9 Reviews
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Moonfall (2022)
Better than expected
10 August 2023
Turn your brain off, do not overthink the movie.

I did expect a disaster after reading some reviews but was positively surprised. Yes, the logic behind it is.... not present at times. There are lots of flaws, errors and things to NOT understand. But it is also a great popcorn movie and it had suspense until the end (at least for me). It was thrilling although I had my hubby to shut the fudge up pointing to all the errors. Just enjoy it!

I even liked the ending, I did not see that coming!

It reminded me of Independence Day and Armageddon. If you enjoyed those two movies, you might enjoy Moonfall as well. Just remember to shut off your brain!
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Don't watch it...
12 April 2021
Don't make the same mistake than we did, do not waste 2 hours of your life by watching this rubbish.

Half way through we only kept going to see how it will all turn out. The first hour was super lame, the end and the explanation is cheap, not original at all and really badly played out.
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Coma (I) (2019)
Very weak!
8 January 2021
Awesome special effects but the story was weak and not really surprising. I almost stopped half way through but hoped for a surprise... well, it was disappointing.
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Jexi (2019)
Popcorn Movie
8 January 2021
A popcorn movie, nothing more. I would have been disappointed in the cinema. But as it was included in Amazon Prime, I have watched it. Some things are funny, some innovative but it's nothing I would pay money for.
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Heroes (II) (2006–2010)
Great Start and then...
6 November 2020
Great start but then it gets worse and worse from season to season. I do not know what the authors were thinking while writing this.
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Mapa (2020–2023)
Too depressing
6 November 2020
I had to stop watching in the middle of the very first episode as it is too depressing for myself. But they did a good job, just too sad for a mom to watch.
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6 November 2020
Rather funny and answers questions we never knew we had about vampires, but I found it often tooooo over the top. Popcorn tv series.
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Mediocre to worse
8 March 2020
The first third is ok-ish but it gets dumb and dumber. Who in his right mind tiuches a turning drill! Oh come on... stopped the movie in the middle. Too stupid...
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Disturbia (2007)
Worst movie ever!
12 October 2014
My husband an I watched this movie yesterday. We had recorded it from TV and I was so glad that we did not pay any money for it (cinema tickets or DVDs). It is by far the most predictable movie I have seen in a long time. Without reading any summary we knew what was going to happen within the first 10 minutes of the movie. And somehow we knew how it would end.

Rough summary without spoilers: Boy looses father in accident and starts to behave badly. Boy gets house arrest. Boy gets bored and watches his neighbors - which soon includes the Girl. And a potential killer. Oh, spooky.... not! Just one of the fine examples of stupidity in this movie: No matter how bad it gets, they seem to always have their cell phones handy but none of them is clever enough to call 911.

I cannot recommend this movie.
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