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You People (2023)
What the LA elite think humans sound like
30 January 2023
I wanted to like this. I have loved many works by Hill and Murphy, they have made absolutely perfect films before. They have also done great offensive comedy before. I love offensive comedy. I was hoping this was being disliked because of its offensiveness. It is not. It is just boring and unrelatable.

I think this is written by Los Angeles elite TRYING to be offensive, but they are so indoctrinated they dont know what that would sound like. They dont know what normal humans sound like. All the "offensive" jokes are very obvious and sstrange and unrealistic. None of the characters are likeable. I fell asleep 1/2 way through just because I hadn't laughed at all. I was just staring at the screen puzzled as to how a movie with great actors could be so bad.

Jonah Hill has been making some terrible stuff lately honestly as a trend. Eddie Murphy may be the all time most wasted film talent though. I can't think of a greater actor who has more consistently made unwatchable Pluto Nash type garbage. Pluto Nash is more entertaining than this. Its a shame because every movie with him I keep wanting him to be funny, I can tell he still has it, but nobody wants to write him jokes. Such a waste.

Skip this one no matter how offensive you do or don't like your comedy. Bottom line, its a snooze with no jokes or relatability to human life.
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Bullet Train (2022)
Classic Brad Pitt Kung Fu Comic Book
2 October 2022
Great cast and acting, great setting and atmosphere, nonstop entertainment. I am a big fan of kung fu movies, constantly have Bruce Lee in the background, and while this might technically not be a kung fu movie, it captures the spirit of them. Definitely also has some Guy Ritchie inspiration to it. Some people are saying Tarantino but I dont see that at all. Not even close to a similar tone to Tarantino. I guess because its an ensemble of assassins in Asia and kung fu inspired? Seems to be really weird nitpicking to make that off link, or to call this movie derivative instead of inspired. Its definitely its own brand new thing in many ways.

It felt like an exciting action comic book to me. Every actor is happy to be there and putting their all into these extremO assassin caricatures. Its good to see Brad Pitt have real fun like this and try again, he even does the old Tyler Durden happy dance at one point. Joey King is also one of my favorites from many so bad they're good type movies. This one is actually good so that's fun. Lemon is very fun. A train setting is extremely fun. Some fun twists and surprise cameos. For me specifically it felt like they just rounded up all my favorite movie ingredients in a blender to make a perfect movie smoothie. This movie has it all and keeps it moving like a bullet train, will definitely be rewatched by me several times for many years as its just a very pleasant stylistic environment. If you cant have fun with this movie I hope whatever is troubling you gets better for you and you find some better fate and/or luck soon.
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My Son Hunter (2022)
Very nice reenactment of the news, not exactly high art though
19 September 2022
This is an important attempt at art. I was very pleased to see the ads for this one. Obviously there are powerful entities trying their best to cover up the important factual elements of this movie. The world of cinema has been so influenced by these forces that making a controversial in your face movie about the factual truth at the heart of this news story and making it with an attitude is very punk rock and I stand and applaud that.

This movie lays out some important facts. The lead actor is very good at playing the titular character. Shedding light on these matters through this art form at this moment in history is very important. I just wish I had more nice things to say about it, but that's about it. It reminds me more of the brief corny reenacting segments from a Dnesh Dsouza documentary than it does a classic piece of real cinema. If you want to know the facts, here are they are. Its just I dont know who this movie is for.

Anybody who wants to see this is probably already curious enough and knowledgeable enough about all the facts in the movie. I was expecting these facts to have a good movie around them. A well told story that you could appreciate in a timeless fashion even if you had no idea about any of this or the weight of it at present. Unfortunately that doesn't happen. False advertising. I wouldn't recommend it to people who dont follow American politics closely. Its a well done reenactment of facts and lays them out well in the way you would expect a corny network reenactment to play out. They try to inject some comedy but it isn't well done or funny aside from a few brief moments. The acting aside from the main character (he's great) is very very amateur, as is the pacing and cinematography and soundtrack and the rest. If you're looking for confirmation bias and dead set on liking this and laughing at the poorly told "jokes" that's the only way I could see calling this a good piece of cinema.

