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Bluey: Sleepytime (2020)
Season 2, Episode 26
One of the best cartoon episodes ever made
9 April 2024
To reiterate what everyone else has already said: If this were a pixar short, it would win an Oscar. Bluey is a spectacular show for both children and adults, and this episode is no exception. Just adorable and moving. I'm in my twenties and not afraid to admit that I teared up a bit watching this. I truly believe that Bluey is one of the greatest shows ever made. It has so much character, heart, and humor for all ages. I watch it before bed with my little brother almost every night and we have so much fun laughing together. I can't recommend it enough and I think everyone can learn a lot of valuable lessons from Bluey.
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Wish (II) (2023)
Cute message, but doesn't quite live up to the Disney standard.
22 November 2023
I saw this with my boyfriend tonight because it was discount tuesday at the movies and we both enjoy a good Disney flick. While there are some cute moments, overall it just wasn't that great of a film. The plot was weak, didn't have a lot of likable characters, villain is kind of random, humor didn't land, the songs were meh for the most part, and the payoff just wasn't there. I didn't care for the overused "im so awkward and quirky" trope on the main character. Also, while I typically love Disney songs, a lot of the songs/lyrics felt super verbose. I read one review that said the songs sounded like they were generated using AI, and while I don't know if that's necessarily true, I can definitely see what they mean. Kids will like it, it's a decent family movie, but it's not anything I need to watch twice. In my opinion, Disney has set a pretty high standard with its past films (Ratatouille, Tangled, Cars, the list goes on and on) and this one doesn't even come close to that standard. Onward is way better than Wish, maybe check that one out instead if you haven't already and are in the mood for a Disney movie. Just my opinion! My bf and I both give this one a 6.5/10.
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Terrible sequel
7 October 2023
It's so obvious that the 10 star reviews on here are fake/paid for, considering they all have very similar wording. I'm a huge horror fan and try to watch every new horror movie that releases, so believe me when I tell you this movie sucks. David Gordon Green destroys yet another beloved horror franchise, but i'm sure we all saw that coming after what he did to Halloween. Don't waste your money going to see this movie in the theater, maybe then David Gordon Green will get the message that no one wants to endure his garbage storylines anymore. No one expected this to be anywhere near as good as the original, but it still managed to be a massive let down.
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Onward (I) (2020)
Creative, Funny, and Heartwarming
27 September 2023
I first saw this movie in the theater with my boyfriend right before the pandemic hit. We both enjoyed it, both of us cried, but after leaving the theater I didn't think about it too much. I just rewatched the film with my little brother and realized how wonderful and under appreciated it really is. There's plenty of laugh out loud moments that kids will love, lots of cool story and wizard mythology, and a very touching message about sibling bonds and forgiveness. It doesn't drag or get boring and all of the characters are very likable. I really love how original it is and how it touches on a relatively deep subject. While I am lucky enough to still have both my parents and my wonderful siblings, I can appreciate how much this film probably resonates with people who have experienced the kind of loss that is depicted while also being an enjoyable, fun-loving adventure. Definitely recommend this one, one of the better films that Pixar has put out in recent years (much better than Elemental in my opinion).
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Was total trash until the last 30 or so minutes
14 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I wanna start this review by saying I am a die hard Halloween fan. The original film is my favorite movie of all time and I am a big collector of Michael Myers memorabilia. So for that reason, I am partial to this franchise and decided to cut it some slack by giving it a 5. But overall, this was a disappointment. The movie mostly follows a new character named Corey that I guess we are supposed to care about somehow? He starts out as a quiet guy being harassed for accidentally killing the kid he babysat, then in the span of two days decides he wants to become the next Michael Myers. Even rides his stupid bike down to the sewers where Michael has been living for the last three years (?) and asks him to "teach him how to do it". This was the stupidest possible thing they could have done in this movie in my opinion. Like what? So now Michael Myers has become Corey's Yoda and tag teams it with him to teach him how to kill. There is a lot more wrong with this movie. The serious lack of Michael in his OWN final movie, the character annihilation of Allyson who becomes a complete idiot because she's fallen in love with crazy Corey after knowing him for all of two days, the fact that roughly 30% of the movie is just the townspeople harassing Laurie and Corey, the list goes on. The last 30 minutes were a pleasant surprise only because they headed in a different direction than I thought they were going to, and for that I am so thankful. I thought for sure they were going to end it with Corey becoming the new Haddonfield Boogieman and reatreating to that abandoned house just like Michael did in the very first film. Thankfully, Corey dies, yay finally! And we finally get to see the final showdown between Michael and Laurie, which is what we all came here for. I know a lot of people were underwhelmed by the final fight, but I enjoyed it. Compared to the rest of this dumpster fire movie, that scene was Academy Award gold. That should tell you something. I just do not understand why the writers and DGG took this direction with this horrible Corey character. You feel bad for him for all of 15 minutes before he becomes the most annoying antagonist possible. They couldn't have come up with anything else? Really? No wonder it's ending, it's pretty clear that they are completely out of ideas. I don't want to say that they didn't pay tribute to the fans, as there were some cool references and scenes with Michael. Overall though, it just felt like a disservice and I'm glad that other fans feel the same way. Jamie Lee Curtis was great (as usual), and I liked that they included her a lot more in this movie than they did in Kills. Scenes with the real Michael (not the wannabe copycat) were fun. I'd say those sum up the positives. The rest was garbage.
