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My Son (I) (2021)
Much better than the reviews indicate
1 June 2024
I wasn't aware that James McAvoy improvised his dialogue and only had a rough sketch of the story, he is that good in this. There are some holes in the plot, and issues and theories which arise earlier in the movie are not resolved, but I didn't mind this because it makes you think. I don't like being spoonfeed.

There were certainly enough twist and turns in The Son to keep me really interested. The bleak but beautiful Scottish scenery is just amazing and almost a complete character within the movie. It lends a grim atmosphere which helps elevate the tension.

It is worth seeing for James McAvoy's performance alone as it is truly magnificent. He is believable and shows such range. I didn't care for Claire Foy in this. I'm not a big fan of hers and this performance hasn't changed my mind. Gary Lewis, a fabulous character actor, is absolutely wonderful, as usual.
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The Strangers (2008)
A waste
26 May 2024
I'm definitely not a fan of Liv Tyler, which may have coloured my view of this movie. I found her breathy voice beyond annoying, matched only by her performance. I don't know whether the character was badly written, but she was so pathetic and irritating that I wasn't invested in what happened to her. Scott Speedman's character was better, but the problem was there was really no care factor for the characters. If you are going to make a movie of this type of genre, you have to ensure that the audience are going to be invested in what happens to the characters and in this instance I just couldn't care less.
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Wilderness (2023)
What a waste
16 September 2023
Jenna Coleman is really good, but this is a pretentious stinker. I had a Pre-conception of what Wilderness would be about from the ads, and thought it may be a clever, interesting survival series - WRONG 😑 It's a disjointed, irritating waste of time. It's trying so hard to be cool and interesting but it just fails on all accounts. It's meandering and boring, drawn out just plain stupid. None of the characters are interesting or likeable so it's hard to be invested in them or anything that happens to the, And the sound track 😠😠 dear god it was beyond exasperating and set my nerves on edge. Maybe if this had been condensed to a movie it may have worked but 6 episode of rubbish certainly didn't do it for me. Hollywood is stone cold dead. Even British actors can't elevate this.
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Oh Great Maker, what have you done!
29 August 2023
I've been an enormous fan of Babylon 5 since its first screaming in the 1990s. I have rewatched the series and all the movies, probably 15 times. One thing I was always 100% confident with was JMS's Ability to tell a fantastic story with clever dialogue and excellent characters.

But then came The Road Home. Right from the get go I had low expectations because it is an animated movie and it will look like a cartoon which of course it did. What I wasn't expecting was the dreadful hoaky dialogue and pandering story. It was a good trip down memory lane, but did we really need it? I think what I found the most frustrating was the cartoon characters didn't look anything like the original characters. If you didn't know who they were, you would have no idea. And the ending was the most appalling cop out. It was nauseating.

There has been talks now, for the last two years of a Babylon 5 live hard reboot. I thought that would be fantastic because what could go wrong in the hands of the Great maker? Now I've lost that faith.
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The Rig (2023– )
What a colossal waste
16 July 2023
Unfortunately The Rig is a huge waste of time and an absolute fantastic cast. This limited series, on paper, should've been absolutely fantastic. A great idea, and as mentioned a brilliant cast, including Emily Hampshire, Martin Compston, Owen Teale, Mark Bonnar and Rochinds Sandall. But somehow this cliched bore fest manages to disappoint on every level. It just goes to show that no matter how good the actors, if the script, direction and editing are bad, you've got a flop on your hands. The characters are bland and one-dimensional, so it is hard to feel invested in their outcome. There is a total absence of suspense and tension. The special effects aren't great, but they are not as bad, in my opinion, as other reviews have said. It is just plodding, boring, mess. I expect so much better from British productions.
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Way too long
17 June 2023
With all the hype surrounding this movie, I had very high expectations. The performances are good, particularly the guy who plays Roger Taylor. Rami Malik Is excellent and has a tremendous range as an actor.

The problem was I became quite bored after the first 40 minutes or so and pretty much tuned out. I think the movie is way too long as seems to be problem with most movies these days. Had it been edited down to 90 minutes or so I think that would've been enough to maintain momentum and keep engagement of the audience.

