
2 Reviews
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Was scared this wouldn't feel like lotr, but it does!
3 September 2022
Granted there's heaps of character and story building but was genuinely scared they were going to try copy game of thrones which they did not!

Into, music and Middle earth culture accurately recreated in my opinion!

I cannot wait for more episodes and more stories, I hope it it indulges in more dwarfe, elf, human and hobbit stories.

I'm actually saddened at a lot of the reviews because they are so blunt and most lacking the love for lotr stories and new adaptations.

The Cinematics are incredible, almost giving a movie vibe to most scenes, I hope there's not a whole lore of drama dialogue! I am scared of that

Give it a chance.
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Don't care who you are this will freak you out!!!
12 October 2018
I've only started on episode 2, although I'm hooked and freaked right out! The performances from the adults and the younger versions of the adults are very convincing and ropes you into a family that has been screwed over by terror and your along for the ride with them! Enjoy I am
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