As a reenactment of facts it succeeds and is more fun than just watching a documentary with interviews and talking heads. I just feel betrayed by the false advertising that this is a real top notch film. I think most of the target audience already knows these facts, so it would have been nice if it could appeal to more of mainstream moviegoers. As a reenactment of important present news stories it succeeds in the way a really good episode of a TV News Drama like Unsolved Mysteries would. As true timeless cinematic art, nope, I dont know how anybody could say that with honesty it even finds the ballpark. A step in the right direction for cinema, but a very small baby step that ends in a collapse. Its heart was in the right place, but thats not enough. Better luck next time, keep trying.
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Fall (I) (2022)
Perfect exploitation of fear of heights
2 September 2022
This was one of the scariest movies I've ever seen, reminded me of being a kid again when Freddy and Jason used to give me the chills. Now I'm a man and I can punch Jason in the face, or at least go out fighting. Monsters and ghosts and beasts don't scare me. But I can't fight a 1000 feet of air. Its that helplessness to control your fate if you fall that makes extreme heights spook me. This movie exploited that perfectly at every turn. Story was short and sweet and perfect for this movie, put the focus on the survival situation. It also helped that those ladies are not only great actresses, but extremely attractive, so it had an added sympathy factor where I as a man don't want to see these pretty girls explode on the ground. So it triggers protective instincts on top of the instinctual fear of extreme height. Every other aspect of it I didn't write about here was all perfect also, setting, cinematography, music stings, and so on etc. Just an awesome thrilling film that entertained all the way through for me. This is a classic 90 straight minutes of awesome.
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Nope (2022)
An awesome cheesy UFO movie ruined by pretentiousness
27 August 2022
Jordan Peele reminds me A LOT of M Knight Shyamalan. He makes one cool concept movie and gets all this praise as the next big thing and then gets high on his own farts and starts thinking he's more brilliant than he really is. This is a heavy handed metaphor aimed at the bubble of other rich hollywood film directors and mainstream critics. Think Shaymalan's Lady in The Water. It also reminds me of the Happening.

Its a hard movie to rate though because the vehicle he uses to shove down his clumsy stupid metaphor is so beautiful. Much like Shyamalan can make his dumb ideas look really pretty, but Peele is even better at it here. This is a visually amazing cheesy B movie about UFOs with great acting and cinematography. If he had just let it be that this could have been a classic, parts of it are so cool and just those parts make me want to recommend it. However, by the end of the film all the cool looking stuff just feels empty because during the climax you are fully aware that none of this matters other than the heavy handed clumsy metaphor he's been constantly trying to jam down your throat at the expense of the movie surrounding it.