Also, I'm not a great fan of Queens music, so I suppose that doesn't really help with my perspective.
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The Outpost (2019)
Grabs you by the throat an never lets go
11 June 2023
This is such a fantastic movie. I can't believe it is only scoring 6.7. It is frenetic, realistic, confronting, and an expertly made anti war movie.

The performances are amazing. Every character is believable. This is what good filmmaking is all about. A good script, awesome cinematography, an excellent director, top class editing and spot on casting.

What really stands out in this movie are the ridiculous and facile decisions those at the top of the political and military food chain make that either literally kill people or destroy lives forever. And to think that this is based on true events is beyond horrifying.
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The Stranger (II) (2022)
3 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I knew going into The Stranger that it was about the police undercover sting operation to get a confession from the suspected murderer of Daniel Morcombe, one of the most widely known Australian murders in the last 20 years. I wish I hadn't known what it was about, as it would've made this movie all the more impactful than what it already was.

What I wasn't prepared for, however, was the extraordinary performance of Sean Harris. He is an exceptionally fine British actor and I have enjoyed his performances in Macbeth and Southcliffe. But he really ramps it up in The Stranger. I don't think non-Australians appreciate just how difficult it is to perfectly execute an Australian accent, but Harris absolutely nails it. He is dead eyed performance is enthralling and repugnant at the same time, and that is acting genius.

I don't generally care for Joel Egerton. Actors who mumble, to my mind, are not fulfilling their role as an actor and Egerton is a dreadful mumbler. Nevertheless, he is also absolutely fantastic in The Stranger. I watched it with subtitles on, even though I am Australian as I sometimes found it difficult to understand what they were saying.

I have read a number of criticisms about the pacing of this movie, but I had no issues with it. You know from the get go that something sinister is brewing and the tension expertly escalates. Once it gains momentum, the story moves very fast.

I know the Morecombe family were not happy with this movie being made, and I don't blame them. However, The Stranger is a fantastic piece of Australian cinema and something to be proud of.
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Obsession (2023)
Hilarious 🤣
20 April 2023
Dear god save me from the rubbish Netflix is hellbent on spewing forth. I don't have much to add as other reviewers have pointed out the enormous flaws In this ridiculous overwrought melodrama. However, they failed to convey just how utterly hilarious this mini series is. There are certain scenes in the second episode, which had me literally laughing out loud..

Nothing in this is right. The casting is dreadful, The acting is atrocious, and the overly dramatic music score, just adds to the colossal failure but adds to the hilarity. I have never been a fan of Richard Armitage, and this has cerainly reinforced my dislike of him. He is a wooden, one note actor. Charlie Murphy (can't say that name, without thinking of Dave Chappelle) is really dreadful in this. The original movie Damages was fantastic, and this is a really poor remake.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 17: The Apostate (2023)
Season 3, Episode 1
4 March 2023
Not a fan of Star Wars (it will always be a kids' show in my eyes) but didn't mind season 1 & 2 of the Mandolorian. Not sure how they would continue after the season 2 finale so it was more out of curiosity to see how this would play out, rather than any great love which brought me back to season 3. What a horror show. My first thought was this reminds me of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, which is not good in any context. The writing is lazy and it looks cheap and childish. If Disney thinks this stinker is going to halt its financial exsanguination, then I think they are delusional. Even baby Yoda has lost his appeal.
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Cunk on Earth (2022)
Literally crying with laughter
3 February 2023
I am not a fan of comedies, because, ironically, I generally do not find them funny, so I almost bypassed this Netflix series, until I realised it was British, and seriously, who are funnier than the Brits?

I'm so glad I clicked on Cunk. The deadpanned delivery, and the almost naive earnestness with which the questions are delivered to the experts is absolutely genius and hilarious. The experts are probably the stars of this series, vacillating between near hysteria to incredulity.

