
4 Reviews
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I miss Bryan Singer
29 May 2006
This film is a perfect case for why Hollywood isn't doing well at the box office. The film takes a franchise of two good films and regurgitates generic Hollywood crap.

The dialogue in this film is full of cliché statements, and corny attempts at statements with deep meaning.. The dialogue sounds like the script of a novice, offering nothing to the characters.

Another failure of the film is character development. While the comics provide histories for the characters, none is given for the newly introduced characters. The viewer is left to simply accept the character at face value, without any explanation for their character, their history, or their power. Even the developed characters lack any depth of the previous films.

Overall the story seems rushed. The director seems to push the film forward through the action and thus the film suffers.

If you like the first two films then I would suggest not seeing this one. You would miss nothing.
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American Jedi (2002)
Excellent combination of films
20 March 2005
I watched this movie on Ifilms and it was hilarious.

The movie blends Phantom Menace and American pie, along with such movies as The Graduate, She's All That, and many more in a great preview. In only 8 1/2 minutes this captures a large amount of late 90's teen cinema.

Shot as a movie preview, this short has Obi-Wan Kenobi set on his final task to becoming a Jedi, in which he must get laid. Obi Wan is put alternatively into the roles of Jim, Kevin, and Oz in uniquely Jedi ways. Funny as American Pie and one of the better spoof shorts that I have seen.
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Good conclusion, but missing some good characters
11 November 2004
American Wedding is exactly the type of ending that suits the American Pie trilogy. It's not like the typical TV sitcom where it's feel good and lacking on humor. The traditional gross out honest humor is still present. Unfortunately not all the characters are due to scheduling conflicts.

The directors do a good job of covering the absent characters by simply not mentioning them but there lack of presence is felt. Oz isn't present during Jim's speech with the best men. Michele is the only returning female lead. Even some of the returning characters play a smaller role. Kevin is almost not seen in most of the film. He serves very little important role and is more in the background. Finch and Stifler seem to be the lead story, at times more than the wedding itself. It does work to create a funny story.

The story is well wrapped up and that hopefully means that no additional and poorly conceived sequels are made. There seems to be three rules that follow in all of these films.

1) Jim does something bizarre sexual act that embarrasses him.

2) Stifler ingest some bodily excretion

3) Finch has sex with Stifler's Mom

Obviously they've hit Stifler with about every funny excretion. The only options left are blood, pus, or earwax. Rule #2 is going to be hard to follow.
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The movie is better than the book, which is not saying much.
5 November 2004
I had the opportunity to read the book that this movie is based on, thinking the book would be better than the movie. I was wrong. I couldn't read more than a little of the book before putting it down. The characters were even worse in the book and it didn't come with the Jennifer Love Hewitt's cleavage, the one redeeming part of the movie.

The movie itself is basically filled with the same kind of plot as a B-movie. I would have thought with Scream coming out that things would be a little better.

So basically this movie is only for those looking for cheesy horror.
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