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Boring and laughable at the same time
17 July 2022
New drinking game idea! Take a shot every time Chris Pratt holds his hand up in the air and has a staring contest with a dinosaur. Guaranteed you'll be wasted within the first forty minutes of the movie. It was fun to see the original cast come back and it had some good dinosaur scenes that my little brother really enjoyed. Beyond that though, this installment just didn't do it for me, which is a shame because I love Jurassic Park and thought the first Jurassic World was actually very decent. But this one is way too long and drawn out, cringe writing at times, annoying characters, and strange pacing. The "villain" aka the guy who looks eerily identical to Apple CEO Tim Cook (did they do that on purpose?) was terribly written and completely useless. I'm glad I waited to watch this at home instead of going to the theater, at least that way I could doze off between scenes in the comfort of my living room.
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Are we Watching the Same Show?
31 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed the first season of Euphoria, but man is it obvious that Sam Levinson has zero idea what he was doing or where he was going this season. I'm genuinely baffled by the amount of reviews each episode saying "best episode so far". Is it really? Nothing happens. All we see are characters losing their minds dancing around while a good song plays over the scene. Just because they play good music and flash pretty colors that equates to quality writing? The acting is still good, Sydney Sweeney did a great job with what she was given, but this whole show is just getting annoying. It's so over the top and unnecessary with the amount of genitals and nudity they show. Like the scene with Cal in the foyer. Did we really need to see that? He could have given that same speech with his genitals INSIDE his pants and it would've had the same exact effect on the audience. But no, I forgot I was watching Euphoria where a message can't be conveyed to an audience without showing them something disgusting and repulsive along with it. It's becoming more and more apparent that the writers rely a lot on shock value to entertain their audience instead of an actual good story. There's no clear narrative structure at all and it's becoming a jumbled mess of chaos. It's certainly not the worst show on television, but it's definitely overhyped. I think the only reason it still has such a good response is because people got hooked last season, and now can't accept that the show went in the crapper so fast. We're only halfway through the season so I do have hope that it will improve, but so far this season is very all over the place and is becoming boring to watch. It's the same things every week. Rue does more drugs, Cassie cries, Nate yells, a shot of Rue in the backseat of a car, Maddy just laying by the pool when she's supposed to be babysitting, and Kat hating her boyfriend. I can't imagine where else this show could possibly go after this season. There's no longevity, and most of the characters really aren't that interesting anymore. Let's just have it end with a meteor crashing into their high school and call it a day.
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The Weakest Episode so Far
13 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What did I just watch? This episode felt so weird and disarranged. At first I thought perhaps I was being nit-picky but after reading other reviews on here, I'm so glad to see i'm not alone. The worst thing about this episode was the random teenage biker gang who steal water from a street vendor but can somehow afford to have brand new rainbow colored bikes on the barren desert planet of tatooine? Their characters are so distracting and out of place for the Star Wars universe. They look like a weird underground techno punk band. Boba is also not nearly as intimidating or badass as he should be. No wonder no one respects him. What does he even do besides have nightmares in his bacta tank? And how does it make sense that he would hire a group of teenage criminals whom he hasn't even known for two minutes? Just because that girl with too much eyeliner had a conversation with him that means she "has guts"? Big deal. The chase scene was also painful to watch. The bikes moved so slow and the special effects were so bad that I had to stop myself from laughing at it because I didn't want to ruin the show for my little brother who was enjoying it. I also found it convenient how quickly the issue with the Hutts was resolved, as they quite literally just show up at Boba's doorstep to apologize, give him a depressed baby rancor, and leave the planet for good. What was the point of even introducing them and their territorial conflict to begin with then? If I'm being honest I don't think I'll be able to watch the rest of the show if that dumb biker gang is going to be in it. I can't take them seriously and it's baffling to me that the brilliant minds who wrote The Mandalorian would approve this garbage to be shown to their audience. The strongest parts of the show have been the flashbacks that actually give us some insight into Boba's character and his backstory, where they actually portray him as a noble warrior with depth and a fierceness to protect. I hope the next episode bounces back to more of what we saw in chapter 2, because this one stunk of bantha crap.
