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Wonder Woman (2017)
Honest Wonder Woman review -superhero movie by numbers-
26 June 2017
Wonder Woman, the DCU movie that finally convinces critics and get's an 8,1 IMDb rating to date. Everyone seems to board the hype train, but's not that great. Don't get me wrong, Wonder Woman is an interesting movie. Has all the known elements of superhero-origins type movies: the secret back story, the loving parent, the loving trainer, the discovery of the powers, the finding of the truth, the love interest, the super-villain, the comic relief, etecetera, etecetera...and that's it! The only "novelty" here is that the superhero is a woman, the rest is same old, same old. The acting is decent, as per expected in a superhero movie, nothing real special, no Oscars here. Gal Gadot does a wonderful job as Wonder Woman, as she portrays beauty and a bad ass perfectly, personally I liked it very much, the rest of the cast are there to support the hero, so no one shines brighter than Gadot, and maybe no one should, so, as I said before: decent acting, nothing big here. The Special effects are decent, but also, nothing real special...probably they could and should have done better. Sound effects and soundtrack are good, perhaps the best thing about the movie. The Wonder Woman theme is very adequate, and gives the right mood, but even that was created in Batman VS, once again, no novelty... The directing and production are also as expected for a superhero movie: Good wardrobe, beautiful locations, action scenes, superpowers and explosions. So, where does Wonder Woman excel? What does it do differently than the other 5 or 6 superhero movies that comes out every year? What makes it so special? In my opinion: Nothing! Not a single thing. It's superhero movie by the numbers. Entertainment at it's best, but not a special movie, not something we will talk about in 2 or 3 years, not a game changer. My best guess is, it's polical correctness at it's prime once again. A superhero movie, with a female superhero and a woman directing, it can't be anything short of great. But, really, it isn't. It's on the same level as "Captain America", "BatmanVSSuperman" and most of the superhero movies: Great entertainment popcorn movies to spend a good 2 hours. Don't expect to be mind blown...
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It Follows (2014)
It follows...until it bores!
14 July 2015
It follows tells us the story of Jay, a nineteen year old girl that after a sexual encounter, finds herself plagued by strange visions and the sense that something is following her. The movie has a creepy atmosphere, but the story and execution doesn't give you that sense of terror or claustrophobia that has been anounced by the numerous reviewers. The rating is indeed high and you may be tempted to see it, but don't go in with high expectations, and don't watch the trailer. Maybe if you watch it with little knowledge you can at least enjoy it. Overall the movie has some great details, the acting is decent, but that's it. The plot is weak, pointless, the movie is slow-paced and you will probably be bored 30 minutes in.
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Under the Skin (I) (2013)
It got under my skin alright...What a waste of time...
6 August 2014
I don't even know where to begin...Maybe the plot: No plot! Maybe the characters: No characters! Acting perhaps:Please... This is a complete waste of your money and time. If you go to the movies to be entertained, please stay away from this...This isn't a movie. It has some interesting visuals, but if I want to watch that, I can watch pictures, paintings, drawings or some other type of art other than movies and filmaking. The only emotion this movie will give you is anger. You will be angry with yourself for wasting one hour and a half of your time. I would like to enlighten you on the plot: Impossible to spoil, girl goes around on a van luring men. Men go with her. She undresses, they sink in goo... Black goo...Guy with bike collects the pieces and cleans up. That's it. Some say she is an alien. The synopsis announces her as an alien. But is she an alien? She can be a demon for all I know, because not even this simple plot line is clear... The acting is exquisite... There are about 10 lines of dialogue, the rest is blank expressions and no emotions... The music is creepy, but it's on repeat. It will annoy you, it's guaranteed. I'm sorry to say this is horrible. It got so much attention on it because Scarlett Johansson stars in it and takes her clothes off, and because of people's voyeurism, it will sell tickets. Hey, life's unfair... Oh, and don't believe the hype, the critics, and people comparing this to Kubrick or other great filmmakers, that will only disappoint you more. As expected in these types of pseudo-artsy movies, some people will say only geniuses will truly understand and appreciate this movie, and some people will truly love the movie (that's the beauty of cinema), but for me and possibly for every person who wants to watch a movie that makes us think, that entertain us, that provokes us, that emotions us, this isn't it. Definitely!
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Too pretentious and boring....
