
21 Reviews
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Valentine's Day (I) (2010)
I love this type's story.
9 October 2013
This is the wonderful story. It is love comedy, and there are lots of the points of laugh. It is described the main person who is the florist and his around people in valentine day. In the U.S, many men and boys sends the flowers for their girlfriend or important person. So florist is too busy in that day though he ties to propose to his girlfriend. The other hand, his company, friends and friend's friend, their each valentine are described. I like this movie because all people enjoyed the valentine day. I want to watch it again with my boyfriend in the valentine day. The characters made me happy. Also a lot of actors and actresses have appearance in this movie, so many people can enjoy this movie about story and cast. I'm glad to appearance my favorite actress, Jessica Beal and Ann Hathaway. They are so beautiful. Jessica played the woman who has very weak mind, so her character is cute and it makes us fun. Ann's role is the career women, but she has a big secret about her job. I'm satisfied they role because they are important person each other. The other actors were so cool. I thought that this movie uses the famous actor and actress, and it's gorgeous.
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Life of Pi (2012)
2 October 2013
This movie's main character is the boy who named Pi is son of the zoo in India. When he grew up, his family decided to move to America with their zoo. Then, they went to new country by the big ship with a lot of animals. However, when they are in the middle of sea, the typhoon attacked their ship and it capsized. Amazingly, pi could got ride the lifeboat, but there were the curiously passenger.

The most memorable point is fellow passenger is tiger. The hungered tiger tried to get some food, so Pi was sought also. However, he tried to survive in the middle of sea with this tiger at any cost. I was surprised at his method to live. He found to way to live by the various tools. I touched this attitude.

At first, I couldn't know the two man's relationship, but later I could. It was fun to connect different element at the end.

Also, the picture is so beautiful. When you watch this film, you ought to pay attention to background view. I like this movie, so I watched it three times! However, I didn't get bored with this, so I want to watch again.
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Sugar & Spice (2006)
This is cute story.
2 October 2013
The ordinary high school students, Shiro decided to work in Gas stop without to be a university student. His parents object to his ideas, but he despite their objections. His ally is his Granma only. One day, new crew came in his workplace as a part-time worker. Her name is Noriko and he falls in love with her at first sight. However, there were some problems with them.

Yuya Yagira plays well the ordinary boy. I felt close to him. Also Erika Sawajiri is so cute and matches her role, because she has mysterious atmosphere. Their living seemed so happy. Their room's decoration was so cute, and there were a lot of same small article.

However love is not only sweet as a title. This movie told me it. I like happy story, so this movie made me sad a little, but I think nice movie as a whole. If I am an adult, I would understand their feelings more.
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I will make the account of Face Book.
2 October 2013
A student of Harvard University has a good talent of network. One day, he was dumped by his girlfriend because he is rude and selfish. He made a belly it, and he spoke ill of her on his blog and made the Internet site what compare to girls who are in university because he got drunk. Surprisingly, the website gets 20,000 accesses, but he gotten angry by teachers and all girls. So he tried to make a new social network service at all. He managed make some cool system, so he fight a various problem.

He is actually selfish a bit, but his attitude to stick to cool was so cool. I have never thought this big and wonderful system made by students, so I was surprised more. I poor at network, so I can't mention how his made this, but I can tell you about his talent is excellent.

Now that, Face Book is the most famous SNS. I thought want to make the account of Face Book after watching this movie.
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My favorite movie in that I have ever seen.
2 October 2013
In World WarⅡ, Japanese government was controlling every entertainment. This is the story of director of comedy stage and sensor of government.

This story's point of interest, the censor's thinking changes gradually, because of the eager director. At first, the censor tried to not forgive it hate even to laugh, but the director's avid attitude and his fascinating script made the censor change. The other key point is historical back ground. How do you expect the ending of this story?

I like this movie so much. Koji Yakusyo acts the censor who don't have interest in entertainment, and too serious. In addition, he has never laughed anything so far. The other hand, Goro Inagaki acts the director who makes funny stories, and also he is earnest too. The both of actor's acting are wonderful and they matched their role.

