
5 Reviews
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Beyond Paradise (2023– )
This is a Far Cry From Death in Paradise
19 August 2024
I thoroughly enjoyed Death in Paradise. I looked forward to picking up with this, Beyond Paradise and discovered it was beyond any resemblance of the original. Kris Marshall looks like he is aging badly and the acting is way off. I find the Martha character lacking in any depth. I prefer the lizard in the original to her.

The original cast played off of each other and were a pleasant blend of personalities. I will do my best to continue watching to discover if the new cast will.adhere eventually. It appeared to have almost been an after thought for the story line to return to the Carribean toward the end of the episode.
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One Year Off (2023)
Off completely!
12 January 2024
I have seen some bad films. This is no doubt the worst film I have ever endured. I'm not sure what made me curious about watching this. I have never had an interest in the "star", but continued the grueling process of watching anyway. I wouldn't consider this to be a comedy or even entertainment. I wasn't even mildly entertained. I stuck with it although getting halfway through it was a waste of time. By the time I realized I had wasted the time watching, I could have been doing something, or anything more productive. I would not recommend this film to anyone. Watch anything but this. Condolences to the writer.
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What a nightmare
3 July 2021
The writers, actors, producer and director should be required to pay the audience for enduring seeing this disaster.
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Sabrina (1995)
An original classic butchered
20 March 2021
This is the most unbelievable cast of characters I have ever seen. Everyone in this is so plastic it's difficult to watch. Even the dialogue is choppy.
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Probably the most boring remake ever
12 September 2020
This film is perfect to watch on a sleepless night. It has some heavy weight actors but that is all. Apparently no one in the film industry has an original thought and consequently they insist on remaking what was an original thought and botch the job. The acting is robotic. A waste of time.
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