29 July 2014
The Grand Budapest Hotel is written and directed by Wes Anderson,starring Ralph Fiennes as a concierge who teams up with one of his employees to prove his innocence after he is framed for murder. This is the premise for the movie, but to watch it was boring. The movie is filmed as if you are watching a play inside a dollhouse, if that makes any sense. The so-called comedy is just pretentious and snob. Of course some people find that funny, but for me it didn't do it. The entire movie didn't do it... It could have been a wonderful adventure, but I found the manner and style it was conceived to be too boring and pointless. The acting is excellent and that saved the movie from being a complete waste of time. This definitely isn't a movie for the masses, and that being said, isn't a movie that an average movie goer will enjoy. For some that's a good thing maybe, but for me this wasn't entertaining. Be your own judge.
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Pompeii (I) (2014)
An eruption of clichés!
4 May 2014
Pompeii tells us the story of a slave-turned-gladiator that races against time to save his beloved. Already a cliché...but it keeps going. Pompeii is a cliché-fest. Every cheesy moments, lines, plot twists you have seen before in the last 20 years are present in Pompeii. I don't want to give any spoilers, but I don't even think that's possible...because you've seen all of it before. The loved one is promised to another man, falls in-love with the slave, the slave defies the masters, then...disaster movie: the Vulcano erupts, stuff exploding, fire balls falling and even the tsunami...come on. It's so basic and predictable, that it looks like the movie was made to be eye-candy. Watching it in 3D is kind of fun, but it isn't great also, because the special effects are good, but not mind-blowing. The acting is as expected:Not good, not bad...decent. It's a mediocre film trying to hard to be an epic. It's watchable, but, chances are, you will be bored and annoyed by the cliché-fest.
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RoboCop (2014)
Merely borrows the title "Robocop"...Just an entertaining movie.
2 May 2014
2014's Robocop merely borrows it's title from the original, as it as little to compare with "Robocop". I won't be comparing both the original and the remake, as I find it pointless. In my opinion, when a movie is remade, it should borrow the key elements from the original, and then remake the plot. The director should gives a new take on the same premise, a new point of view, otherwise it's just an update and not a remake. Robocop(2014) does that. In comparison with the original we have the title, some characters names and...Robocop. The rest is new, but is it any good? Robocop(2014) plot revolves around Alex Murphy, a good cop that unravels a possible conspiracy in the police department. Evidently someone makes an attempt to murder him, leaving him paralised and almost dead. A corporation that is trying to aproove a law to have robots fighting crime in Âmerican soil, soon offers to help him have a live again as Robocop, a machine with a human conscience and human emotions. The premise is quite interesting, for someone who didn't saw the original, but this one revolves more about the consequences and individual dramas of Robocop and it's creator...a little too much. The movie is a bit slow paced, and the story just isn't original...and I'm not talking about the original Robocop, I mean, we have seen this story so many times now in so many movies, it's more of the same. The movie is also too predictable, which leads to boredom. If you know what's going to happen before it actually happens, it just becomes boring. That being said, Robocop is watchable and not at all a bad movie. It has decent acting, decent visual effects, decent action sequences, it's all preaty decent, but not something that's going to stick in your memory for the ages. It's an entertaining movie, a good movie to watch while eating popcorn, or whatever. A decent movie, just don't get your hopes high and don't even try to compare it to the original, enjoy this one as it is.
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Afflicted (2013)
Great found footage movie.
13 April 2014
Afflicted is a found footage genre movie (if there is such a thing). Personally I am always suspicious with these types of movie. The paranormal activities, and blair witches are just about some cheap thrills and no plot, although they can be mildly entertaining. Afflicted is nothing like that. You aren't going to watch some found footage movie, with jump scares and no plot. This one actually has a story and an ending. (Yes, it doesn't just end with the camera falling on the floor). The plot appears to be quite simple. Two best friends go touring through Europe and document the entire journey on camera to post it on their website. One of them, stars to become afflicted with some sort of illness, and that's all I can reveal without spoiling. Although, storywise, it doesn't bring anything new and fresh, it grabs the viewer, and keeps you interested until the very end, with some competent acting. The special effects are very well done, and that's not considering it's a low budget movie, the effects are real good. All things considered, Afflicted is a surprisingly good movie, and I would recommend it to anyone who wants 90 minutes of entertaining and competent fim making.