This film has so many points of laugh, and give us warm feeling after watch it. Especially, I was cried by last scene. This is one of the greatest film what I've ever seen. I want to recommend it to everyone.
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I like Matsuko's singing scene.
2 October 2013
The main character, Matsuko Kawaziri is very strange person. However, I like her because her ideas and actions are cute. She is always falls in love with bad boys. For instance, the man or the fight without reason or act of violence to her, but even she is reserved the terrible actions, she still loves them.

Miki Nakatani is so beautiful, but she could show us the funny face and Matsuko's the felt looks. Last scene, her beauty couldn't see, and this is evidence of she is a great actress. Also role of her nephew, Eita matched the corrupted young man. I can't guess he will do in the future, but I could see his growth since he began to know about him aunt.

In the other view, the supporting actors were richly. A lot of actors and comedians were appealing, so I thought we can enjoy this movie many times. I can't tell you the ending, so you should watch this movie soon!
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I want to know what will happen in the next episode
2 October 2013
The woman named Summer is strange person. She is so beautiful and she has the ability to attack many people. One day, Tom who works in design office meets to Summer and fall in love at first sight. He believes the fate, so he thought that Summer is soul mate. But on the contrary, she doesn't believe it at all, and she even needn't the boyfriend. 500 days of such two people with the different thought are described.

When I was watching this film, I was rooting for him because his attitude to her is amazing and cool. She has hard thinking, so it was difficult for him to get along with her. He would be serious to do it, but I guess he gets a lot of empathy by us.

I can't talk to you about the result of their relationship, but surely we can see the Tom's growth for 500 days. I think that everyone has regarded what is love thus far, however this movie make us think about it again.

I didn't know why she began to have that idea, so I don't understand her thought. Merely she taught me that there are people with a kind of ideas. I want to watch more of this story!
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E.T. (1982)
The most pretty alien!
2 October 2013
This is the friendship story between the boy, Eliot and the alien. One day, Eliot caught sight of alien, but no one believes it at first. Then he meets that alien again, and get along with alien. He names ET to the alien, and play with him. ET's action is so cute because he imitates Eliot and his sister or brother's speaking. One day ET says "I want to go home." After Eliot heard ET's words, he made the machine of communication to space. Can ET get home someday?

This movie's back view is excellent. It is used CG, but it looks truly landscape. Also, Eliot and ET's friendship described well. I was thinking that alien is terrible and attack to human, but ET was so friendly. This is why I like this alien. My favorite scene is Eliot, ET, his brother and his brother's friend gets away to the forest to sent ET to space. It was enjoyable to see that they shake off the adults.

I think this is one of the greatest movie in the world because there are funny, sad, fear and laugh.
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Perfect Sense (2011)
I felt fear of illness
2 October 2013
Susan, expert of infection is dumped by her boyfriend, so she spent lonely time. When she was working hard without thinking loneliness, she meets Michael who looks frivolous man. At first, she doesn't have interest in him, but they attracted each other gradually. One day, the illness that takes away the five senses broke out around the world suddenly. The people who infectious act the strange action, for instance, become furious, become too hungry and eat anything. What will they become?

I felt fear of this illness and people's behavior. Especially, people feel starvation, and they eat oils, soaps, animals, and other things what is not foods. The other scenes, people act the abnormal behave, and made me feel a fear. If this illness exists in this world actually and we become lose our senses, I would not know what to do. Susan feels happy with Michael at last, but their relationship about to be broken for many times, and it made me sad. However, we can see their bond.

After watching this film, I thought we have five senses is very happy. It told us the blessing of good health.
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This is not common horror movie.
2 October 2013
The main character is a psychiatrist, and he came across a boy who his patient. He tried to therapy for the boy, but it was hard because the boy has a mysterious reason. This is horror movie, but not appears the ghost or something strange people. At first, I didn't understand the boy's action and his wife's action, but I knew everything in the end.

It has the strange points of peculiar American horror movie. There is the terror by someone who is not seen by anyone. That terror is caused by ghost or devil or something, and it is difficult for the doctor to clarify. While the doctor and the boy made a good relationship. This movie is not common horror movie. It is heart-warming story.