I can't really explain just how clumsy it was without spoiling anything. If you're familiar with Shyamalan you'll get the vibe of what I'm saying. Such a shame, he's visually a great director. I hated the main point of the movie, but I LOVED the visuals and acting, so I guess weighing those two opposing forces I'll give it a 6. The awesome visuals outweigh the bad metaphors and make it above average for me.
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One of the worst films I've ever seen
27 August 2022
I had a hunch the whole time that this was written by one of these vapid modern kids trying to parody themselves. I was right. The problem is the writers ARE these types of people, so I think they just dont know how to satirize themselves, because these types of people are generally all humorless. If you want to listen to Gen Z kids being humorless and insufferable for no reason... I guess make a Tiktok account or something, its got to be more entertaining than this movie. There's nothing so bad its good or cheesy good here even, its just an annoying boring movie about annoying boring people saying annoying boring things. I guessed the "twist" very early, its not a twist, there is nothing of value here.
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Chucky (I) (2021– )
This is a legit next Chucky chapter
25 August 2022
I didn't watch it for a while because the last movie reboot made me think this would also be too different from the weirdness of the previous Chucky movies. Also it had some red flags in terms of THE MESSAGE social commentary. None of that was really an issue, this is the OG Chucky with the same writing and voice and attitude. There's only a few brief moments where it feels weirdly like a mainstream teen CW drama. The rest of it is incredibly weird and depraved and mean spirited in the most fun ways like all the other stories in the wacky convoluted canon of Chucky. If you've watched all the other canonical Chuckys up to this point, you should also enjoy this a lot. A couple points off for plot holes and hanging plot threads but generally a great time and I look forward to another season. Telling the Chucky story in this TV format works well because you get more time to set up each character so you care a little more when they fall victim to the madness of the Chucky universe. The writer did not reel it in for TV, its still completely bonkers, check it out.
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The Void (I) (2016)
Criminally underrated classic
15 August 2022
I don't understand why this movie doesn't have more of a cult following. Its definitely on the level of at least the good Hellraiser movies. You'll get some John Carpenter, HP Lovecraft vibes like Cthulu is under your bed. I watched it for the 3rd time and was sad to find it on the Crackle App that is best known for having unloved dead properties like Alf or Sliver Spoons or Benson. Where is the love? This is spooky and great and blew my mind away.
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Moonfall (2022)
Emmerich learned to stop trying and just give in to what he does best
14 August 2022
Its OK to be cheesy Roland. This guy has been pretending he has something to say with his movies because he got a big head after how well Independence Day did. ID was also cheesy and bad but it came out at the right time in cinema history and nobody had seen that before. He thought he was a real deep filmmaker or something after that and made a bunch of movies with explosions that he thought also had a plot and acting with something to say.

