
16 Reviews
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For Sale (2024)
Better than Expected
1 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I saw For Sale and thought I'd give it a watch and it turned out it was a pretty good little film. Yes, it is a "B" movie, but the acting is pretty good and there are some scares, but nothing horrifying. This is more of a horror rather than a comedy, although there are some light humor interspersed here and there. This one won't win any awards, but the production values were decent. The ending is also a bit sad but I'd have to say right on the money for the type of guy the protagonist is. It is sort of a redemption ending, which tied things together pretty well, considering some of the actions of the protagonist took and it seemed "realistic" in terms of consequences.
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Warchief (2024)
Low Budget But Interesting Story
14 March 2024
The overall production values were better than I expected for this film and while I could tell right away that it was a lower budget film, it had a lot going for it. For one thing, the plot development is present in this film. It's actually ambitious and while it fails to fully deliver on its promise at times, it came across as if someone actually tried to put a real story together and tell it.

I noticed that the film actually employed a linguist in the crew and it shows in the speech of the orcs. The makeup was also better than I expected as well. Overall, I found the acting to be pretty good; granted no one is going to take home an Oscar, but still decent.

The main protagonist is someone who you actually care about and while others have mentioned flashbacks to his backstory being boring, I found it to help make me care what happened to him. There are also some plot points that don't really come together and the mythos of the setting is sometimes hard to follow. In spite of the imperfect execution of these things, it was a good effort and the bones of the setting are present if you pay attention and not just looking for the next blood splatter.

I'm glad I watched the film and I do hope that there is a sequel to it. If you enjoy a pretty decent fantasy adventure, this may be a movie you will like. It is not perfect, but it's one of the better endeavors out there by small filmmakers.
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Bonehill Road (2017)
Skewed Reviews-Terrible Movie
8 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is not very good! The high ratings seem to be an effort to trick people into watching this mess. The low budget really shows through in the bad camera work and poor acting.

The movie starts out with some potential but that quickly becomes wasted once the first ten minutes pass. When the werewolves first appear, it was looking like it might be an okay film, but it then turns into some sort of psycho/slasher flick. When that switch happens, this turkey gets even worse.

The fact that this is a low budget film isn't the reason for this low review, but rather just how terrible it's executed. Don't waste your time with this disaster.
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Fun Little Horror Flick
6 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
When I first found this by scrolling through stuff to watch, I had few expectations it'd be worthwhile, but it turned out to be pretty good. The acting is pretty decent and the plot is followable, which for a movie like this one doesn't always happen. It trades on the whole idea that there are no real monsters, yet you can tell that the characters are soon going to be in for a big surprise.

The actors are all people I've never heard of, but the acting isn't half bad. This won't win any Oscars, but it's a far cry from some of the wretched stuff out there. The lead actor has some real charisma and I could see him getting better jobs due to it. The other actors are good too, with the actor playing Brian giving a believable performance as a recovering junkie.

Check this out when you're in the mood for a better than average horror film and you've seen all the bigger budget stuff. It's pretty good.
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13 Minutes (2021)
4 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie because Trace Atkins stars in it - loves me some Trace! However, despite pretty good acting from the whole cast and a script with some potential, it falls way flat.

There isn't much real drama at the core and the film is afraid to kill its darlings: not a single death of any of the cast. I did not want a wholesale slaughter of 99% of the town's population, but some realism would have been nice. For example, the moment the little deaf girl is about to crawl into the downed electrical lines, the power company cuts the power to the whole town. Not a minute before she almost does, but the VERY second before. And it goes on like that for most of the movie.

There isn't an ounce of realism in this film except the rampant homophobia; they got that right with those good ole country folk! Otherwise, this is snooze fest that had a lot of initial potential. Don't waste your time. Watch a Hallmark movie instead - 'bout the same thing, except with some cussin'.
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Antlers (2021)
My Daddy was a Wendigo
29 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was unimpressed by this movie and had much higher hopes for it. It has maybe two scenes that used a jump scare, but otherwise it was plodding and downright boring. It felt at times like I was watching a family drama with Wendigo dad just trying to protect his boys while he ate half the town along the way. I expect to see it on Lifetime Movie Channel after its theater run is over!

Skip this snorer and watch something scarier like A Madea Halloween.
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24 October 2021
I put this on as background noise not expecting anything but a groaner of a movie. It turns out Benny Loves You is hilariously fun to watch. It reminds me of Shaun of the Dead crossed with Ted.

Benny is your lifelong stuffed animal BFF who just wants to cuddle (and kill) you!!
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Well Done Film
30 January 2021
I'm not sure why this film has such a low rating. I actually had low expectations when I came across it one day, but it really is well-written and the acting is very good. It won't win any Oscars, but it's a cut above most smaller budget horror films.

Some reviewers have commented on the deaf shaman and the use of sign language. This is not that common, yes, but the acting is good and he really sells his performance.