Lastly the people who watched this movie must have promised with Bruce Willis about this film's secrets. I would keep it also.
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Embers (2006)
A wife of the soldier have strong mind.
5 August 2013
This movie's main character is a wife of the soldier. Her husband goes to the War, and she is looking forward for him getting home from the battlefield. In this period, she has the dream that the Japanese soldier tried to kill her husband sometimes. Then, her spirit becomes abnormal state.

I thought that this movie's subject is serious and heavy, but it's wonderful to express to their complicated emotion for the war in the short time. This film contains the horrible scene, for instance, a dream that the Japanese soldier has her husband's ear. I surprised to watch this scene, but it gives us the fear of the War.

At first, I couldn't grasp the meaning of this film, but I found it at the last scene. To sum up, the war gave us sadness and terror. This film's meaning is ''stop the War.'' I thought that living in present Japan which has no war is happy.
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Whacked (II) (1998)
This film is funny.
5 August 2013
In New York city, a lot of incident happened. The victims fell down suddenly, and the reason is known by nobody. However, there is a person who knows that reason. The person is a man who working at golf course. What does he know and why?

His work is picking up golf balls, and this work is dangerous and stressful, because the hard balls fry to him and direct hits his car. Also it makes big noise, therefore, he often releases him stress by terrible method, and it is a big connection to NYC's incident. I was surprised to see the incident's truth, because it was caused unexpected person.

The time of this film about 5 minutes, but it was memorable. It is no lines and no back ground music, there are sound effects, but I can read this easily. I think that you who want to feel the thrill, you ought to watch this film.
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Gasman (1997)
This film's mean is complicated.
4 August 2013
One day, a girl and a boy went out with their mother, on the other hand, a boy and a girl went out with their father, and then, two families met each other on the railway. The mother's children were left the father and went to the Christmas party together.

I didn't understand the relationship of those two families. However, I think children have blood relationship. Probably because the two daughter's looks were very similar, also they felt something to relation, so it caused rivalry each other, and they fought about who will sit on their father's knee.

It was very difficult for me to grasp this film's to intention, since there were the complicated reasons. The scene what is a girl with her father looked back to the other family was impressive to me.
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I noticed a strange man is kindness at the end.
17 July 2013
This movie is an old lady's story. She made some mistake in the story, and it was very funny. In the station, she lost her train, so she decides to spend time in the restaurant. She ordered the salad bowl, but a strange ma came and ate it while she went to take the fork. She was very surprised, but the man didn't care about her, and he continued eating. Who is he?

I thought, how strange person he is when he appearance. However, last scene made my notion changed. This direction will be surprised to all the people who watched this movie. Also, the old lady does funny action, for instance, when she dropped he bag, and littered her things, a black men picked up her things, but she treated unfriendly. I thought her attitude to the other person is too bad. However, she was blamed by nobody, so I thought her character has something to point of hard to hate. And the reason is her careless side, I consider.

This movie's enjoyable point is in last scene, so I think lots of people didn't understand this story's intention at first. I want to laugh at the truth in the last scene!
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The Crush (I) (2010)
He is cunning boy!
16 July 2013
There is a common boy about 5~7 years old. He loves his homeroom teacher, so he took the plunge and gave a ring to her. He was grad that he could joyful to her. However, one day, he came across her and her finance. Besides, she was wearing the engagement ring which is give from her finance, and not wearing the ring her gave from him anywhere. He shocked at those facts, and this incident made up his mind prevent to her marriage. How does he carry out this plan?

I thought his plan is very smart and cunning even though he is a child. The boy was cute very much at first though his action was scary. Lots of adults thought and treated him like a child, but he made the plan about to defeat him earnestly. His passion for her is described clearly, and be moved my mind. However, her finance was very pity. He must love her, but he receives unexpected event which is caused by the child.

This movie is short however, I could enjoy watching it while I feel thrill.
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It is an impressive movie.
16 July 2013
This movie is a Japanese movie. The daughter often goes to buy cigarettes for her father, since her father has illness and he cannot to go to buy it. He had been told to stop smoking cigarette from his doctor though he asks his daughter to buy cigarettes. Her mother scolds her for buying the cigarette, but the daughter tries to take the cigarette to her father. Can she get and take cigarettes to her father?

