
16 Reviews
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The Trial (1962)
Pretentious Garbage
29 October 2021
This movie is unbearable. I suspect that is a major reason why so many people think it's so good. I'm sure the people raving about how good this movie is jump through all kinds of hoops to convince themselves of it's greatness. It's just nonsense from beginning to end. Even as a dream it's ridiculous. People simply do not act or behave like this, even in dreams. There's no entertainment value whatsoever. Just boring nonsense.

Welles couldn't even be bothered to stick to the book, even though it would not have been difficult do so, as it is with a lot of other books being made into movies. Why change so many details unnecessarily?
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The Thing (I) (2011)
A Terrible Movie Adaptation of a Great Science Fiction Novella
10 August 2021
I watched the 1951 and 1982 adaptations of "Who Goes There?" by John W. Campbell before deciding to watch this one. I had hoped that this one might do a better job of remaining true to the original story than the previous two. Sadly, this one is easily the worst. I could not even finish watching it.

The cast is terrible, and boring. The movie wastes no time in making it clear that they have no interest whatsoever in staying close to the source material. After watching all three movies, I can only conclude that Hollywood thinks the average moviegoer is a moron, and will not accept any movie of this sort without there being a monster. I would imagine that it's also a lot easier, and requires much less talent from the people making the movie.

I guess it's easy for me to say, since no one is throwing cash at me, or offering to put my name in movies, but if I had written the novella that the movies are based on I would never have agreed to any of these adaptations.

Apparently they make a new "The Thing" movie every thirty years. Maybe the next one in 2041 will finally get it right.
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The Road (I) (2009)
OMG This Movie is Unbearably Depressing and Pointless
22 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm waiting for the movie that comes out that is nothing but a black screen for two hours. I know it's coming. When it does there will be plenty of pretentious people giving reviews that tell us how brilliant it is.

I wish I could understand why ANYONE would want to watch a movie like this. As many have already mentioned, there is zero entertainment value here. Is it possible that I'm just not high minded enough to understand that a movie is a form of escape, and should have some entertainment value? I bet some of the people giving this movie 9 or 10 scores are the same crowd who play video games and think that video games don't need to be entertaining. I guess we just need to experience misery and then talk about how it makes us feel. Surprise, surprise! It makes you feel miserable!

I guess I should say something about the movie. Thankfully, it won't take long. There's an apocalypse of some sort and the movie protagonists are a surviving father and son. They travel along a road to get to the coast because, apparently, that's where all of the good people live so that's where the good survivors must be. Along the road that's in between the coasts are nothing but hillbilly cannibals because that's who normally lives in between the coasts. The goal is to avoid and or escape the endless stream of survivors while trying to encounter as many of them as possible. When you reach the coast the game.......sorry, I mean movie, is over.

Just in case you are wondering, in addition to no entertainment value, there are ZERO likable characters. Now you could watch this movie for two hours, but I recommend watching that scene from deliverance over and over again instead. (You know the scene I'm talking about.) That scene kind of encapsulates the essence of this movie and you won't have to waste two hours.
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Primer (2004)
Unwatchable Nonsense Pretending to Be Something
28 April 2021
This movie is garbage.

Four guys devoid of personality (and any acting ability) talk over each other and never finish sentences. There's no idea or science here. Just a director who thinks that if he has them all constantly talking at the same time without ever actually saying anything people will think that it's clever and complicated.

Don't make the same mistake that I did and think that the dialog and story (is there a story?) will eventually make sense. It won't make sense unless you just want to pretend it does like so many other reviewers seem to be doing. They admit to virtually everything in the movie not making sense and MANY other flaws, but then conclude that it's genius and give it 10/10.
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Melancholia (2011)
Watching This Movie Will Make You Root for the End of the World
22 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Ah, yes. Here we have an obviously boring, depressing, stupid, and pretentious movie, but in the eyes of the people giving it fabulous reviews it is a great movie because it is foreign. If you don't like it, you just don't understand it. This seems to be a mantra for people who love movies like this. They "understand" it, you don't.

The movie immediately starts off with over seven minutes (it will feel like an hour) of utter nonsense and boredom, but perhaps this was done deliberately to make the rest of the movie seem less excruciating. If that's the case, unfortunately, it didn't work.

Be prepared to experience a LOT of silence, barely audible dialog, and people staring at each other. If that's not bad enough, the characters in this movie are all so unlikable that you really want them to be wiped out by a collision with another planet.
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Seconds (1966)
Boring, Irritating, and Stupid
2 April 2021
It boggles the mind that there are so many pretentious people leaving movie reviews.

My review title description starts the second the movie starts and never let's up.

