
118 Reviews
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2 "detectives" not searching for a children killer
27 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I understand that the time of movies without any solid plot is gone. People will watch anything, And this friends is the most anything of them all. Why use wit and brains when the dead kids ghosts communicate with you? What's the reason of the killer to kill? Garbage.
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Spiderhead (2022)
Utter garbage
25 June 2022
So many producers on the credit list, and this is what they managed to produce? Seems like the whole movie cost few thousand bucks to make. I sat with my friends to watch it and we just couldn't get even to the half of it. We never saw such garbage, Chris acting is beyond ridiculous, it is the worst "acting' ever. Total garbage.
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The Northman (2022)
Garbage disguised as "unique", boring
18 May 2022
Meant for the brainless viewers among us, It's just a regular revenge story dressed in ridiculous story. Some cruel scenes to get the audience adrenaline flowing, "magic". The real flop here is that when the hero wants to revenge - everything is easy, a magical sword? Just pick it up, poison helusination mushrooms? Just there, on the ground, in Iceland!!! So bad!!! Don't waste your time.
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Eternals (2021)
Eternal boredom
15 January 2022
2 hours and thirty minutes of bla bla bla, and please, please! Take us back to the days when monsters were made of rubber, or learn from Sony how to make proper CGI, because those deviants are so uninspired and unrealistic as a cheese bagel (the dog), seems like no one invested much thought in creating this waste of time, the producers probably said: Angie in it, people will come to watch it.. the hero can cut a super metallic flying armada with his laser eyes, but not a small deviant...oh yes.
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The Last Duel (2021)
9 January 2022
Matt in an Oscar deserved performance. Directed to perfection, the duel is one of the best fight scenes ever filmed, everything perfectly choreographed, and as a witness to the actual duel - very accurately done. Ben is bad in the 1st half, but much better in the 2nd, probably acting the happy type does not suit him. Don't miss this masterpiece.
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Last Looks (I) (2021)
Surprisingly good considering
5 January 2022
Mel Gibson is in it, and he acts as a real human, not as the garbage he usually plays. The plot is obvious - but not boring, nice cast, they all seem to know their jobs. Music is ok. No complaints really, an Ok movie, wouldn't give it 8 stars in normal times, but since covid started and we're flooded with garbage - 8 is ok for it.
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Encounter (III) (2021)
So bad, completely unwatchable
13 December 2021
I honestly tried, the 3 stars are for the first half, the second half is so bad it becomes ridiculous. Acting is terrible, the end is so absurd that there's no way to describe it without a spoiler. Don't watch, redundant.
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Bliss (I) (2021)
Loved every minute
29 November 2021
Did not read any review or heard about the director before watching this. I understood what happens to Greg, and just worried about him, I did not see any philosophical questions or alternate reality or any connection to sci Fi, just plain harsh reality.
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Snakehead (2021)
Watch at home, not in cinema
17 November 2021
As the when film is shot in "dramatic" slow motion, at home one can just play at high speed and get this whole whatever you call this mumbo jumbo over in 20 minutes! And all the "plot" even starts to make sense! Try it.
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Stillwater (2021)
THIS is how you make a film
8 November 2021
As a person who lived in Marseille for many years, this film portrays the city and it's inhabitants perfectly! Mat is great, story is fine, the director did an amazing job, supporting cast is doing a great job! This is cinema at its best!
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Bad actors, boring, 10 good minutes.
21 October 2021
Music was Ok, reminded the the music of blade runner 2, also some of the desert flight shots reminded the same film. Actors chosen were ridiculous, each one was the wrong person for the job, Javier slept while acting, the only 10 minutes that gave a feeling of an alien world and some creativity where when the battalions were preparing to attack the duke. Really bad, waste of money.
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Cry Macho (2021)
Clint cage
13 October 2021
One should know when to leave, specially if one doesn't need the money. His previous film was a shame, felt like the whole reason for making it was to show that he can have sex at his age, and in this one to show that a younger woman can fall for him. Really terrible, and all those "nice" reviews - it's not fair, you give him the idea that he still matters.
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there are no holes in the plot, the plot is the hole
11 October 2021
Do not pay any attention to the good reviews, anything above 3 stars is a fake, they probably got free tickets and dinners. This is such a bad movie that Nicholas Cage latest films look like maserpieces. The plot is so absurd that my friends who study literature could not stop laughing, me? I was just.shocked that this garbage was made and aired. The only horror you will encounter is the price of the ticket. Atter garbage, avoid.
