3 Reviews
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I thought After film School was hilarious. I recommend it.
18 December 2014
Why I gave After Film School a 10 / 10 score. I was first skeptical when I read that it was a comedy and a musical about a high school shooting. But the trailer was really good, then I was really impressed with the movie. It is quite funny, considering the subject matter. I think the musical aspect helped make the theme much lighter and less offensive. The acting was really good. Most of the actors and actresses were really professional. Adam, (played by Bruce N.) is an excellent actor, and I also liked the British actor. I loved the audition for the singers to be in the musical. Great job there, it was definitely a 'laugh-out-loud' moment. The voices sounded really professional, don't know if the actors were really singing or not, but it sounded great. There was only one part in the film I wasn't enthusiastic about, and that was the role of 'the cousin'. Or at least bleeped out all his swear words. The ending was very suspenseful. Overall, this movie is worth a 10.
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Up and Down (2014)
I loved the trailer for Up and Down
23 April 2014
I am writing a review for the movie Up and Down, because I liked the trailer very much, and suggest others to watch it. I will go through in detail why I liked it. First I like the title. When I first read it, I thought it was a unique title, but didn't understand it. Up and Down represents the yo-yo and its movements. Which brings me to the next reason I like it - the subject matter. I have never seen such fantastic and intricate yo-yo tricks before. I use to think a yo-yo was boring, but not any more. Would love to see more of the same, never gets boring. And if you are interested in seeing what a yo-yo competition is like, this is the place to watch. I never knew there were such competitions. I would love to see who the winner is. I also like how the theme of yo-yo is highlighted by a group of youth who take the sport so seriously and do it so well, with all the practicing. Just like life's experiences, nothing is easy. Life is a yo-yo, with it's ups and downs. I would love to see the whole movie, I know I would enjoy it.
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Mop King (2013)
Love this trailer: hilarious: great actors and story line
16 July 2013
This Mop King trailer is really funny. I recommend it to anyone who wants a good laugh. I can't wait to see the whole movie. Good luck in getting it out there. I've seen many other Mop King versions, but this one, starring all young and talented Canadian actors is by far the best. The actors are young, believable in their roles, dress the part, know their lines well, and come across as sincere and responsible. I believe it was filmed in Vancouver, I recognize some parts of town. It's great to watch a film when there are scenes that you recognize as your home town. Good use of showcasing Vancouver - Canada's most scenic beautiful city. People who don't know Vancouver very well will fall in love with the city. Hopefully they will come and visit - good for the economy.
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