
3 Reviews
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Q & Q (1974–1976)
Breathtaking in those days
20 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This series was aired when I was about 13 years of age. And I found it breathtaking! A photograph, made by accident by two boys (Aristides Quarles van Ispen and Wilbur Quant), seems to reveal a dead person. The two boys start a search for the identity of the deceased, and of course for the murderer. No-one believes them at first, only grandfather Quarles van Ispen helps them in their search.

The "Q en Q" title refers to the first character of the last names of both boys. Q is rarely used in Dutch language.

Of course the good-looking elder sister Juultje Quant (Maélys Morel) was an important reason for a 13-years old boy to watch the show. I immediately fell in love with her! The show was aired by Dutch public broadcast (KRO). In 2004 the complete series was released on DVD.
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The Vanishing (1988)
Very good Dutch thriller
12 January 2005
This is really a movie that any thriller-adept must see. From early on right to the end you'll be wondering whatever happened, and the end is a real surprise (which I will not spoil for you). This is a classical psychological thriller.

Superb acting, good camera-work and a really good script based on Tim Krabbé's novel. The US remake from 1993 (The Vanishing, starring Jeff Bridges, Kiefer Sutherland and Sandra Bullock) is a must-see because of the starring actors (from which I like Sutherland a lot), but the story is less thrilling, and the end is too obvious. If you get the chance: go see "Spoorloos"!
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Neverending Story (2001–2002)
13 December 2004
I got this movie on DVD as a present on December 5, and had a chance to watch it today. I'ts in one word: YEACH!

All the charm of Michael Ende's beautiful book, and of the original movie is completely lost. This movie is never exciting, the acting is very very poor, and the effects are of the quality of your own home-video's. Bastian Bux is not the shy introvert boy he is supposed to be, and Atreyu is some sort of malformed Indian from a bad western movie from the seventies. And do not get me started on the dragon..

Michael Ende's story is hardly recognized, only the characters have a slight resemblance with the book.

Its a pure waste of money and time. If you love Michael Ende's "Die Unendliche Geschichte": do not watch this movie, and especially: don't buy it. You can get my copy for free.
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