Let's star with the "brilliant" camera work. If you or I made this exact same movie it would have been suggested that not only were we rank amateurs, but also that the camera man had no experience with a movie camera or was drunk. From the moment the movie starts you get constant close ups of noses, the backs of necks, and parts of faces. Genius! If that isn't bad enough, the music is horrible and is completely out of sync with what is happening on the screen.

I'm not going to waste much time reviewing this movie because it's bad enough that I wasted so much time watching it. I was just hoping to help some people not make the same mistake.

However, doesn't it seem odd to you that so many reviewers refer to the movie as underrated, overlooked, not well known, etc., etc.? Trust me, there is a reason for it. One reviewer said the movie was a downer, and then gave it a perfect score! If a movie's quality is judged by how much of a downer it is, that being an admirable quality in a movie, then I guess this movie really does rate a perfect score.
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The Evil Eye (1963)
What's Going On Here?
11 March 2021
I don't understand what the people reviewing the movie here are thinking. It's like they watched a different movie than me. I'm pretty sure part of it is pretentiousness, and the fact that everyone likes to state how this is the first Giallo movie. Is that supposed to make the movie better?

I give the movie four stars because the story is not bad and it's amusing sometimes, but the acting is absurdly bad except for John Saxon. Maybe I'm misunderstanding, and they are doing it for comedic effect, but if that's the case it's not funny. One of the reviewers here actually stated that Leticia Roman's acting was good! I'm not familiar with any of her other movies, but her acting here is some of the worst I have ever seen.

I usually don't even care that much if the acting isn't great if the movie is good, but the acting in this movie completely ruins it. It's pretty sad when John Saxon is the best actor by far in a movie!
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The Outer Limits: White Light Fever (1995)
Season 1, Episode 5
This Episode Makes No Sense
24 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Despicable 102 year old man uses his massive wealth to get a heart that could have saved an eighteen year old. He supposedly cheated death, and death is trying to get him. At the end of the episode, after he died, he sees the eighteen year old girl that died because of him at the entrance to the tunnel of light he is about to enter. He asks to go with her, but she says he can't because he is going to a different place than her. The obvious implication is that he is going to hell.

Now there's nothing really wrong with this scenario as far as I have explained it so far, but the problem is that if he was going to hell, and she was going to heaven or some place good, you would think that the force that was after him was good. However, this force, whatever it was, killed an innocent man, and tried to kill the doctor as well. It also threatened more. I don't understand why they did this. It kind of ruined the episode. Maybe I'm missing something and someone else can give a rational explanation for this.
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The Outer Limits: The Second Soul (1995)
Season 1, Episode 4
They decided to make this episode a political message. As is usually the case when they do this, it's not good.
22 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I was pretty high on this show up until this episode. Ironically, I was initially afraid the show might be political like so many others. Just as I was thinking that might not be the case. Whoop! There it is!

It really is amazing that people like those behind this episode think that people in this country are so bad, and that people in other countries are so much better. In this episode they take it a step further. You get to see that even though they think we are so bad, if aliens from another planet come here and want to take over the bodies of our dead, and you don't trust them completely, and embrace that idea, you are a bigot and a xenophobe. You see, we're bad, but any beings from other planets are good, even if you know nothing about them and they demand the bodies of your loved ones. Sick.
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I Love Command & Conquer, but This is NOT Good!
31 January 2020
I don't know what the other reviewer of this game is thinking when he describes this as being good. Especially his comments on the mission design. I really like Command & Conquer but even I found this expansion to be a chore. Besides, he said he couldn't even play a lot of the game because it was bugged. I played through all of the missions and they are more like aggravating puzzles than anything else. If you want to see an accurate review, read Gamespot's review.

The mission design and AI (it's being generous to call it that) are terrible. In almost every mission the same thing happens. Before you can even get started they send a bunch of enemy units at you. The AI is just massive cheating. Units come from off the edge of the screen at any time, and the AI does not abide by the rules of the game. They can put up buildings in the middle of nowhere even when they have no base. It got so bad at one point that I had to put units on top of the spots where they kept rebuilding over and over again to stop them.

If you are looking for aggravation, this game is highly recommended. Don't play this because Command & Conquer is a great series and this just might spoil it for you so that you won't want to play the good games in the series. There's absolutely no story and movies anyway.
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The Halloween Tree (1993 TV Movie)
Extremely Disappointing
2 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I couldn't even finish watching this.

Why was the story changed so much? Why did Bradbury allow them to make so many unnecessary changes to his story? Right from the start they made one change after another, and they were NOT good changes.They removed more than half of the characters from the book.