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Boring and useless
3 April 2014
After watching the trailer and reading some very positive reviews, I was expecting what was promised: A horror movie with the classic 80's horror feel. In a way it delivers. The camera work, the áudio, even some details as the clothing, haircuts, expressions, all remind you of the 80's and that decade's movies. But it lacks the most important aspects of the 80's horror classics: the tension, the build up, that feeling that something bad will happen at any moment. I don't see how I can recommend this movie to any movie goer...I wasn't entertained, amused, scared, it was a boring experience until the very end. The story is overused, predictable and it doesn't create any kind of suspense. The only compliment I can give to this movie, I already gave: The way it is done, it really looks like it was filmed in the 80's, and I think maybe the director focused too much on that and forgot about the story, and to create some tense moments...It is advertised as a horror movie about satanic rituals, the viewer doesn't want gore, he wants tension, suspense, and some psychological stress, at least that's my opinion. Maybe I'm wrong, anyway, consider yourselves warned, and don't let the 6,5 rating fool you. It's boring and useless...
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Enter Nowhere (2011)
Not as advertised. Overrated in every aspect, avoid this one.
14 February 2014
Like many, after reading so many positive and compeling reviews I felt the urge to watch Enter Nowhere, as I thought it would be a great science fiction movie, as "advertised". The movie is plain bad. As you have may read, the story revolves about three strangers that arrive at a cabin in the woods and soon realise they are there for a reason. OK, so there is a mystery, but it isn't interesting enough, first because of the poor script. The script just doesn't engage the viewer, it's too far fetched, it doesn't explain anything, stuff just happen and you should act like the "whys" and "whos" don't matter and don't exist. Second: the acting...It's bad. It's like they're reading the lines directly from paper. There is no emotion, nothing...Just bad. I won't drag this too much, because this movie lacks quality in every aspect. I can't in good conscience recommend this movie unless to those who want to watch a "B" movie and increase their viewed movies library. To those who seek entertainment, an interesting story, something new and fresh, don't watch this one. It's bad...
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Oldboy (2013)
People hate when a classic is remade, but this one is great!
14 February 2014
Oldboy is a remake or reimagination of the 2003 korean movie Oldeuboi. This new version has been badgered by both critics and viewers as a poor, shallow remake, that soils the memory of the original. I disagree. This one was great. The premise is the same as Oldeuboi, a man gets impriosoned for 20 years without knowing why, and when he gets out he seeks out vengeance. But its not that linear. The story is filled with mysteries, and keeps making the viewer asking questions, the same questions as the protagonist, despite him not being the most likable man. Why was he impriosioned, who did it, why was he released? Also the story is dark, twisted and leaves a bad taste in your mouth. A great story, a great mystery. The acting was very good, Josh Brolin does a very nice job, as does Sharlto Copley as the main antagonist. But the movie isn't without flaws. In my opinion the 20 years feel a little bit fast-paced, and don't feel like 20 years but maybe as 20 months. And some product placement was unnecessary. But overall great movie, unworthy of all the hate it has received. On a personal note, I have watched the original, and I liked this one very much. Everyone is comparing this one with the original, and I think that's a mistake. This is a new movie, a new take on the same premise, it has some homages to the original, and that's it. The original was brilliant, but it wasn't without flaw, and neither is this one.If you hate when someone makes a remake of a cult classic you love and you're not open to a new vision on that movie, stay away from this one. If you just love movies, and if you want to watch a great remake, a great reimagination, I think you will enjoy this very much.
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Gravity (2013)
Great CGI...that's it...
20 January 2014
Gravity is possibly the most overrated movie I've watched in recent years. Yes it has great CGI, the visuals are stunning, but I think I payed for a movie...This has absolutely no plot, no character development, no story...And an Oscar nomination for Sandra Bullock to look scared and breath heavily...are you serious?! The above is fair warning to those, like me, who think that are going to watch a movie...You're going to watch something that would be a great space documentary. If you wanna be blow away with stunning visuals this is for you. The best CGI I've seen to this day, the attention to detail in every little thing and it really takes you somewhere if you watch it in 3D it looks like you're in the middle of the action. That being said, it is an experience, but not a movie experience. It would be something to try in Disneyland or some amusement park, because it is a ride...It's just not a movie. It is impossible for me to spoil it, because it has no plot to spoil, I can't tell you anything you don't already know going in. I give it a 6/10, because I kinda enjoyed the ride, and it deserves credit for its visuals, but this is, by far, 2013 most overrated movie.
