
7 Reviews
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15 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The trailers and reviews for this movie make it look like the story of a man conflicted and changed. I think that was the intent but I don't feel like it succeeded. I was very excited about going this movie so was pretty disappointed. The film can't decide if it is a story of a vet with PTSD trying to find his way or a story about the pipeline so it tells neither well.

The plot seems to be that the main character has PTSD to the degree that he can't touch his pregnant wife's belly to feel the baby, then he goes to write some stories at the pipeline and is magically healed by his new found engagement with the protestors and some hokey pseudo-native American rituals.

The main problem is you really don't know anything about the internal world or motivations of the main character. You have no idea when he was in the service. How long he's been married. Whether he wants the baby or not. You really have minimal idea of what his politics are. There are a couple of lines that were maybe supposed to give a sense of his politics but were delivered so flatly that it was hard to know his intent. He rarely shares his actual emotions and thoughts so any change is sort of vague. You really don't connect with him or understand him. The only thing you know is that he's haunted by his military service.

The plot line is superficial and it feels like a bunch of scenes spliced together that had a general intent but not a good script guiding them.
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Tár (2022)
You are not dumb if you didn't like this movie
6 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Cate Blanchett's performance is spectacular. The actual film is not. I am so tired of films that basically have no plot but a bunch of critics tell everyone it's a brilliant film. It's like everyone gets paid to tell you you are just stupid if you don't understand this brilliant piece of art.

This movie has a lot of little storylines going on but none of them take center stage. Most of them have no impact on anyone. And the major one doesn't get resolved and you don't actually know what happened. The one that is shown in the trailers about her being distracted by noise means almost nothing in terms of the actual story. There are three scenes where a cell phone is shown filming the main character. Someone is filming and texting negative comments but you never find out who or why. This appears to have no actual purpose in the story.

The saddest thing is that most of the scenes needed to tell a good story are there. But they are surrounded by scenes that have nothing to do with anything significant and there's so many of those that just bury anything that might be there.
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All Style, No Substance
24 November 2020
This film has no plot. I can only guess people are responding to the fashion and music. The most basic element taught in Screenwriting 101 is that you have to have conflict. Something has to drive the story forward. This film doesn't have anything. It has maybe one or two seconds of the main character wanting something and then magically without struggle he gets it and then the film spends an hour with him enjoying that success. This happens three or four times in the film.

The whole film is boring and unengaging. I can't for the life of me understand why it has such high ratings.
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2 November 2019
How on earth this movie is currently rated as an 8 I do not know. This movie is unwatchable junk with no real plot. We watched for 30 minutes waiting for something to happen. Everyone is vaguely wooden like they are people who've only acted in few and now they are trying to make a real movie.
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30 April 2018
This movie is about nothing and goes no where. I have no idea why people liked it. I think these are all fake ratings just like Amazon. There's no such thing as real reviews anymore. There is absolutely no narrative and the majority of characters are unsympathetic. I typically love "art house" type films but man there has to be a story and this has NONE.
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Logan Lucky (2017)
Well Below Average
19 February 2018
The only time I bother to review movies is when the info on IMDB steered me wrong. This is one of those times. When I went to watch this movie it had a 7.1 rating. I don't know why. Average caper film with kind of flimsy storyline. A lot of it doesn't make sense. It is meant to be tongue-in-cheek but that doesn't mean you don't need a solid storyline.
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Lady Bird (2017)
What's the message?
12 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know why people loved this film. The acting is great but the message seems to be no matter how your mom treats you, she loves you or you should assume she loves you. I wanted something to hang onto at the end and left feeling like I wish I hadn't watched it.
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