Here, he stops doing that. He drops any attempt at deep plot and acting completely, and creates something so weirdly bad it is insanely entertaining and fun to watch especially with friends and refreshments. The plot is bonkers, even as a conspiracy theorist myself I was unprepared for this. This movie scoffs at physics. It spits at the concept of acting. I love it so much, it found the sweet spot this director should live in making so bad its good, cheesy explosion movies. If The Room had a baby with Independence Day, it would be this movie. Tons of fun, I need multiple sequels, the conspiracy here would be fun to see him explore further its so wacky.
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Prey (I) (2022)
That sure was a predator movie
14 August 2022
I like all the predator movies a lot. This was also a predator movie. It was better than the last one. It was better than Requiem. So its a middle of the road predator movie where predator things happened. The effects were the worst of any predator. I feel like they should have just had some of the action more implied off screen if they didn't have the money for CGI bears and lions. It dragged a lot in the second half before the climax. A lot of silly things in the script that bothered me but overall it was decent enough (when it wasn't being poorly CGI'd) to create a cool predator tone. I liked the setting. I liked the Aubrey Plaza Jr actress. Overall better than it looked from the trailers. In conclusion, this was a predator movie.
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The Northman (2022)
Heavy Metal Rahhhhhhh!
7 August 2022
I used to take psychedelics while listening to Iron Maiden after weightlifting. Watching this movie is a similar experience. It is made of Heavy Metal. Best of the best from the great actors and setting, especially Kidman. A cool very old school tale of revenge. Only part I felt was a little off was the love story, the chemistry of it was just passable to me. Overall though I would rate this movie as a MACHO MAYAHN, SNAP IT TO A SLIM JIM out of Metallica!
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They/Them (2022)
So Footloose and My Girl are running a conversion camp with an 80's slasher bonus? How can you not watch this!?
7 August 2022
Its so hard to hit that sweet spot of "so bad its good" in a horror movie. I look at a movie like Wish Upon as one of the pinnacles of a so bad its good horror movie. This wacky film is certainly in the ballpark. I've watched so many horror films I guess I appreciate anything crazy and weird I haven't seen before. This is so weird. It has possibly the worst scene ever put to film in the form of a sing along that is uncomfortably cringey no matter who you are. It really shows that we are all the same as humans deep down, because its equally cringey for any and all parties that could possibly be watching. What a way to unify us all. Other than that scene, its a pretty solid cheesy camp slasher movie most of the time. The great cinematography and acting and directing are a fun contrast to the bonkers weird script and setting for this cheeseball horror. It hit the sweet spot for me, never boring, often unintentionally hilarious, just a fun watch. This is a universe where Friday the 13th and Kevin Bacon exist, but nobody seems to notice the counselors resemblance, or was Kevin Bacon not in Friday the 13th in this universe, whoooaaa deep, just one of many wacky touches in here. The sudden graphic love scenes, I looked away, but I was laughing as I did so, and I get the point of the reversal of the norm, but the way they did, more unintentional comedy. Obviously based on rankings the movie offended somebody, because even if you don't appreciate so bad its good qualities in film its not THAT bad. I really can't tell specifically who it offended though, I think both ends of the spectrum on the topic honestly, which makes the movie even more interesting to me. The chaotic weirdness here appeals to me. Bottom line, I'm very entertained and this gives Wish Upon a run for its money. Watch it with friends and have a laugh, you definitely wont be bored at least.
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Yup its bad even if you want to like it
4 August 2022
What were they thinking? I like Gina Carano but why is she cast in this role? Why was this movie so dull and generic? It seems like most reviewers here like the Daily Wire and wanted to like the movie like myself, but the honesty and reason that comes with being a Daily Wire fan and truth teller means its impossible for anyone to give this a good review even as fans going in. If you saw the trailer and thought "Huh? Gina Carano? In this? Looks pretty lame..." then you've seen the whole movie. I like most of the other Daily Wire movies a lot, what a disappointment.
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Dog (I) (2022)
Second best dog on screen ever
26 July 2022
You can't beat Milo and Otis in my book, but maybe thats just a personal thing for me. I expected this to be maybe too sappy or too serious or too goofy. It wasn't too much of any of those things, just enough of those things. It perfectly plays on the heartstrings, and I have very little heart, kind of a mean jerk, so for me to be so moved by the comedy and sentiment and struggles here was something I hadn't felt from a movie in a long time. Its a tale about a guy and a dog, thats about it, but its perfect in its simplicity. If you don't hate dogs, you will love this movie. Good doggy.
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I had low expectations but wow
26 July 2022
The trailer looked like a watchable horror movie, nothing special but not a lot of good horror lately so I tried it. Wow, the characters and setting really pull you into the story. About a half hour in I had to look up who made this because from the super cruel bullies to somebody who seemed to have the Shining, I was getting some serious Stephen King vibes. Found out its his son making this, very cool, he's allowed to copy his dad if he does it this well. No wasted or boring scenes, doesn't spend time explaining things you dont need to see or know every facet of. That seems to be a complaint in a lot of these reviews that they dont explain enough. These people probably also want to know what that weirdo in the Bear costume in the Shining was up to. Its creepier if its left to your imagination sometimes. I had no questions about anything at the end, I dont get those complaints, in my head its all clear what happened here. All the actors were great, well paced, a couple jump scares but mostly just that creepy spooked feeling a good King story gives you. Definitely a classic and one of Stephen Kings best films even if he had to produce a son to write it for him.
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Not to be pretentious...
31 May 2022
But this was like so totally over your head simpletons, like literally, like go to college or sumtin... I hate when people do that but these previous reviews are extra silly. Most people really didn't get it or even find the ballpark. It seems like religious people are mad at it for not being about their religion, atheists are mad at it for being too much about religion, and horror fans are mad for it not being horror (that last one is kind of valid). Its a slow building thought provoking mostly dialogue based single location movie, so if that's not exciting enough then I get that, but that's not what most people are critiquing so that's weird to me.