If you like a good film with a quirky twist or two, give this a try. The ending was a bit shocking and really tied things together perfectly.
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Summer of 84 (2018)
Great Film
30 June 2020
This is one of those films that slips under the radar and people miss out on a good horror film. The initial conclusion is telegraphed pretty early in the film, but the excellent plot and acting carry the film as more and more confirming details emerge. I especially liked the ending, as it leaves the viewer with an impending sense of dread for the future. Very glad I gave this one a look.
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Gwen (II) (2018)
Bleak Beyond Words
18 May 2020
I watched this thinking it was a horror movie: it is not, other than the horrors of life. Powerful, yet heartbreaking ending.
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The Grudge (2019)
Not As Good As I'd Hoped
8 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I waited several months to see this out of the sheer terror the first Grudge movie induced in me. That one gave me nightmares and I still get frightened even thinking about some of its scenes.

THIS film, however, was a letdown. There were a few spooky scenes, but they were fairly mild. I think one thing that put me off was the way the ghosts looked. They should have kept the original one, as she was what terrified me about the first film. The appearances of the ghosts in this one sort of looked like gory zombies, which I find boring.

The plot also had some holes in it about how the curse is past on. Overall, I wasn't impressed, but on the flip side, I won't have any trouble getting to sleep tonight.
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The Family Gets Theirs
28 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This was an enjoyable film and the comedy was just the right amount to make the characters interesting. The best part was how "the Family" got wasted in the end. That was very satisfying to say the least. Wish that had been how it happened in real life.
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Red Sparrow (2018)
AKA: Let's Go to Wh*re School
29 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Lawrence must have a terrible agent to have gotten bamboozled into this film. It isn't that the acting is horrible, it's the whole premise that makes the movie come across as exploitive and distasteful, not to mention silly at times when it wants to be profound.

As her personal fortunes fall, she is given an "opportunity" by her uncle, no less, to go on a secret mission. When the mission goes sideways, good ole uncle offers her a chance not to have a bullet put into her head by allowing her to train as a Sparrow; or rather go to wh*re school, as Lawrence's character refers to it. The inclusion of that line evaporates all possible gravitas the film was trying to have (and made me laugh out loud for a couple days after I saw this thing).

The typical espionage tropes are here, only they all seem to have nymphomania and antisocial personality disorder. Overall, the plot follows a somewhat logical progression, with the mandatory intrigue mixed in. Sadly, the over-sexed, violent, and exploitive plot detracts far to much from the film to allow it to be really landmark cinema. Shocking cinema, yes. Good cinema, no.

The motto of this film should have been, "What happens at wh*re school, stays at wh*re school." Unfortunately for us all, this film seems less discreet than Las Vegas, which alongside this lackluster effort, is the more self-respecting one of the two.
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Dracula (1979)
Wow, this version is great!
5 June 2012
This version of Dracula isn't faithful to the book completely, but this seems to not have affected it's quality. It is well-acted, written, and directed. I just happened upon it on TV today and watched it. I was expecting some half-baked version of Dracula, like so many others that are "B" or even "C" movies at best. What I discovered was a wonderfully original adaptation of the classic novel.

I was amazed at how drawn into the movie I was. One factor that did this was the plot. In this version, Dracula has sex appeal. But it all isn't just sex appeal, the acting is superb and the cast is very talented.

If you're looking for a version of Dracula that you will actually enjoy, give this one a try. It is very good.
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Can't understand the low rating this movie's gotten
6 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
To the best of my recollection, I don't think I've reviewed any movies on IMDb before. I do so now because this movie, a teen thriller, actually makes sense! I was fully prepared for a crap-fest extraordinare when I rented this movie, but instead got a very intelligent, fast-paced thriller.

In the movie, Jill does all the right things that one would think one would do when faced with such a situation. In all the other films of the same genre that I've seen, I'm constantly yelling at my TV for the characters not to do some really stupid stuff. I found it refreshing not to have to do that in this movie. Jill actually calls the cops, her parents, and her babysitter family when things get creepy. That was smart and realistic. She investigated the house only when it was still unclear that there was anything really wrong. She didn't just run helter skelter around while we all wait for her throat to be cut. In short, it made sense.

Jill's portrayal as a smart, responsible young lady won points in my book too. There was not excessive swearing, gore, or graphic violence. I think the movie could do without these things because, well, IT MADE SENSE! While I don't think that this movie will win any awards, yet for the type of film it is, it really is pretty good. I can't think of any real plot holes that come to mind, and I wish that other movies like this would follow suite.
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The Woodsman (2004)
Really good movie
2 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I believe this may be Kevin Bacon's all-time best performance. The movie was very believable and contains an energy which doesn't let up. The struggles of the character Bacon plays are very realistically portrayed and the acting, in general, is very on-target for what one would expect from a community coming face to face with a pedophile. There are no easy answers in this film, and Bacon lets the audience in on his own struggles with his demons. Even as we know that this character has committed terrible crimes, we feel sympathy for him because there is this desire to be free from the urges of a pedophile. The movie does not gloss over this struggle, and on all levels keeps the story in reality. There are no miracles here, but there is a very good story told about a man who seeks to find release from his inner demons.

This will be one movie that I will remember.
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