
2 Reviews
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A little weird but lots of fun!
25 January 2005
This film is a tip of the hat to the "cliff hangers" popular in the 1930's and 1940's. It looks a lot like it was a hand tinted black & white print (much like the recently restored silent classic science fiction "Metropolis"). The story is reminiscent of the old Buck Rogers or Superman Serials. It was definitely worth watching if for no other reason than to see how many clichés were embedded in the dialog and SFX.

The commentaries (I saw both the theatrical release and the DVD) are a bit slow and redundant. Having been told that almost everything we saw except the actors was CG, there is really not much more to say! I would have preferred more from the writer/director about where different parts of the story or visual concepts came! Still, I really liked the final movie itself. All involved obviously had a lot of fun making the movie and it shows in the end result!
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The Room Upstairs (1987 TV Movie)
Under-rated gem!
10 December 2004
The stars of this sweet, under-rated romantic drama are Stockard Channing and Sam Waterston. Both deserve kudos for their under played, believable performances.

Waterston does a great job as the romantic lead, giving an excellent performance as Travis Coles, a professional Cellist. Coles slowly comes to sympathize with and appreciate Channing's character, the shy but brilliant special ed teacher, Leah Lazenby. The slow recognition of mutual attraction is particularly well done.

The contrast and interplay between Leah's roles as a teacher of the most difficult special needs students and as the owner of a boarding house dealing with each of her tenants makes this made for TV movie worth seeing.
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