I like this little girl. She does her best for her father, and this attitude is very lovable. I think that she really loves her father, so she wants to buy it by a lot of ways. Also, I like the high school student girl too. High school students are prohibited from smoking by law, but her stately behavior is so cool.

I wondered that her father's illness is very severe when the daughter came home, but he seemed fine in the next scene.

There was a small point what it is difficult to understand like above. Even so, it is impressive film.
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Knick Knack (1989)
I love this figure's world.
16 July 2013
The main character of this movie is a snowman. However, he is a figure and he is in a snow dome. He wants to get out of the dome and to go a cute doll. How he escape this dome?

I like this snowman. He is pretty when he tries to get out by various means. He wants to play with her and other figures. Therefore, he brought a lot of tools, for instance, the drill and the bomb. I thought those tools are very dangerous for him, but he used easily to get out to outside. This attitude was pretty. What he brings tools made me surprised because I don't know where he brought them from. However, those things just like Pixar animation.

I like Pixar animation since those movies are unrealistic and the characters are charming. And this movie keeps this rule. The snowman and other figures are so sweet, especially their freely movement and talking.

This story's ending is funny anyway. This movie is very short, but it made me enjoyable!
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Paperman (2012)
It is romantic story.
16 July 2013
One day a man and woman came across in a station. The man fell in love with her, but she went to somewhere soon. He felt chagrin, however he found her by chance! She was in the building which is opposite his office. He wants to be noticed by her, so he tried to fly the paper plane to her from his office's window. Can he meet her again?

This movie's ending touched me really. His action for her is passionate, but he was scolded by his boss, since he didn't work and made the paper plane by documents of his company. Even so, he throws his works out, and ran after her. Then, a lot of paper planes what he thrown helped him by unrealistic power, but this power caused unexpected result for him.

This movie's character are distinguished their expression, so I can understand their emotion without words. I thought this direction is wonderful. You who want to watch the romantic story, you ought to watch this movie.
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Lifted (2006)
The monsters are cute!
15 July 2013
This movie features two monsters. They have various powers and use those power on humans. They handle humans with a number of buttons. Then, human moves any direction but the human doesn't notice it. They have some aim. Can they achieve their aim? I like the trainee monster. He often made a mistake, so his senior got angry. I laughed at this scene: the boy who is moved by the trainee monster doesn't notice hit all over his room's wall. Normally, human feels pain when he hits the wall. Therefore, this phenomenon must be their power. When this incident happen, the behavior of the trainee monster is pretty. However, I didn't understand why they came to the Earth, where they came from, and why they targeted the boy. I wished the movie explained those reasons, though I think that this movie is enjoyable for children and for adults.
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It is heart-warming story!
10 July 2013
This movie is a tale of a father and daughter. One day, father and daughter went to the river by bicycle. Then, the father is carried out to somewhere by a boat, and he never returns to her. Can they meet again? I was sad watching this movie when the daughter comes to the riverside where her father has gone somewhere. She comes there alone also with friends and her new family. She continues to go to there until she becomes an old woman. Her longing for her father touched me very much. I thought that she must be rewarded. I like a happy ending, so I like this movie. This film has no a dialogue. However, we can understand this story easily. Also, back-ground music has no lyrics too, but this music which repeats the same rhythm causes to effect whereby the daughter goes there again and again. I thought this production is effective to help us understand this film. To sum up, this movie makes an impression on us.
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The man's idea was entertaining.
29 May 2013
The man who is the main character in this story goes to his office job by boat every day. One day, a woman and her obese co-worker want to ride to the office with him. THe man can not refuse to take them. I thought that if I am in same situation, I could not refuse to take them because my mind is weak, so I felt sympathized. I think this movie can get sympathy from many people whose mind is weak. The main character is a quirky man and the woman who is so good-looking but a cunning and clever woman. Can our hero avoid to take her and her bonvivant co-worker? My single criticism is that I didn't understand the last scene. Why does the man give a fish to the girl who is fishing there every day? furthermore, why could the girl not catch it? I think this scene's purpose is not easy to understand. However, it is a small point is an overall enjoyable film.
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