Only complaint I have about this series is that there are only five episodes, although I don't know if my heart could handle any more than that.
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The Terminal List (2022– )
15 January 2023
This has had rave reviews so i'm assuming that it might actually be good however I could not see a thing even in the day time.scenes. I got through the first episode and that was it. I find it actually ridiculous that shows are being made thse days that you cannot physically view because some idiot at the studio thinks it makes it look arty to have everything shot in the dark. No, it doesn't it's just irritating and keeps viewers away. And this by the way, is not an arty production it's a goddamn action thriller so why they thought this was a good idea is beyond me. I spent nearly an hour fiddling with the picture settings on my TV to get it to a point that I could see it but even that didn't work. If I could have given this a zero I would have because what is a show when it cannot be watched?
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Harrowing, informative and beautifully made
14 January 2023
I recently watched this extraordinary 3 part documentary series. It is a brutal, fascinating, beautifully made documentary about the early colonisation of Australia and the omission from history and the lack of recognition by the various war memorials, of the frontier wars that occurred between Indigenous Australians and the colonials. This series is very distressing. Like most my age, at school I learned nothing of these wars, which are analogous to the much known wars between the American settlers and the native Americans. The Australian history I was taught was largely British history concerned with just the discovery, settlement, a bit about the convicts and Eureka Stockade - that was it. The main players, the governors of the colonies were portrayed as chivalrous gentlemen, no perpetrators of destruction.

The first episode concentrates on New South Wales, the second episode on Tasmania and the third on Queensland and W. A. and it is the third one that really, really upset me. The atrocities perpetrated on the Indigenous Australians are horrific. I think this is one of the most powerful and important documentary series I've ever seen and it should be compulsory viewing for all Australians. It's approached from an historical academic perspective, with interviews with historians and review of original records, and the previously ignored oral history of the Indigenous Australians. The documentary is made by Rachel Perkins, daughter of Charles Perkins and she does a wonderful job. She has a beautiful voice when narrating and the cinematography and production values are superb.
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Black Snow (2022– )
Interesting story, but .....
2 January 2023
Was very much looking forward to Black Snow. The story is interesting and the performances of the people set in 1990's flashbacks are great. There is also a killer 90's soundtrack. But there are two major issues I had with this mini series.

First off, it's slow, but annoyingly slow. It could have easily been condensed to 4 or 5 episodes which would have improved the pacing and created some tension.

Secondly, Travis Fimmel was just dreadful in the lead role. He was absolutely fantastic in the action series Vikings, where he could feign a strange Viking accent and get away with it, look stoned or drunk most of the series and run around wielding swords and axes. But an Australian drama (even though he is Australian), however exposes his rather poor acting ability. In some scenes I was actually laughing at him which I don't think is what the makers of this series wanted. His diction is appalling and I had to watch it with subtitles on to understand what he was saying. It was frustrating because I could think of at least 10 fantastic Australian actors who could have taken the starring role in this series and done a much better job.
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Could have been fantastic...but
29 December 2022
What an excellent story, and a phenomenal cast including the last ever appearance by the wonderful Paul Ritter. RIP 😢 A true story of how the British tricked the Nazis into believing that they intended to land of force in Greece when in fact they wanted the Nazis to move their resources away from Sicily so the British could invade and effectively remove Italy from the war.

Unfortunately the problem with this movie is it is way too long and although the first half moves along at a decent pace, the second half is protracted, and consequently loses momentum. The main reason for this is the side focus on a drawn out and quite irritating romance which really detracts from the overall story. Such a shame. Excellent performances from Colin Firth, Matthew Macfadyen and the always brilliant Jason Isaacs. The weak link for me was Kelly McDonald who I find is an actress of very limited range and totally unconvincing in this role.
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The English (2022)
13 November 2022
Where to start with The English. There are so many layers to this intriguing and fascinating series. Twists and turns abound, which slowly and cleverly reveal themselves. Sometimes it's almost a spaghetti western in the tradition of Sergio Leone, at others it put me in mind of Michael Man's Last of the Mohicans.

The acting is phenomenal. Rafe Spall steals the show as possibly one of the truely vilest characters I've seen on screen in a long time. I'm not a fan of Emily Blunt, but she's very good in this. Ciaran Hinds, Stephen Rea and Toby Jones put in their usual fantastic performances. And Chaske Spencer - what fabulous casting. He's totally captivating as Eli Whipp.

Filmed mostly in Spain, the cinematography is truely beautiful. The colour saturation is so intense it add a surreal feel to the series, which just adds to its brilliance.