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Watching this film will not benefit you
5 October 2021
This film was probably written In 3 minutes, and as the writer is also the director - he easily filled the empty spaces with "better looking" emptiness. This film is nothing. Will add nothing to the spectator. Avoid.
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Gaia (2021)
Total rubbish, but that's not the point.
4 September 2021
This movie is watchable, story is rubbish, but there are some ok effects and the actress is quite sexy, not the usual blond with big boobies, a regular sexy woman, 2 things will amaze most watchers: 1. Women are always, always, a problem . So, just don't let them do what they want, and if u can - when they start doing that - just run for your life. 2. The actress has huge boobies when dresses, and quite regular ones when she's naked. A miracle. If you concentrate on the 1st and 2nd facts, you might enjoy this movie.
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The Protégé (2021)
31 August 2021
If you're looking for real action - that's the one for you. I personally love it when a film takes itself seriously, no stupid jokes, everything seems serious, people take their jobs seriously - also killers and criminals, and the hero does the same. Magnificent Maggie does have 2 or 3 tiny glitches, but all in all gives an excellent performance, so does the Batman...
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Jolt (2021)
Shut up and go watch it!!
29 July 2021
Excellent summer film. Directing is amazing! Some magnificent acting by Kate (Oh Kate!!!!) And the head of security of the boss. There's a lot going on all the time, but there is a small feeling that the production is not big enough, needed 1 or 2 more scenes.

Other than that, good clean fun, some wonderful clever jokes. Go see it.
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Amazing! Don't listen to haters
22 July 2021
This movie is exactly what a summer movie should be, full of fun and action, director did an amazing job, well done! Ryan is great, and so funny! And Selma is hilarious. Everyone plays well, action scenes are the best I've seen for a long time. Watch it!!! It will give you so much more than the price of the ticket.
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Awful acting, probably worst director ever
5 July 2021
I so wanted to love this movie! It has everything, my favorite actors, cgi, sci Fi plot, I'd give it 10 stars just for that. But the result is awful, the director did such a bad job! Never mind those stupid mistakes when actors look at the wrong direction, there were times when actors seemed to not know what they were doing, this is a VERY slow action movie! The dialogues are ridiculousl at best. So dissapointing.
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The Virtuoso (2021)
Is Hopkins the new Cage?
8 May 2021
In my country they'd call this "film" "the juice of the garbage", that fluid that remains in the garbage can after you take out the garbage bags, even worse than garbage itself. And they'd be right, Seems like the whole reason for making this joke was to put some cash in Hopkin's pockets, what are these people do with their huge profits? Why do they need money all the time?

Don't waste your time, not even for free - unless they include a nice dinner with it.
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Happily (2021)
Great, don't listen to haters
22 March 2021
Real great film, Kerry Bishé is amazing, never saw her before, she's trully amazing. The movie is interesting and has some fun in it, some suspence and quite interesting people. the only reason i didn't give it a higher rating is the lame reason for the happening, they could have done better. All in all, fun and interesting flic with amazing performance by Kerry Bishé
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Crisis (I) (2021)
Did not expect it to be so good
17 March 2021
Very good, good acting, good story telling, good story. I adore serious films that actually make one realize the seriousness of the story, and this is one of those. Well worth watching - for people not looking for cheap action.
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So boring.... you'll love it if it's your first movie watching ever
1 February 2021
This movie is like: come on! we gave you everything! good actors, budget (have you seen the amount of old cars on the roads? what an investmrnt!) and all we got back was this completely worthless piece of bad acting with an unrealistic story. Yes, i do believe that scene with the shovel in the desert, oh yes! real detective work, almost garbage.
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Journey's End (I) (2017)
It's a movie about acting
24 January 2021
All that everyone in this movie does - is acting. The director thinks the war was like that, the actors too. They all act an imaginary war situation. And those who rate this movie high just don't understand anything about what a movie should portray. At some parts it even become ridiculous. And Yap, I fought in 3 wars, so please do not disrespect me by claiming that I don't know what I'm saying.
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Synchronic (2019)
ok story, but what a terrible execution
18 January 2021
The story is OK, not different than any other low budget sci fi film, but the acting is the worst ever, and the directing - OMG, has anyone actually directed this? Everyone is so bad in this movie, it is really unbelievable, you'd expect few minutes of relief from the bad acting - but you don't get it. the music is bad, the last 10 minutes are so horrible they deserve a mention at the Book of Guiness
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