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Bordertown (2007)
Based on unsolved murders
26 August 2007
I love Jennifer Lopez and Antonio Banderas, having the two together in the same movie looked like it had to be good. As I watched, I didn't really get into the film like some of the other movies with Jennifer Lopez or Antonio Banderas but the story was interesting. As it went on it seemed more plausible and disgusting to think politicians or big corporations sacrifice safety for profit. After watching the movie I found myself reading about the murdered women of Juarez.

I will probably watch it again on DVD and recommend others as well, not because it is the most entertaining film, but because the story of the murdered women of Juarez.
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Worth watching
15 January 2006
I was a teenager in the 60's and life in this movie is nothing like the way it was for me growing up, but I love to watch it and think of how much fun it would have been to own some of the expensive equipment the kids in this movie have. It's a "fun" movie to watch, nothing too serous, if you have to leave the room for a minute you won't miss anything too important, but it does have some memorable scenes. I watched it many times over and have it in our personal DVD collection. I like this best of all the 60's type movies, I especially like the street singers, makes me wished I could sing every time I watch it. Many times after watching it I find myself thinking "Lawrence, Lawrence of Arabia, he's an English guy, came to fight the Turkeys" - don't laugh, you may be doing it too! Much like a well placed commercial jingle they have little spots throughout the movie that will stick with you and put a smile on your face when you recall the scene. The scene with Newbomb and the girl in the "pie wagon" makes me recall when I was young, I remember when I was young and a bit like that, and it definitely could have happened to me.
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Stargate SG-1 (1997–2007)
Great to Mediocre
5 January 2006
I have seen every episode and some several times over. My favorite ones were mostly comedy. I learned to like the characters and could anticipate what they would do in certain situations. I watched as they actually killed off a character for one season then brought him back - and it worked! The show kept sex out of it for the most part, it remained true to sci-fi. Without a doubt it was our favorite TV series.

However, the last season changes have tarnished some of the luster for me and my wife. They moved characters and changed one of the key characters to make him more human, turned him from a strong, silent, bald headed, "take no prisoners" type of alien to a more understanding, more "sensitive" human like character with hair. I realize the man playing the character was growing tired of being bald and quiet - but it served him well. Previous to the changes you could expect certain responses from him but now you never know because one time he may be strong the next time he is more like Tiny Tim "tiptoeing though the tulips". The leader of the group for the first 7 seasons was removed from a starring role and basically does cameos. The original woman in the lead, the sweet, all American as apple pie; pretty, mature blonde was also removed, and when they did show her they tried to mix more sex and romance into it. They should make sure to keep her the way she originally was, not get into love and romance and soap opera - it's OK to flirt with it as they did with two of the main character previously but not to go overboard let the viewers guess and imagine what could happen, don't flaunt it.

The last season was a bit disappointing for me, although they did introduce a new female character that was dark and naughty, just the opposite of "Sam" and although she was funny because of being naughty they didn't go overboard with the sexual implications. I hope they can get things going again, the writers are clever and they can do a good job, just hope they realize the most recent changes were a little too much. I think they need to get the strong quiet alien character back, we don't need another sensitive talking male role, and to keep the sex out of it, keep to sci-fi. I do believe the "naughty girl" character they introduced will be OK, as long as they don't go overboard with the "sex" and romance - it's not a soap opera or love story.
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Masters of Horror (2005–2007)
Not too bad...
5 January 2006
I really don't care for so called "horror" movies but after reading about the "Homecoming" episode I wanted to watch it and see what was going on. I didn't find it very scary but interesting and funny at times. I then decided to try the rest and set up the Tivo for a season pass : Deer Woman, pretty good, I was now thinking maybe I will like the series. Cigarette Burns, a bit over for me but, what the heck, maybe I can get into this horror series. The other weekend they must have run a marathon because the Tivo was loaded with the episodes I missed and all we watched were OK, nothing great but reminded me of the old Twilight Zone/Outer Limits series. All was going well until the two really disgusting episodes : "Jennifer" and "Dance of the Dead" ?

I still think about them, a coworker told me that was the whole idea of horror, to make you think about something truly disgusting. Perhaps watching both of them back to back did it, but I decided it was time to turn it off. Well, several days later and I turned the season pass on, guess I will watch the rest.
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Holiday Inn (1942)
great picture
20 November 2004
In Holiday Inn it isn't Bing Crosby or Fred Astair that makes the movie outstanding, but rather the relatively unknown "B" movie star of the time, Marjorie Reynolds. As you watch this movie you can "feel" the mood that Marjorie is portraying at the time, just by the look on her face. For example, during the the "Easter" scene, her eyes and smiles say it all, you can see she is in love, and as she sings "White Christmas" at the end you can feel the sadness of her character - throughout the entire movie she says more with her facial expressions then the most popular movie stars do today in their entire careers... If you love truly good acting, Holiday Inn will make you smile and make you cry, it will bring back memories of a time when ladies could truly dance in high heel shoes, we don't see that type of dancing these days in movies. Picture quality, sound and special effects are not of primary importance in these kinds of films, these are the kind that rely on your own imagination and feelings, much in the way you do when you read a good book.

These older movies serve up so much good feelings they could be used to replace prescription meds for those feeling bad.
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