
2 Reviews
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Panic Room (2002)
The only time you should panic is if you are about to watch this movie
20 November 2004
Although "Panic Room" is probably meant to be a thriller or suspense film or something like that, I couldn't help but think it was a comedy. The zany robbers, the lonely house, and the little "girl", who really really really really looks like a boy. From this description, "Panic Room" has all the right ingredients for a "Home Alone" style laugh-fest. The little girl even looks remarkably like Macualy Culkin. However, after only a short way into the film, my hopes and dreams were shattered mercifully by the director. On viewing "Panic Room", no humorous brick-throwing-at-robbers-heads did I witness; no side-splitting falling-down-stair action; no comical electrocutions; and no grievous-bodily-harm inflicted on the devious home-invaders from the spirited young under-dog. Instead, the film subjects the viewer to one of the most painful experiences of their lifetime.

The movie drags and drags, never actually achieving anything of great importance. Every supposed "twist" and "turn" can be easily predicted with the tiniest amount of foresight, and you couldn't give a crap as to whether any of the characters live or die. However, the most irritating problem with the movie is probably the ludicrous plot, which makes you scream and yell at the TV(or movie) screen at the incredibly dumb characters. It seems that when criminals invade your house and you are locked in the very room they are trying to get into, your brain only works at half-capacity. This can also be said about the people who made this film. The dim-witted characters are annoying-as-hell, but what can be expected from a movie that centers around just one room in a house. "Phone Booth" had the right idea with the "one-scene-only" style story, but "Panic Room" doesn't.

After viewing it, you wish that Macualy Culkin was around, and he was setting your scalp on fire, knocking you down stairs with paint cans, or hurling bricks at your head from the top of a 3-storey building. Any or all of these would cause less pain than sitting through the krud-tastic lame-fest that is "Panic Room". In the end, why couldn't have Jodie Foster and Boy-girl just have gotten a house with a 'Panic Gun'. It would have made a lot more sense, and made the movie a lot shorter- which would have been a good thing.

Damn you "Panic Room". Damn you for wasting my time; and damn you for getting me so fired up that I'm wasting my time writing this review.
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Office Space (1999)
Watch Office Space if you have trouble sleeping
4 November 2004
Right from the get-go, Office Space feels, appears, and has just this indescribable atmosphere about it that just makes it unbearably boring. Maybe its the very weak and shallow characters, the boring environments that every scene takes place in, or the extremely weak and lame attempts at humor that make this movie feel like you've just smashed your head against a brick wall 400 times over after watching it.

Or maybe its the fact that, as my friend pointed out to me whilst we were watching it, it is directed by Mike Judge. The same Mike Judge who also created King Of The Hill. The only thing that this movie does successfully is port over the same trivial, lame, incredibly drawn out and mind-shatteringly dull 'humor' from the King Of The Hill cartoon and label it as some sort of office/big corporation parody. At least Judge can do something right.

Although, because of this, the movie does serve several purposes. I would suggest it as an example to anyone who wants to know how not to make a comedy. It is good for making you appreciate that your life is not as incredibly boring as the computer programmers and other characters in Office Space. And the only other good thing I can think of about Office Space is to recommend it to insomniacs, as, much like King Of The Hill, Office Space will put you to sleep in no time.

Office Space provides little if any laughs, or even smiles (except at the jokes that fall embarrassingly flat every time), and it boggles the mind as to why this movie is labeled as a comedy, or even entertainment for that matter. The humor is dull, and down-right irritating most of the time. Overall, Office Space just feels like a really really really really.........really really really long, drawn-out sketch from a comedy-skit show that nobody would laugh at anyway. (watch Anchorman if you don't know what I'm talking about.)

Like i mentioned above, watch this movie if you need a good-nights sleep. Or you could just stare at a blank wall until you fall of your chair and onto the ground out of boredom. Both provide similar results.
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