
1 Review
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The Glamour we look for
10 June 2006
After reading so many negative comments on this show, i had to chip in my 2 cents. The reviews i read complain about "brainless" adolescents who just want a new BMW etc, etc. Just like the subtitle of the show suggest, this is the REAL OC.

"The O.C." has huge ratings, but i believe it's getting a little too "soap opera"-ish for me. The old man dying, magazines, a baby on the way bla bla bla... if i want to watch a show of that content without the excessive drama, this is the show to watch. It's true: it doesn't talk about anything except trivialities you usually don't care about. But what's fun about it is exactly that! Surrendering to the lifestyle these people take and about the "nothingness" of the show. "Seinfeld" was also about trivialities. "Entourage" (my favourite show) is basically about trivialities, how these people spend their lives on a daily basis.

I live in Lisbon, Portugal and i just wish i had the possibility of experience a prom "Laguna Beach" style. We don't even have proms! so, to content my heart, this is what i watch. It's a good pass-time show, if you like the sort...
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