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Underwhelming, Relies too Much on Nostalgia
17 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
As a huge Doctor Strange fan who is more than ready for more of the multiverse, I had very high expectations for No Way Home. Unfortunately, it was a let down. Sure it caters to fans with some nostalgic moments, but relies way way way too much on the fan service while lacking in pretty much all other areas. The story was all over the place, pacing was very wishy-washy, and the writing was horrendous for the most part. It felt very childish and cheap at a lot of moments with jokes that just did not land at all and some super corny dialogue. My best friend and I were genuinely confused at the amount of laughs, cheers, and claps from our audience in the theater tonight (and we are both very big Marvel fans, my best friend being a long-time, devoted spidey fan). So believe me when I tell you that we really wanted to love this movie. Honestly our favorite part of the entire film was the post-credits features. If anything, this movie only further solidified my belief that Tom Holland is the weakest of the Spider-Mans. Not necessarily his fault, but rather the fault of the writers for trying way too hard to make him a quirky, shy, stuttery, awkward teenager and not giving him any real development or depth to his character aside from maybe the two seconds after May's death and his fight with Osborn where we see a glimpse of a dark side in him, but that's it. Additionally, killing off May was just so lame. It reeked of "we need to kill off a character for some kind of shock value but not anyone too important". Another moment that I don't understand is when Toby is seemingly fatally injured in a sudden and surprising moment towards the end of the film, but then is all of a sudden okay a few minutes later? There were just too many moments that felt like it was relying on audience reactions and surprise in order to come across as a good movie. I think the main reason it is receiving such praise right now is because of the current hype around Andrew and Toby reprising their roles (which was great fun don't get me wrong), but in the long run didn't feel like it served much of a purpose to the actual story beyond wanting to drop a bombshell on fans. By the fifth conversation/conflict about how Peter can "cure" the villains and save the world, the entire movie became a jumbled and chaotic mess. Interesting concept but executed poorly.
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Antlers (2021)
Fantastic Slow-Burn Horror
29 October 2021
I really don't understand the negative reviews on here complaining about this movie being "slow" or "boring". Was it not known that this movie is meant to be a slow-burn? Ever heard of "slow and steady wins the race"? Sure it took its time developing, but I wasn't bored for a single second. The pacing is spot-on, great acting from the main cast, and the monster was designed perfectly. It's a grim, dark, and unsettling film filled with beautiful cinematography and a very fitting soundtrack to go along with it. And of course, it had some great scares. Genuinely good horror movies are few and far between these days, and I was beyond satisfied with this one. Even my boyfriend, who tends to be a bit hard to please when it comes to movies, was very impressed with it. If you enjoy slow-burn, dreary horror that sticks with you such as The Invitation, Hereditary, The Witch, etc., definitely give this a watch. I had been waiting a long time for Antlers, with the pandemic pushing it back and all, and I'm so happy to say that it was completely worth the wait.
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If you need to fall asleep, watch this.
