced as sharp minded experienced in their field fellas. Also as a dog person myself there are some scenes that played out a bit unrealistically (but I get it it's hard to shoot a film with an animal).

It had potential to be more.
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Zone 414 (2021)
Deserves a strong 7 + stars.
3 January 2022
I don't get why something as simple and flat plained as avengers (whatever part) gets 8* while a movie that's is it's own and is quality sci-fi film gets rated 5- on here.

Here is why I think this movie deserves a 7+ star rating average (I'll keep it short) : 1) actors are well picked and do a good job.

2) the movie has a cool "synthwave" atmosphere and visually pleasing 3) the story is good and not flat 4) as a quality scifi it has some philosophy behind it And yes it's all been done before, but it delivers. Enjoyed it much more than the new matrix garbage, trying to be reasonable with the comparisons and ratings.

If you liked ex-machina and blade runner 2049 You going to enjoy it!
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Parody of the original film.
1 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First of all I'd like to mention that I was very excited to hear about new matrix, and was looking forward to watching it. I love the trilogy. With a heavy heart I walked out of the theater on this one.

Creating a new part for something as good as the matrix is a risk (expectations are high, and most of the story is told) but I assumed they had plenty of time to think of something and will make a killer film. Boy was I wrong! They butchered the crap out of it. They highlight the fact that time past yet, nothing changed, nothing new brought to the table. Characters look like they fell out of year 2000 and it could have been okay, if it wasnt made so cliché and parody like. In the matrix 4 you are rewatching same story, they even copied some scenes exactly. Also good 20 % of this film is straight up pieces of the original Matrix. It feels like a parody of itself. And they let you know it from the beginning, setting a viewer into having to choose whether they like or hate the film withing the first minutes of it's beginning. You can see what most viewers thought about this introduction of new matrix. Also with the the original movie scenes in this one, it feels like a message " we didn't know what to do here so here is the piece of something you all like" Quote from an interview : "Lana'sdesire to bring Neo and Trinity Carrie-Anne Moss together again, and the feeling that it could be good medicine for her, for the story, and, potentially, for the audience," the star continued. So here you have it, the audience is the last in this list "with potentially they will enjoy it" sort of mentality, that's how this poor soap opera cheese ball was created.

Mockery of the original movie and total grab for money.

DONT spend your money on it, you will regret it! Better yet don't watch it even if it's free.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Well you tell me, but it's relative either way :)
26 December 2021
This film, although a character of our reality is still very relative and pictures well where we are as humans.

Look through reviews there are mostly a split of opinions pretty white and black, I'm not even gonna point the irony in that, but just want to say that it's worth watching and making out of it what you see.

If I step back from the meaning of it to me and just give you a surface review - there are few things I'd want to mention : great acting, clever and funny parallels of our today's world and society (whatever you think of our progress or/and degradation) Excellent movie however you take it, although there are some 1*s I wonder if the ignorant mass got butthurt :D See for yourself it's a good one 👌
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Ran down theater with washed up alcoholic hobo looking actor crew.
14 July 2021
Firstly this movie got early 2000's vibes all over it and not in a good way. In the way where you gonna be asking yourself have I seen this scene in another (Maybe even with same actors) movie? It brings nothing new to the table. Main character has same ridiculous amount of fresh makeup on her no matter how dirty she gets, same as the resident evil movie was in that sense. The action cuts are abrupt and annoying. The story .. there isn't one, and if there is it's so hollow that I can't tell you what it was. And all the characters look like washed up bums on the bottom of a bottle in a ran down non profit theater.

I mentioned Resident Evil up there, well you are basically watching same thing just with bigger creatures and less plot. I feel like Mila didn't get out of the Resident Evil movies when it might have done good for her, and now she only has one role. I actually decided to give this movie a shot because of her, but found nothing fresh or entertaining here. Stopped watching at maybe 85% of the movie. That's how bad it was for me.

Netflix does better with newbie actors who got no screentime under their belt now days. Sorry y'all.
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
If you want to watch it, don't let negative reviews stop you.
4 May 2021
I'll try to say as little as possible so no spoilers.

I, personally wanted to watch it and changed my mind the first time going to a theater as I read some reviews here. I'm glad I changed my mind again and went to see it.

I enjoyed the whole movie,and looking forward to next one. The negative reviews mostly say couple of things : 1 bad acting 2 not enough action.. Well firstly it's not an oscar reaching drama so for acting - acting was fine, all characters were in their style and some even better than expected.

The movie has plenty of action but you gotta keep in mind that it's clearly made to be continued soon, so this film gives a nice welcome to MK world. Well balanced story good action and def fun MK fights.

...these reviewers must have lost the love for MK world, but it's easier to criticize the movie vs recognizing that they too old for this .lol..

Ignore negative reviews, go watch it and enjoy.
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Killing Eve (2018–2022)
8-10 * ???? I disagree and here is why:
14 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Strqight to it : First 4 episodes were ok, but even the first 4 were questionable. For instance - she (the assassin ) is walking right in front of their face everywhere, but they cant see her. Even with a description of her, she shows up at murder seen and just invisible right in front of the cops. Too unbelievable . The eve character who is a professional has her damn luggage stolen by the killer she is looking for right in front of her nose - WTF ?? Thats just the beginning from there it goes just downhill. Episode with coligues shooting seen is absurd They too supposed to be professionals but they act and handle weapons like teenage tugs. Basically after 5th episode i could not watch this cheese. Rating this garbage 10 means you either hooked on tv shows and not remember a single good movie or that you simply have no taste, and understanding or imagination of what professionals are. PS her name is not Russian. Her Russian sucks. Her employer would have her killed after she mentioned his daughter. This is Buffy vampire slayer quality series. Trash.
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