
27 Reviews
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Dogman (2012)
Woof! Boo! Eek!
3 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If you like low-budget horror, this is the movie for you.

I liked it because it's a werewolf movie.

Yes, VERY low budget. And not that bad.
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Trouble Man (1972)
Perfect Mid-70s Black Action Movie
19 March 2021
Don't call it Blaxploitation!

This flick is everything you want to see in a badass black film from the mid-70's - action, great clothes, good-looking stars with perfect Afros, and giant cars.

Well worth your time.
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3 February 2021
Are we sure that this abomination isn't one of those terrible Saturday afternoon "original" stinkers that the SyFy channel used to produce and foist on us?

Sure seems like it.
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Night Shift (1982)
Do You Need A Laugh?
9 May 2020
Watch Michael Keaton in this movie!

Yeah, it is not PC for Shelley Long to be a prostitute with just no ability to run her business. And Henry Winkler's character is a schlub.

But Keaton is hilarious.
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Underwater (2020)
9 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Fifth-rate underwater version of Alien.

Oh - and why did the women run around in bralettes and bikinis, while the men were fully clothed - except TJ Miller's tattooed torso? (Hey, let's give credit where credit's due - TJ obviously worked out to prep for this roe!)
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Dracula (2020)
Yes - Dracula's His Name
28 April 2020
This version of the Dracula story is just plain weird but I watched it all the way through and gave it a more generous rating than it probably deserved.

Yet - Claes Bang! That works.
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Wolfman (1979)
Welp, It's A Wolfman Movie!
26 April 2020
This film might well have been made by a werewolf movie aficionado with money and a hankering to get into showbiz. It reminds me of a small-town dinner theater effort.

Hey, if you, like me, are a horror fan, and love werewolf movies, check this one out.
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Hamlet (2009 TV Movie)
Clear As A Bell
12 April 2020
If you are one who has only seen Hamlet as a melancholy Dane who can't pull himself together, watch Tennant's version and understand what's going on.

Another actor who lets us see what's up with Hamlet is Adrian Lester, and I expect Andrew Scott's version, once released on film (hint, hint) to be just as clear.

Thanks to all of them for not proclaiming at us.
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The Spanish Princess (2019–2020)
Don't Expect Historical Accuracy From Starz
15 February 2020
The White Queen was very lurid but it was entertaining.

The White Princess was very lurid and it was NOT entertaining.

The Spanish Princess, well . . . . At least Catharine has red hair.
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The Witcher (2019– )
Henry Cavill, Soaking In A Tub!
21 December 2019
Platinum blonde hair, dark chest hair, who cares?

What else do you need?
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Want to Be Both Enlightened and Entertained?
17 December 2019
Then watch Kings and Queens of England, narrated by Alan Ereira.

Tremendous series. Essential history, presented in an enjoyable way.

Ten stars.
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These Vampires Wear Their Sunglasses At Night
3 December 2019
Bring your sense of humor and enjoy the hell out of this Filipino vampire flick.

To be honest, this isn't a bad movie. And it's so colorful!
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Monarch (2000)
YA-Novel Henry VIII
10 November 2019
This movie could be worse. And it was evidently filmed on location - the house where it's set is interesting and more or less of the period.

And the costumes aren't bad. For some reason, two of Henry's manservants are played as bitchy gay men (not trying to be rude; that's how they're played.)

If you're a fan of anything Tudor, this is the film for you.
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The King (I) (2019)
Henry V, Pretty Darn Great
1 November 2019
The King is a beautiful movie, and the story of King Henry V is great history. You couldn't ask for a better story and this movie does it justice.

Excellent cast (Chalamet, all grown up! Lily-Rose Depp, all grown up!), particularly the movie's writer and producer, Joel Edgerton, as Falstaff. Falstaff is not a historical character but a composition of several historical characters. (Yeah, he's Shakespeare's recurring favorite, along with his goat as incarnated in Henry VI's John Falstolf, who WAS a historical character). Everyone was just great, including Robert Pattinson as the doofus Dauphin. And Sean Harris, who is never not great.

This isn't Henry's entire life story, just the highlights. Loved it.
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Marianne (2019)
14 September 2019
Excellent French horror series. There are no cheap scares here. And it was filmed in a beautiful location on the coast, to boot.

Turn your subtitles on, unless you speak the language.

Well done, Netflix.
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I Love the Henry VI Series
12 July 2019
Henry VI parts I-III, followed by Richard III, are extraordinarily good plays by some guy named Shakespeare (hope I spelled his name right.)

I watch the BBC version from the early eighties over and over - ambition, lust, romance, heroism - these plays have it all, and this production is just great.

My only beef, and it's a trivial one because I am a shallow person, is in the casting of Elizabeth Woodville. Nothing wrong with the acting - it's just that Woodville was a great beauty, "the most beautiful woman in the Island of Britain." And the actress playing her, isn't.

But never mind that. It's a great set of plays. Watch it.
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Soul to Keep (2018)
It's Not All THAT Bad
12 July 2019
Typical dumb-teens-meet-the-Devil horror movie. The art work on the introduction reminded me of Drag Me to Hell (a bigger and much better movie). That's a compliment.

There are worse ways to kill time. Even though Soul to Keep is certainly less scary than what's squatting in the White House.
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Suspiria (I) (2018)
2 June 2019
This is a weird, rainy movie. Sorry, it just is NOT worth your time.
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Wanna Take A Trip Down GoT Memory Lane?
21 May 2019
The Falling, as I saw it titled on Comet, might generously be called a B movie. But you'll see a lot of locations that you'll remember from Game of Thrones.

You'll also see a few semi-famous actors you'll recognize, and the NASA logo from back then. So, combined with the locations in Spain, it wasn't a totally cheapo effort.

(Oh, and a coincidence - as I looked up The Falling on IMDb, the first film to come up starred none other than Maisie Williams.)
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The Best of the Henrys
5 April 2019
Keith Michell was perfect as Henry. This is a pretty darn good film about the most recognizable English monarch, although only terrible prints of it are available now. (Hint, hint - there's a restoration opportunity for the BBC or Acorn or SOMEBODY, if only they would take it.)

Top notch cast and reasonably good sets.
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Hell Is Full (2010)
Well Done! (Yes, I said that)
2 April 2019
This was obviously made on a frayed shoesting budget, but it is pretty darn good - think of a less-sophisticated Night of the Living Dead, and in color.
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Dracula (2006 TV Movie)
It's Not Easy to Mess Up Dracula
30 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Such a great story! But this pretty TV movie from several years back comes close to ruining it.

Why did the showrunners need to add a syphilis subplot? Old Dracula's terrible makeup echoed Arthur's dad's terrible makeup. Maybe this was intetional.

Not the best version of the story, yet I watched. Waste of a mostly great cast.
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The Meg (2018)
Bad Jaws
24 March 2019
Hope they compensated Spielberg for the ripoff. The barely mediocre ripoff.

Nice candy colors for the kiddies.
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The Favourite (2018)
The Castle is Astonishing - So There's That.
19 February 2019

Once again, a beautiful movie with top-notch stars. I was expecting a comedy but the joke's on me!

This movie starts off extremely clever and funny, and rapidly spins into something very different. Still quite clever, but as dark as you can imagine.

Not my favourite, that's for sure.
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Gorgeous Scenery; Gorgeous Costumes; Great Cast
19 February 2019
Welp, that's about all. Otherwise, a typical MQOS romance, given the tiniest flair by top stars and a multi-cultural cast.

Really, not that great. And I had such high hopes!
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