
8 Reviews
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24 December 2004
One of the funniest films I've ever seen.

It also provided one of the funniest showing of a film I've ever had the enjoyment to participate in.

After a house party when no one else was up i watched this on my own, after about 10 minutes some random came down stairs and decided to watch it with me...

He honestly thought it was a real documentary and was amazed at the detail of the academic reasoning. About three quarters of the way through he got up and left, so to this day he must think i was watching the most mind boggling documentary he had ever seen...funny that.
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Rollerball (1975)
This film is the don/Ubermensch.
8 December 2004
I thought id right this as some other comment said it was disappointing, and i had to put them straight.

This is a flawed masterpiece, yes. But still a masterpiece. The slow bits that other commentators point out are in contrast to the super fast game scenes. And what a Dirty Little Game it is.

But hey thats life, I think this ranks up there with 1984, as one of the few films that realistically depicts life as it really is.

I think the strength and ultimately the weakness of this film is the simplicity it achieves.

Strength, as usually a film with this sort of scope becomes rather convoluted and philosophical; but this film uses some visually stunning symbols and very little dialogue - remember those fools who say that there is no depth of character, this film is based in the world of "the last man", where everyone is a weak victim of the state, they don't have any depth of characture. Thats the point, the state has achieved its ideal.

Its weekness, as people don't get this film (people generally don't get many films), as in the case of Donnie Darko, but DD is so obviously complicated people think that they are missing something. With this film blink and you miss it - its so simple people don't see its masterful and sublime use of symbols. Also you get the feeling the directer thought his film would be banned for glorifying violence, so he made a special effort to hammer his point home(take the losing an epoch scene).

And at worst think its some film about violence. I first saw this film when i was 14, and it opened up my eyes to the use of symbols and structures in films. Watch it, it changed the way i view films and life.

Not an exaggeration.
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1984 (1984)
29 November 2004
Nobody seems to get this book/film, your all going on about totalitarian regimes, illuminarty and other such stuff of nonsense. The book is about the "last man"(Nieztche), and his inability to think freely and control his environment, causing such power structures to come about. He creates such powerstructures so he can blame them for controlling him, without ever realising that they are of his own devising. Think room 101. A torture of your own devising.(why rats - because deep down he knows hes part of the rat race, no matter how much he denies it). If anyone is looking for a deeper understanding of this phenomena, then please look into the work of Winnicott, and the intermediate area of illusion. Subjective reality - Winston intermediate area of illusion - Julia Objective reality - O'brian

will we ever learn and throw off the tyranny of BB, which i guarantee is very much real.
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Baise-moi (2000)
Less Haste
22 November 2004
Cum now, Cum now

To much Haste not enough brevity brothers. I actually quite enjoyed this film (does that make me sick). I quite enjoyed Alien which is about male rape (does that make me sick).

Firstly, we must remember that the director and both actresses are former porn stars, so what we may see as shocking and the like is everyday stuff to them. So just because they make a film depicting their lives we call it wrong. And i actually think that the porn film style really twists your perspective - it makes you realize how much genre effects how you judge things.

Secondly, its actually quite a rigorously intellectual film. Don't believe me, its all about duality... the first girl represents the body, she gets raped the second girl represents the mind, Godart her friend is killed (godart/god).

So with an abused body and no moral authority the story really starts...

But you know what really, really, makes me think this is a film of value is the fact its so womanly.

I'm a man, by the way, and what i can't stand is feminism thats all lardy dar, womens lib and "its alright to say no". Like they never read "the female eunuch", Its alright to say Yes, Yes, Yes.

This film has something to say on the subject-and i have to admit that i walked away from this film feeling like i understood a womans world more. And what feminist film ever did that?
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Donnie Darko (2001)
18 November 2004
Yes like everyone else i have seen this film, And yes like everyone else it is good. But I'm pretty fed up with everyone having the True reason behind its making.

And id be a Fool to say what i thought but...

the point of this film is to say there are no Truths.

The history of man is suffused with the patriarchal archtype, the leader, the tool maker, the truth sayer. It is those people who claim to see the truth, and so are able to control the future, who are blind to reality. Frank is another word for Truth, Dur.

So to say it has no meaning and is open to interpretation is neither true nor false, because the whole premise of the film was to deny a structural analysis of life.




And further more, this film, I think, shows the future of women in films no longer a structural opposite, a dialectic daisy, a mindless muse. Finally

p.s. I'm a MAN (deepvoice)
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14 November 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I couldn't disagree with the other commenter more. For a start the dubbing on this film is pure genius, i don't know what the voice over people were on but i want some. SOME SPOILERS----The blood Ninjas want to terminate the drunken fist gang, The leader of the Blood Ninjas is a hard man with a one eyed gimp as a sidekick (very symbolic). So they try to hunt down the drunken master with no success.

So they look for the Drunken kid instead. Also looking for the Drunken Kid is a patriarchal, misogynist, law man.

Drunken kid hides in a leper colony where he finds the drunken master living in the dirt (message). He improves his Drinking skills, then goes of to rescue his girl from the blood ninjas clutches.

And fails miserably, and then gets panned...

Until, the mysterious law man comes to his aid. With their powers combines the two opposites "come together to form thunder" and defeat the Ninja boss.

How can anyone say the martial arts in this are no good. Eagle Han, man, he's one of the best. And being let in on the drunken fists stone body technique, opened my eyes to the structural composition of Eastern Martial arts. hmhm Great film with some great reasons for being.
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Richard Harrison fan club
28 October 2004
This film is one of Richard Harrison's (blonde Ninja) "just add Ninja" films - where some money minded martial artists buy an incomplete Asian martial arts film then add some extra ninja scenes and sell it to us saps in the west.

But i gota admit THIS FILM IS FUNNY and your kind of glad when billy dies...

Check out Richard Harrison's Biography(on this site) for a very interesting tale.

Also of interest is the film " Golden Ninja Warrior" not to be confused with "Ninja Terminator", in fact watch all three of these films and you can actually see the change from all action Ninja films to disturbingly misogynistic exploitation. And that some people just don't learn from their mistakes.
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Fury in the Shaolin Temple (1979) the inspiration to KILL BILL
28 October 2004
Now I'm not gonna say this film is bad or good (Thats partly what the films about) and i can see that every other dunder head has tried to review it (2000+ and counting) and no ones probably ever gonna read this cus it's gonna get lost in the main stream.

But, I don't know if any of you have seen the pretty obscure "Fury in the Shaolin Temple (1979)", probably not; I'm pretty sure its the inspiration for the Kill Bill films.

Its got a bloke who looks stunningly similar to the long of eyebrow master in Kill Bill2. It's got chopstick training. And the whole film is about the student/master relationship.

Now this is driving me a little crazy cus I might be the only person in the world to know this (thats a hell of a responsibility).

Watch "Fury in the Shaolin Temple (1979)", pass this on, prove me wrong.

Ha and i didn't even mention Master/slave morality and all that trap
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