I really enjoyed it myself. It kept me guessing as to the nature of the reality of the film until the end which I loved. Lots to think about if you have an open mind and go in blind without expectations or religion hangups. I don't know that I agree with the filmmakers or can even tell where they stand on most of the ideas explored, but it was definitely interesting and fun to ponder. Starts slow but definitely inflicts a growing sense of dread and suspense that leads to an ending I found very satisfying, others may not, I'd get that. Very unique and new and smart, don't see those adjectives much from modern movies, cant think of a movie to compare it to, so this one deserves much higher praise I think. Want to see more from whoever's responsible for this with a bigger budget.
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Who is this for? Seriously I dont get it
25 May 2022
I'm a big time comic book collector so I check out all these Disney movies and even like some of them a lot despite Disneys best efforts to ruin Marvel. I just don't understand the appeal of a Scarlet Witch and Doctor Strange teamup comic book. Like, if this was a comic book it would not be on my pull list. They are two side characters that are sometimes used as deus ex machinas in the big popular comic books. It was kind of enjoyable for me as a fan to see these comic characters and the Darkhold on a big screen, but I dont understand what the illiterate masses who dont read comics are getting out of any of this.

I didn't even watch the whole first movie because it was really boring, but Raimi pulled me in here and did a great job here of making the best Scarlet Witch movie possible. Which is still not that interesting of a focus given the epic scope and storied history of the Marvel Comics Universe. I appreciated it as a comics nerd since a toddler but why is everybody else watching this? I really don't get it. Its a Scarlet Witch, America Chavez, Darkhold, Dr Strange (in that order) comic brought to life. Nobody would buy those comics, never in history have they been big sellers.

I guess people are just watching for the end credits scenes in hopes the next movie it teases looks cool and so on and on it goes. This time we get a clip of an obscure lame comics character played by former movie star Childabuse Theron. Whooptie Doo. Raimi made it the best it could be, love him, extra points there, I'm just baffled by the popularity of this one. I would only recommend this to someone who has been reading comic books for decades and just wants to see these characters live acted out for an hour or two, and only if you have spare time or really love Raimi. Feels like it should have a niche audience of me and a small group.
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The Seed (II) (2021)
Mesmerizingly bad
25 May 2022
Well that was unique. It was basically a 90s skinemax late night softcore sci fi movie minus the gratuitous nudity. What a bummer. Still the ladies were pretty hot. It was confusing to watch because it was filmed pretty well with decent cinematography like a decent movie. Then it has a stupid silly plot with bad acting. If there were boobies I'd give this a thumbs up but this movie kept thinking it was a real movie so there was none of that. Still, it really did have a mesmerizing quality to how bad it was kind of like The Room. I almost feel like it was trying to be bad on purpose but I could never really tell. Just for being so perplexing and holding my attention with its unique badness, I give it a 6. If you want a funny bad movie to hate watch with pretty ladies in it, its OK for that.
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Only 86 ratings... seems legit
28 April 2022
My previous review was deleted for being too harsh. No foul language, just explaining what the movie is. The Bezos monopoly in charge of thought crimes on this site thought I wasn't being progressive enough apparently. Let me just say I didn't like this and give it a 1 because of the cinematography or whatever. I also would have liked to see more diversity and inclusion and equity from the producers. They are not progressive enough to be called my comrades.
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Barry (2018–2023)
Lots of fun, but one critique
28 April 2022
This is one of the few examples of where the drama takes me out of the comedy. This show is hilarious, as a comedy I give it a 10. The drama really confuses my brain sometimes though as its not as good and seems to not be set in the same universe.

Like the Tae Kwon Do episode in season 2 for example. Everything in that episode is objectively hilarious. Everybody's actions are implausible and ridiculous but its hilarious so who cares. It works in a silly world. BUT then they suck me out of it occasionally to a serious drama about Barry's trauma that is filmed like a serious HBO drama. It feels weird and off putting. I feel like it should have a lighter tone and filming style similar to Weeds which this reminds me of a little. Weeds had a similar comedy/drama issue but it was ultimately a drama set in a silly comedic world. Barry by contrast is a silly comedy set in a dramatic world. If think that makes sense. I wish they'd at least film it in a different way, brighten up the colors and whatnot. Anyways, the comedy is so funny I still give it a 9 despite this recurring issue I have with it.
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X (II) (2022)
By the book tropes done very well
26 April 2022
This movie isn't reinventing the wheel and its derivative, but when its done this well thats fine with me. If you want to see a decent 80sstyle slasher film this is a really good one. It reminded me of watching the early Friday the 13th movies A LOT, much deja vu, but in a good way. If you liked the first few Friday the 13ths and Texas Chainsaw this should be fun for you. Definitely had its own unique weirdness even though it reminds of other movies. Could have done without some of the gross scenes (or darker lighting maybe). I missed these types of films.
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Very unique movie on an interesting subject
23 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is very stylistically unique with the visual storytelling carried just by great acting. Great overall slice of life story about two tortured souls yadda yadda loved all that. Its dark and slow but worth the watch.

