
7 Reviews
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Only for die hard fans
2 February 2006
This film is set before the first Alpha Street Fighter film and is mainly about Akuma (Gouki) and Ryu. Other street fighter characters make appearances but they seem just put in and not really relevant to the main story, Ken and Sakura. You do get to see Akuma's brother Gouken and their master Goutetsu. All in all quite short which seems to be good as this is not that entertaining, the story moves very slowly along. The animation is different to the first Alpha film which is good cause that was plain terrible. So Capcom seemed to get one thing right in this prequel. But shouldn't be considered a whole street fighter film as not many of the characters are present.

I give it 5 out of 10 and only because the intro fight scene and music at the start was pretty entertaining.
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Not amazing but still some memorable moments
22 December 2004
Jim Carrey gives a valiant effort in this sequel. Its still Jim Carrey humor but a lot of it can be hit and miss. I'm a big Jim Carrey fan first off so I'm trying to be as unbiased as possible.

Ace is hired again to find another stolen animal. This time a bat in the jungle. Lots of Ace antics ensue to make for an overall enjoyable movie, maybe not a buyer but at least a one watcher for most (I bought it). There are a lot of good jokes in this movie and as a standalone movie its great but thats not good enough as it is being compared with the first. The jokes never stopped in the first so when this movie came out the same was expected but unfortunately it wasn't. Good jokes just spaced out too much.

Recommended for people who want more ACE Ventura.

6* out of 10
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All out Jim Carrey fun
22 December 2004
I remember seeing a trailer for this on a video rental before it was released in the cinema and when I saw it, I knew it was going to be good. Jim Carrey stars as Ace Ventura a Pet Detective alas the name of the film. Its a simple story really, the Miami dolphins mascot (a dolphin) is stolen before the Super Bowl and Ace is hired to try and catch the crooks and rescue Snowflake (the dolphin).

I saw this first when it came out in the cinema so I was quite young which meant some jokes I didn't quite get but still didn't take away from the fun. When I watched it several years later, it was great cause now I got all the jokes which made me even like it more. Rather like a Simpsons episode, watched when your younger compared to when your older.

This film has all out Jim Carrey antics so there is never a dull moment. Highly recommended for everyone unless of course you can't stand Jim Carrey. After watching though please don't go around doing Jim Carrey impressions, Alllrighty then....

8* out of 10
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Denzel Washington & Will Patton on top form
21 December 2004
I just watched this film this afternoon and boy was I surprised how all it takes is a great story to make such a great film. Stories like this are not made up, they're written in history. Its about a black man (Washington) taking over as coach from a white man (Patton) of a High School back in the early 70's in Alexandria, Virginia. As you can imagine the whites do not take too friendly to this, especially when Patton's character is a championship coach. Denzels task of then trying to make a winning team is clearly hardened as both sides (blacks & whites) of the community are split down the center.

But Denzel does more than get the team talking to each other in this heart warming film. He brings the whole community together in Alexandria. Of course this film is about football but the strong theme of racism and how to overpower it really does overshadow this, making it not just enjoyable by sports fans. The story is predictable at times but it's the journey that you go on in the film is what matters.

This is a real heart warming story that should leave everyone feeling good at the end, recommended for everyone.

8* out 10
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Spawn (1997)
Good Action Flick
18 November 2004
Let me start off by saying I have never read any of the 'Spawn' comics and know little or nothing about the story of Spawn. As a big fan of comics to screen films I felt I had to see this after seeing the trailer. As I do not have any knowledge on the comic worth comparing with this feature, I am judging it as a stand alone film.

The film is about Al Simmons an assassin working for a government agency in America. He wants to leave the business so he can stay close to his wife and bring up their child but of course things don't work out. He's killed by his boss and is sent to hell for his crimes against humanity. In hell he makes a deal with the devil to be able to see his wife again, Wanda. On one condition that he'll lead the devil's army to the gates of heaven.

Al is sent back to earth as hells spawn (demon soldier). Here he must decide either to choose the path of good or evil.

There is no back story for any of the characters but that isn't necessary as the story emphasises on the present day actions. You know enough for the story to move along. The acting is fine and does not need to be analysed too much as this is an action film with plenty of dazzling special effects to deter your attention. The special effects are above par and don't seem too dated even by today's standard. Even for an action film it still does have a really strong theme (heaven & hell) good vs. evil. It doesn't explore it too much but it is the main story for this film, could have been done better though.

I would recommend this film to anyone who found 'Van Helsing' entertaining. If there are any of you out there? It won't live up to everyone's expectations.

6* out of 10
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About a Boy (2002)
Hugh Grants best film to date
18 November 2004
When I heard what this film was about first it didn't seem that appealing to me as a comedy. A bachelor in his 30's living in London, England. Who spends his days enjoying himself and deciding the next party he should attend and with who. His life is then interrupted by an unwelcome 12 year old boy Marcus who wants to be his friend and this is where the story matures. Least to say I was pleasantly surprised after seeing this film only disappointed by the fact I didn't get to see it in the cinema with the addition of the crowd's laughter.

Hugh Grant plays Will the irresponsible big kid in the movie that is most likely the envy of most men out there. With this character I think this is where Grant shines as an actor in the perfect part for him, a dry witted bachelor who is afraid of commitment but still gets to go out with nice ladies and have lots of cool big boy's toys in his spacious well equipped apartment. Think American Psycho without the killings.

There is one feature in the film that I particularly do not like which made me realize, how important it is to choose the right 'Music' for a film. Most of the music in the film is done by 'Badly Drawn Boy' although not particularly bad when heard once but it is played throughout the whole film. It is suited to some scenes but there could have been a little variety.

Even though the film does have strong themes about growing up and taking responsibility, it never gets too serious to take you out of a giddy mood.

This is highly recommended for Hugh Grant fans and anyone who enjoyed 'Four weddings and a funeral'.

8* out of 10
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Impressive to say the least
17 November 2004
Impressed is the best way I can sum this movie up. In this movie we get a somewhat disturbing insight into the life of Pat Bateman a successful 27 year old living in 80's New York City. By day he works on Wall Street, only cares about himself and lives the yuppie lifestyle. His only interests are to look good and be on top of the social ladder. By night he is quite a different character, hooking up with prostitutes, killing and mutilating people. The whole film centers on Bateman who is perfectly played by Christian Bale and is looked at through his eyes with narration for most of the film by himself.

Direction is excellent by Mary Harron who captures the character of Pat Bateman excellently from the one depicted in the book.

I never really realized the concept of a black comedy until I saw this. Some of the scenes are quite graphic in nature depicting horrible things to people but yet you still find yourself laughing at it. You may think am I a psycho laughing at this kind of stuff but then you realize its OK as the way it is presented is humorous.

For materialistic people you will find a close connection with Bateman and all will most likely laugh till your hearts content from start to finish. In addition I would also recommend the book to anyone who enjoys the film as it expands the story a little more but not essential as the film stands great on its own. I actually saw the film before reading the book.

This film isn't obviously for everyone but if you liked 'The Last Supper' this should be a safe bet to watch and enjoy.

Excellent 9* out of 10
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