31 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'll start by saying that visually, this movie is stunning and it has some moments of great acting. That's about the extent of the positives. As an avid fan of A24, I was very excited for The Green Knight and tried to go into it with as open a mind as possible. I wasn't expecting a horror or action movie. I went in simply expecting to be told a story. I anticipated that it would be on the slower side, but wow. I feel so guilty for saying this seeing as so many people loved the film, but it was way too boring for me to enjoy. I have loved the slow-burn approach that A24 has taken with other movies like The Witch and The Lighthouse, but The Green Knight just didn't have enough substance to keep me engaged in what was going on. Every time something significant seemed to happen, it would be followed by an agonizingly long shot of a forest with loud, eerie music playing over it. Furthermore, this movie is DARK. Like literally dark. I couldn't see who was on the screen or what was happening for at least 30% of the movie. As for the other 70% that I could actually see, I had literally no idea what was going on. What's the meaning of those giant gray naked people? Why did everyone want to kiss Dev Patel? Beats me. Maybe that's my fault because i'm not very familiar with the story of Gawain and the Green Knight, but I consider myself a generally thoughtful person who makes an effort to understand complex films. I spent the entire drive home mentally analyzing this movie and still had no idea what any of it meant until I read some online articles explaining the story. I really wanted to love this movie and I wish I could understand why it is receiving such praise, but both my friend and I left the theater feeling very underwhelmed and sleepy. I've also noticed that a lot of these rave reviews are coming from people who are likely pretentious arthouse film lovers who somehow think they are better than everyone else, since they all seem to think that anyone who didn't enjoy this movie is ultimately "unintelligent". As one review states, "all negative reviews are from people who should have stayed home with a bud light and watched South Park". Well I hate both South Park and beer and still found this film boring, as did the four or so people who walked out of my theater.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
This is Star Wars
12 July 2021
I have to say, I was blown away by how much I enjoyed this show. As someone who is a fan of the prequels and hates the new movies, I think that this is the best Star Wars material we have gotten since the original trilogy. The soundtrack is fantastic, acting and writing even better. It's not overly slow, but still allows for plenty of story and character development. Pedro Pascal is phenomenal as mando, and the rest of the characters are perfectly cast as well. It feels so much like classic Star Wars, something that I felt was missing from the most recent trilogy. Whatever you do, please watch this. You won't regret it.
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Gossip Girl (2021–2023)
12 July 2021
I'm actually astonished by the amount of people who genuinely believe that this reboot isn't pure garbage. It's painful to watch. The acting is dreadful. I'm a fan of the original gossip girl, and I went into this knowing that it most likely wouldn't be nearly as good as the OG, yet I was still amazed at how horrible it is. Please spare yourself a painful experience and don't watch this. Maybe it'll get better as more episodes continue to come out but I'm not going to bother taking that chance. Characters seem very lackluster and the writing is awful, not sure how it could possibly salvage itself after that first episode.
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Cruella (2021)
Lacking in some areas, but still enjoyable
7 June 2021
I'll start by saying that I did like this movie. Both the legendary Emmas were perfect in their roles and overall it was an entertaining film. My primary issues with it were the length and the soundtrack. This movie felt loooooooong. Like longer than Endgame long. And while most of it is engaging, there are a few scenes where I found myself becoming anxious and a little bored. Definitely don't take any young, fidgety children to this Disney flick. I also felt that the soundtrack was distracting. All good songs, but used way too frequently and felt out of place at some moments. I'm glad I gave it a watch, but it's nothing I need to see a second time.
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Somewhere (2010)
Hated This
3 June 2021
As much as I love Sofia Coppola's work and wanted to like this movie, there is almost nothing here to appreciate. Somewhere, ultimately, goes nowhere. It is so so so so so boring. Boring boring boring. Did I mention it was boring? If you want to watch a movie that has no plot and where nothing ever happens, this is the one for you. It is a physically attractive film, but lacks substance and purpose.
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Utter Trash
3 June 2021
It's as if a bunch of men got into a room together and asked themselves "okay, how do we make the worst movie of all time?" and this is what they came up with. Fast and Furious, more like Horrible and Furious that I ever wasted my money watching this. Mix terrible writing with every possible action-macho-movie cliché in the book and you have yourself a 2-hour mess that'll be sure to have you turning off your television from too much cringe. I love Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham but even they weren't enough to save this god-awful excuse for a movie.
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Eat Pray Love (2010)
Cringe, Suffer, Regret
3 June 2021
Instead of "Eat Pray Love" this movie should just be called "Waste of Time" because that's what it is. The only redeeming quality of this film is all the good food you get to look at. Yet another bland interpretation of the tired "white woman can only solve her insignificant problems by going on a million dollar worldwide vacation to find herself" story. I am going to pray for everybody reading this review that you make the smart choice and not waste one minute of your life watching this.
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12 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is so unbelievably bad it's a joke. I only watched it because it's free on HBO Max, so thank heavens I didn't waste a single cent on this abomination disguised as a "film". Characters have no meaning or purpose besides the little girl. All of this happens just for some middle schoolers to spill a drink on a circuit board to defeat a robot godzilla? I could have come up with a better story/script in my sleep. Skip this cash-grab garbage.