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V/H/S/2 (2013)
Better than the first but still not very amusing
1 January 2014
After watching VHS 2 I got the feeling I wasn't watching a sequel, but a new try at this "VHS found-footage-horror-tapes" genre... And they got it better this time. VHS 2 tries to complete the flaws in the first VHS. This one tries to have a plot on why the tapes exist, and why weird things happen to those who watch it. Also, the tapes themselves are far more interesting, specially the one called "Safe Haven". A very good TRY... because it's unsuccessful... VHS 2 still isn't able to grab the viewer, to give the viewer an interesting plot, a story we can follow. I'm tired of these found-footage films that just don't try. They just end without any plot. It's like I'm writing this review and...The End...I'm sorry, but that's lazy. VHS 2 is a new try, and it's better than it's predecessor, but it still isn't very amusing...It still has no plot, and frankly, no interest...The "Safe Haven" tape is indeed entertaining, and saves this movie from being totally boring, but that aside, VHS 2 is just a new try... I suggest they try again with a principal plot and some entertaining stories, maybe the third time is a charm...
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V/H/S (2012)
No plot equals a bad movie equals VHS
1 January 2014
VHS is bad... plain and simple. Where is the plot? Where is the story? Where is anything? In VHS you just watch four different VHS tapes, while you're supposed to watch the main "found-footage" tape...confusing? Yeah, but that's it... VHS doesn't have any plot, any back-story, closer, nothing... I was very disappointed, because I have read some good reviews about it. It was boring, and, with the exception of the first tape, it was not at all entertaining... If you want to watch a good movie, VHS isn't your choice. You'll only see a random selection of stories that seem to drag for 2 hours...awful. I recommend you avoid this one, unless you're a fan of "found-footage" material movies, and even so...
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Elysium (I) (2013)
18 December 2013
Not much to say about Elysium. If you watch the trailer, you'll be expecting a decent and entertaining sci-fi movie, and Elysium is just that. Nothing new in terms of story,(although the first 30-40 min let you think you're in for something more), good special effects, good acting(considering the genre), overall good movie. I would like to praise Sharlto Copley on his performance on this one, a very pleasant surprise portraying the villain. To sum up, Elysium isn't a mind blowing movie, but its very entertaining, you will get your money's worth on this one if you go to the movies to be entertained, if not, Elysium is still preety decent, but don't expect big twists and turns, its all very predictable. Still, a solid 7/10.
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Europa Report (2013)
13 December 2013
Just watched Europa Report, after reading so much positive reviews about it. I have to say, I wasn't impressed... Europa Report tells us the story about the crew of Europa One, sent to explore Júpiter's moon Europa for signs of life. Of course, the crew runs into some problems along the way, the equipment fails when it's needed, same old, same old...The plot is overused, but for me it's always interesting to watch these types of movies as I am a Sci-Fi fan although...Europa Report didn't succeed in keeping me on the edge of my seat, ansiously expecting for what's to happen...It sometimes bored me, because it made want to see the end, but not the voyage, how they got there, etc. And the end didn't do it for me either... What I am going to write below might contain SPOILERS:

*It's just another documentary type movie, that when it finally gets interesting, it ends. When you finally want to know what happens, what's next it just ends. That's a big let down for me. If I want to use my imagination I use it for free, don't make me pay for a movie and then make me use my imagination on how it ends, specially if it wasn't a great movie all along, that's just cheating.* END OF SPOILERS

All things considered Europa Report is medíocre at best. It's watchable, but not very entertaining. If I want to see a documentary about space exploration I can watch Discovery Channel, Odessy, among many other channels that give me great documentaries, fictional and real. I watch a movie to be entertained, if I learn something along the process great, if not, at least entertain me. Europa Report fails on both.