The English is a rare win for the usually mundane Amazon Prime, and totally binge-worthy.
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Shining Girls (2022)
Jamie Bell is a revelation
13 November 2022
I've seen Jamie Bell in a few supporting roles over the years and to be perfectly honest, never particularly noticed what an absolutely phenomenal actor he is. Shinning Girls is Jamie's opportunity to shine, and boy does he glow. He is so utterly convincing, it's terrifying.

Shining Girls is a clever, enthralling and interesting show, which keeps the viewer thinking and engaged from start to finish. The story is fantastic. The acting is solid but I'm getting sick of Elisabeth Moss's "stink eye at the camera" face which she used to great effect in the early seasons of The Handmaid's Tale, but has well & truly worn out its welcome. Also the casting of Aami Brennaman as a geriatric Alanis Morrisette really didn't work for me. This really is Jamie Bell's show.
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The Northman (2022)
Absolutely brilliant
5 November 2022
The Northman is a true epic. I cannot for the life of me understand the naysayers claims that it is boring, as I found it utterly enthralling.

Although not generally a fan of Alexander Skarsgård, he is fantastic in The Northman and perfectly cast. Other performances (with the exception of Kidman 🙄🙄🙄) are also great. It has the feel of a true Icelandic saga and the Norse mythology is beautifully woven within the screenplay. Although the story is a derivative of Hamlet, it is nevertheless full of well-developed characters and themes. The cinematography is superb and the scenery is divine.

I sincerely hope The Northman becomes a classic and achieves the accolades it so richly deserves.
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Inside Man (II) (2022)
Absolutely dreadful
2 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Really talented actors in this, but Inside Man some obscene macabre mix of Midsomer Murders and The Green Mile that simply doesn't work. The premise is so utterly ridiculous it beggars belief that this rubbish actually got financed.

And don't get me started on the themes. You've got child pornography and abuse, a death row inmate who has murdered 15 women (maybe including his quirky genius with an mother as he ate her feet), and is portrayed as a lovable, quirky genius with an eidadic memory, a Sherlock Holmesianeque wife killer who everyone goes to for his insightfulness and wit. And David Tennant playing a gallant but murderous Vicar of Dibly moron.

The problem with Inside Man is that it doesn't know what it wants to be. It's neither a hard drama nor a comedy. It's some hybrid of the two, and consequently doesn't work on either level due to it's hard core themes.
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Prey (I) (2022)
This gives me some hope
13 August 2022
Prey is no masterpiece, but it's the best predator outing since Predator 2. Really enjoyed it, although the dialogue is dreadful, ruined by the 21st century American English idioms. The scenery is great, but for some reason the animal CGI was pretty bad.

Action movies these days are pretty bad, but this gives me some hope!
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The Sandman (2022– )
What a mishmash
12 August 2022
I don't know what happened with his series. The first five episodes were good and seemed to tell a cohesive story. Episode six onwards seems to be a whole different series. I only made it to episode 8 & gave up. Really only worth watching for David Thewlis' awesome performance. The rest is uber woke rubbish. More junk from the failing Netflix.
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The Orville: Future Unknown (2022)
Season 3, Episode 10
Dreadful - boring and saccharine
8 August 2022
What a horrible ending to a great season. Nauseatingly sentimental and just plain boring. The only thing lacking was an ineffectual Betazoid. Hope this is not the harbinger of the Disneyfication of The Orville Season 4.
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Torturously slow
19 July 2022
Love the outback scenery and Mark Coles Smith is great, as is the intriguing Salme Geransar, but dear god this is so incredibly slow. Very disappointed. Was expecting so much more.
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The White Lotus (2021–2025)
Patchy but Murray Bartlett as Armand is brilliant
16 July 2022
I fast forwarded through most of this. Some of the POVs are really boring, but it's worth watching for Murray Bartlett's Armand alone. How was he not nominated for an Emmy?
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Chloe (2022)
Pleasantly surprised
26 June 2022
Considering the reviews, I was apprehensive about watching this, but I was very pleasantly surprised at how intriguing it was. As stated in other reviews the ending wasn't great, but much better than expected.
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