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Disgusting and pointless
7 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not someone who is easily offended or grossed out. I have always loved horror movies. I have appreciation for controversial movies like Cannibal Holocaust, Straw Dogs, A Clockwork Orange, etc. But believe me when I tell you that you will gain absolutely nothing from watching this movie. It's sick. There is nothing poetic or artistic about the sexual assault of newborns and young children. The fact that somebody actually sat down, wrote this, and made it into a film is beyond disturbing and concerning. Please take this as a warning. There are things in this movie that you can simply never unsee or forget. It will haunt you in the worst way possible. I wouldn't recommend this movie to my worst enemy. My advice to people who found this film entertaining: seek therapy.
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Youtuber conspiracy garbage
11 February 2021
I'm generally a fan of Netflix original documentaries, but this didn't grab me. Always found this case compelling and creepy so I was looking forward to watching this. But instead of being presented with facts and interesting aspects of the investigation, I wound up witnessing a bunch of wannabe famous youtubers sharing baseless conspiracies and accusations about hotel cover-ups and whatever other useless theories. I recognize that web sleuths have been helpful for many investigations, but the people in this documentary seriously need a life. This just focused on the wrong things. What a waste of such an interesting case. Save four hours of your life.
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Chernobyl (2019)
A Must-Watch
29 November 2020
This series is brilliant. I watched the whole thing in one sitting and was blown away. The acting, writing, music, setting, everything is spectacular and really puts things into perspective for those watching. An intriguing and heartbreaking story told in such phenomenal form. Very intense, emotional, and utterly gripping. Everyone should watch this. I had almost no idea the significant impact this catastrophe had on so many lives until I watched this series. I think this is an important show, as it gives insight into the hardships of those affected by the wrongdoings of corrupt men in power. Please watch this.
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The Invitation (I) (2015)
27 November 2020
If you appreciate tense, unsettling, and original thrillers, you'll enjoy this movie. A very gripping story that takes place in a dark and uncomfortable atmosphere, guaranteed to make viewers squirm. The score doesn't hurt either. I can't think of anything to really compare it to, as it's one of a kind. You'll be on the edge of your seat waiting to see what happens. In my opinion, this movie doesn't get the recognition it deserves.
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Better Watch Out (II) (2016)
Am I missing something?
20 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I cannot seem to wrap my head around why this movie has such decent ratings. It was boring boring boring and contributed nothing refreshing whatsoever to the christmas/horror genre. The "antagonist", aka a 12 year old kid who is somehow able to hold people twice his size as hostages, is beyond annoying and pretty much unbearable to watch. I decided to watch it after reading a bunch of reviews about how great the "twist" is. Let me be the one to tell you, the twist is wildly underwhelming and absolutely not worth sitting through this garbage fest. I turned it off with about 30 minutes left, as I couldn't take the stupidity anymore. If you want to watch a good Christmas-themed horror movie, watch Krampus or the original Black Christmas. Not this.
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3 November 2020
I just sat and binged all seven episodes today and I can't get my mind off of how amazing this show is. The writing and story-telling is unbelievably compelling and keeps you engaged from start to finish. I was not bored for one second of this series. I didn't once find myself checking my phone or pausing to see how much time was left in an episode. I was hesitant to watch it at first as I don't have a profound interest in chess, however, I am so thankful that I decided to listen to reviews and give it a shot. Anya Taylor-Joy is outstanding in her performance and does an excellent job of portraying a gifted but struggling young woman. There are so many other wonderful characters as well, characters you think you are meant to hate but end up being some of the best parts of the show. The music and cinematography were also spectacular and set the tone for each scene beautifully. The only complaint I have is that there won't be anymore seasons. Though I do understand why it was confined to just being a mini-series, I loved it so much that finishing it felt extremely bittersweet. It's one of those shows that I wish I could erase from my memory just to experience watching it for the first time all over again. If you are a fan of superb story-telling, phenomenal acting, and mesmerizing visuals, look no further. I can't recommend this series enough. Easily one of the best Netflix originals ever made and will definitely be considered a new favorite of mine.
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Prisoners (2013)
25 September 2020
For me, this ranks as one of the best crime thrillers ever made. It's up there with masterpieces like Zodiac, Seven, and The Silence of the Lambs. The acting is beyond incredible, and I believe this is one of Jake Gyllenhaal's best roles. It's really a shame this wasn't nominated for more Academy Awards, because Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal, and even Paul Dano were more than worthy of at least being nominated for their performances. Viola Davis was great as well (not that we'd expect any less from such a brilliant actress) though her role was somewhat small. If you're a fan of dark, dreary, intense crime thrillers, then why haven't you seen this already? Go watch it. If you ask me, there's really no reason not to like this movie. It's fantastic.
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