What I find weird is Hollywood of all places greenlit this. This did get released before the president was Jeffrey Epsteins next door island neighbor, a comically creepy bad touchy old man who cant shut up about little kids rubbing his hairy legs. This movie exists in a world where it is just commonplace for US politicians to fight over their favorite child sex slaves. This was before more and more of the mainstream folks started catching on to it. Was this a low key based Q anon commercial, or was this the evil illuminati just dunking on us all again? Who's to say really, maybe I'm just being wacky, but that element intrigued me. Inherent to the movie's premise is that you believe at least a lil bit in the freaky underground goings on of the Skull and Bones type wealthy elite being common practice. I liked that, seems based. Other than that, also a great well acted to the point movie with a very unique style. I'm sure Disney passed on this script, so kudos to whoever did give the greenlight to this great film.
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Fear the Walking Dead (2015–2023)
I liked it when it had protagonists and a story
20 April 2022
This was a really decent spinoff at first. A fun look in to a different area of the apocalypse through the eyes of one family. Specifically a mother and her troubled son. Those were the main characters, then there were just a few really cool side characters like the rich black hero/villain guy, or the principled latin catholic family man. At some point that show ended and just turned into a mess of random zombie stuff happening to random people. I think it tanked when they dumped the wacky dude from the main show on to this one because his comics story was over but they liked the actor. Then Dharma and Greg show up and some other people. I don't even know what the show is now, I see ads and it doesn't look recognizeable. Really enjoyed the first couple seasons though, those were about an 8, overall I give it a 6 but only because I love this universe, normal people must hate it more.
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Choose or Die (2022)
Very nice surprise
20 April 2022
I just put this on in the background expecting another by the numbers bad horror movie with a potentially cool concept like Ouija or Truth or Dare or Escape Room. Here its an 80s text adventure style game where you are likely to be eaten by a grue. This time the fun concept actually works. It could have been better maybe, but it was still really fun.

I realized Robert Englund really sucked me in having grown up with that voice scaring me. I always like the part in Nightmare on Elm St 6 where the stoner got sucked into the video game. This is basically that as a movie. If you aren't a fan of cheesy 80s style horror movies then you may not like it, but I loved it. The ending made me really want to see more of this world. I hope it becomes a franchise. Its a bad horror movie that is fun and weird and kind of silly but just works. Like at first I rolled my eyes at the creepy apartment 80s villain thug, but by the end I loved how ridiculous his lines and acting were. Love when that happens organically, please give me lots of sequels. Great origin story.
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The Outlaws (2021– )
By the numbers bland sitcom, but also a lil Walken
19 April 2022
There's a few little smiles to be had here in the beginning but once they shift into dramatic plotlines you realize this show isn't just a silly comedy, it also has some really terrible drama. They even point out how cliched and filled with boring tropes the story is at one point, which gives you a quick smile, but doesn't stop them from continuing the bland obviousness. Self deprecation of your terrible story doesn't suddenly cure it.

Just another bland boring "comedy" from the BBC. I'm sure there's a few fancy British ladies who think this is funny, but most wont be entertained. I tried it for Walken and to see why he was in this. He's fine in it, he's basically the same character he was in Joe Dirt, except less funny and older and clearly not trying. He disappears sometimes because they couldn't get him to film all the scenes. I feel like he went on a vacation to the UK and payed for it by briefly walking through scenes for this random show for a week or two.

Its harmless, it didn't make me upset to watch, but its definitely not good. One episode is enough, I know the rest already. Boring.
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