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Good, but not as good
13 December 2013
Insidious chapter 2 picks up were Insidious ended. No spoilers here, but if you want to enjoy this one, you must watch the first Insidious or you won't be able to keep up with the story. This second chapter is a watchable movie, but it's more about the mystery than about scares, frights or horror... Insidious was suspenful, but it also delivered as an horror movie, this chapter is more science fiction with a pinch of horror. Storywise, this movie does it's job, (and personally I think that, if it is a sequel it should continue the previous movie story, and this one picks up exactlly where the first one ended, so, kudos), but it isn't as interesting as the first, and a little more predictable. As for the acting, very good, but honestly, who watches these films for the acting? If it ain't bad it isn't going to be Oscar worthy anyway... Insidious Chapter 2 is watchable and entertaining, but it isn't going to be on your memories for long.
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Open Grave (2013)
You have seen this before...
10 December 2013
Open Grave is not your average thriller. It is a movie that keeps you wondering until the very end, but, is it really that interesting? This movie does a great job at creating a tense and mysterious atmosphere, your never sure about what is going on, and the plot is interesting enough to keep you entertained. It's definitely a good movie, but it isn't as original as everyone praises. A solid story, good acting, for sure, but... something is missing. When you watch a movie than you know all will sum up in the very end, since the very beginning, you get ansious, but also you get picky. You want and need the end to be amazing, or at least something fresh. This one didn't do it for me, I felt I've seen it before, and I'm gessing you have seen it before too... I recommend Open Grave if you like a good, solid, suspenseful movie, but don't expect to be overwhelmed.
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Not worth your money, nor many words...
2 July 2013
Spring Breakers is not a good movie. It's poor plot and directing makes it a terrible movie experience... Only James Franco and the soundtrack saves this movie to be a complete waste of time. James Franco has a terrific performance, given the script. It's the only character that truly engages the viewer, and gives the comic relief for this boring and psychedelic movie. It's poor editing and directing puts the viewer out of pace, it never delivers as entertaining, and it's completely surreal in a bad way... The soundtrack is within the spirit of the premise of the movie, and it's a shame that the movie doesn't deliver it's premise, as it could have been great. The best part is when the end credits start to role... A waste of time and Money...
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Evil Dead (2013)
One of the best horror movies in years
2 July 2013
Evil dead is quite simply one of the best horror movies in years. It's scary, gory and fast-paced. You won't be bored. As a remake, it only borrows some factors from the original movie, as it stands on it's own as Evil Dead. The reason why these people are in a remote cabin, and why they stay in it after weird stuff stars to happen is much better in this movie than in the original. This movie reminds of the 80's horror movies with its atmosphere, the visual scares and the gore. The visual effects are top notch and although the acting isn't great, they deliver, considering it's a horror movie. It is a breath of fresh air to all horror fans, and a must watch if you want to spend 90 minutes of classic horror movie-making.
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Ahead of its time but...
24 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I felt the need to review this movie after reading some reviews from other users, simply because I agreed with all. Those who love it, those who hate it, those who enjoyed it, all of them. And the reason is simple: everything they say makes sense to me. I watched the movie for the first time about 10 years ago, and watched it again last night. It still doesn't make perfect sense to me. I mean, the story is absent, the characters don't really get through you, and the ending...who gets that ending?? #SPOILERS# BELOW

The end makes no sense to me... The psychedelic travel, the space child... Maybe I'm just plain stupid, but spending two and a half hours looking at space, slooowww space, and in the end just watch a man in bed, then a baby in a bubble, no explanations, no nothing... Truly, if someone got it and has the hability to explain it to me without calling it "art" or whatever, simply explain it to me, I would be very thankful, not kidding. Maybe that way I would be able to enjoy it next time I watch it, maybe ten years from now.

That been said, why would I rate it a 7...? I believe when I watch a movie for the first time, I should put myself at the time, the era, the social paradigm, the movie was released. And this movie is cleary ahead of its time. Note, that I am talking about the visual effects, and the general idea of the movie. This movie clearly marked an era, a filmmaker, visual effects and the idea of what space was like. For that it deserves a high rating, maybe the highest. Not to mention the hype the movie STILL causes. We still can't reach an it a masterpiece, is it overrated. The only way to really be able to discuss it and form your own opinion is to watch it, so the movie reaches its goal: to be watched and debated. A blockbuster rarely does this, we just watch them to get some good action scenes, visual effects, whatever, but when a filmmaker creates a movie that creates hype, controversy and most importantly, a vision of the future, he is creating a cult movie...a classic.

To sum up, as I said in the beginning, when i read people calling it a classic, a masterpiece, I have to agree, but I also agree with those who say its overrated and boring...For me both sentences are true.
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