Instead of meeting Pipkin at his house the other kids meet him at Moonshroud's house, as a ghost? These changes are beyond stupid. It's like Hanna and Barbera are so full of themselves that they feel the need to change everything just to show everyone that they can write better than Bradbury, It's hard to imagine that Bradbury allowed them to butcher his own story.

The animation is terrible, especially that of Moonshroud. Nimoy's voice acting of Moonshroud is also really bad. His voice is so irritating. He would have been better off just using his own voice.
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Miracle Mile (1988)
How Does This Happen?
18 October 2019
I know opinions about movies are somewhat subjective but this movie is bad no matter how you look at it. It's obvious right from the start.

The cast is bad, the acting is bad, the writing is bad, the music is bad. Even though this is my kind of movie, (I like post apocalyptic romances) I found this movie to be unbearable. All I can say is that I guess if you can stand the first 15 minutes of the movie, then I guess, for some reason, you might have a chance of liking it. As far as I'm concerned, I don't know what people are thinking when they give this movie really good reviews. I think I could have made this movie.
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Psycho (1960)
Great Movie But..................
26 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not going to bother telling you what's great about this movie. You can look at the gazillion reviews here for that. Overall I would give the movie and 8.5 to 9.0.

I'm going to use this review to make a few criticisms because no one seems to talk about that in their reviews. One of the recent reviewers had an interesting perspective. They thought that the movie dragged in the middle. I didn't see it that way. I thought the beginning was very weak. I didn't like it at all. The whole scene in the hotel room at the start was not entertaining in any way for me.

There were a lot of little things in the movie that seemed silly to me.

One of those was when Norman was clearing out the hotel room after the murder. The last thing he removed from the room was the newspaper that had almost $40,000 dollars in it. There is absolutely no way that someone could pick up a newspaper with all that money in it and not realize there was something in it. He would have needed to hold it together too in order to stop the money from falling out.

Another was the camera work for the killing of the detective. I know Hitchcock is much admired for his camera work but the close up of Martin Balsam struggling to not fall backwards down the stairs looked ludicrous. In fact it looked very similar to a scene in another Hitchcock movie, Vertigo, except the scene in Vertigo wasn't this ridiculous. It took as much time for Balsam to fall down the stairs in this movie as it did for someone to fall from a tall building in Vertigo.

The biggest problem with the movie by far was finding out that the mother had been dead for ten years and that Norman was himself and also acting as his mother because he had a split personality. One hour, ten minutes, and 27 seconds into the movie, bother Norman and his mother appear in the same scene. I never see where anyone ever mentions this. This is clearly an attempt to make you think that Norman isn't crazy and is not dressing up and acting as his own mother, but how do you justify this? Anyway, I would be interested in what anyone else has to say about this.
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The Real Horror is How Bad This Movie Is
20 April 2018
This movie makes me want to track down the people who made it and make them watch their own movie. Virtually everything about this movie is terrible.

The noise, I mean music, you hear at the beginning of the movie is just the beginning of your suffering if you continue to watch the movie. The music isn't even music, it's just fingers scratching a chalkboard.

The acting is lousy. Oliver Reed, and Gig Young must have been desperate for money when they made this garbage. It fits Carol Lynley because she never could act.

The story is beyond absurd. H.P. Lovecraft must be spinning in his grave. Just read the story because if you are a fan of HP Lovecraft, you will not be happy seeing what they have done with "The Shuttered Room." The setting for the story is all wrong. It's based in the sixties but they still act like it's the eighteen hundreds.

I really resent having to give this movie one star.
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Megamind (2010)
I Love This Movie!
7 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A super hero movie with a "You've Got Mail" type love story. It is both heart warming and hilarious. The cast is great. The voice acting is great. The animation is great. The story is great. The music is great. Well, you get the picture. Another plus is the movie is not laced with political messages like Zootopia. That movie was ruined for me by annoying politics.

Megamind has broad appeal and has something for almost everyone. I will confess that I am inclined to like this type of movie, but even after deducting points for bias, this movie would get a high score. I really wish they had done a sequel. The worst thing I can say about this movie is that it was over too quickly.
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18 August 2015
I have never seen anything like this before in my life. There aren't words bad enough to describe it. It's hard to have too much respect for the long list of talented actors in this..... whatever it is, after watching them in this.

Apparently Netflix has decided that there really isn't any need to try and make a television series that's good when you can just make garbage and pay a lot of money to big name actors to be in it. With this cast how bad could it be, right? These actors must like money so much that they will do just about anything if you pay them enough.

I wouldn't think this "series" was good if it was a first effort at film making by a student in high school. I can honestly say I will never watch a Netflix production again. They actually make the networks look like talented geniuses.
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