
2 Reviews
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Brilliant NZ Drama
8 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is the best NZ drama I've seen. It was so realistic - contrary to other reviewers who thought it was boring I found the realism and complexity of the relationships gripping, honestly it is SO GOOD. The awkwardness and unintended hurt between family, the ambiguity of 'truth', the longing to be special and to be loved, for connection.

Sexual abuse is such a deeply sad subject - vastly under-reported, often dis-believed, hardly ever charged and even less convicted. Victims say the investigation and court process - often over many years is as traumatic as the abuse itself. Worse if you're not believed, ostracised or it leads to a not guilty verdict. You can see why so many keep it to themselves.

Child sexual abuse is the worst of all and more common than you'd think, children and youth are so vulnerable and easily manipulated. I have a number of friends who experienced it and never reported it, many of these abhorrent predators live freely.

Complicated by the fact some victims love or need their perpetrators at the time of the abuse, what then?

Super interesting and complex characterisation without being gratuitously graphic like many modern shows, highly recommended.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Very enjoyable action flick
30 July 2022
So glad I ignored the low rating. Normally I would never watch a 6.5 rated but this was great!! A classic edge of your seat action film. Fantastic casting, especially Ryan Gosling and Chris Evans. I also appreciated the strong women characters and lack of helpless female eye candy/nakedness.
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