
16 Reviews
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Hmmm difficult to know if comedy or action
14 September 2024
It's not often see a lead roll played by someone so wooden one dimensional and clearly not an actor but the simply dreadful attempt by the actor playing black mamba just goes to show that anyone who wants to play angry person with no acting skills can get into a film if pull the protected characteristic card.

Otherwise a decent enough film although relying way too much on the CGI that gets very wearing and doesn't lead you to really believe what you're seeing in anything plausible.

Compare to the star wars universe even avatar it's got a long way to go and shows the DC effort isn't going to challenge the Marvel Universe.
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The Acolyte (2024)
Heavy on the LGBT theming
27 August 2024
It's not often a sci fi mini series allows the gay characters to take centre stage whilst pushing the lesbian characters basically into the shadows making them weak pale shadows, but this incarnation of a spin off of a niche storyline

allowed this to great success. The failure of any non male character to offer any strength nor memorable role took some going but this director took every female part and made it insipid weak and forgettable. Relying on the male leads to allow the non male roles some sort of narrative. Remove the self indulgent but pointless all female content and the story isn't impacted. In summary you come away thinking it's a cop show that's bloated and unnecessarily long actually has no point. Who cares aside from the men in power seeking control over the men and their women who they manage.

Still have no idea why there was a story here come away thinking 'so what' I've seen better fight scenes that actually mattered to the story narrative of Star Wars, this was meh!
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Actions have consequences
7 July 2024
Eye opening how those who chose a way of life with their religion and looked to inflict their ethos now do the 180 and try the victim route to garner sympathy.

Didn't worry them when killing innocent children through terrorist actions.

Only remorse being shown is that they lost and now want forgiveness and all the words uttered is so fake and only being repeated because that's what they think will gain them their lives they so disposed and wanted shot of.

It's a lesson to those who want to inflict their way of life on others that civilised society is about diversity and acceptance.

Good riddance to the ditritus shown on the programme You lost goodbye and live with your decision.
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A fool and his money are easily parted
27 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Clearly never thought that a footballers playing career isn't for long, but they spend like the £1000s a week are never going to end. The WAG needs to recognise that all the flashy showing off is only for a few years. No forward planning no plan B. It's a lesson to all those whose ego is bigger and belief of playing career longer than it ever will be. They are only as good and worth the money until the next young spark arrives and they arrive each and every day.

And I'm afraid his true colours and his addictions ruined what could have been a comfortable life, nothing extravagant but decent however blinded by his own self importance destroyed many others lives.
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Clearly thinks himself funny
19 December 2023
Not funny.gave it a good 20 minutes to see whether warming up to the observational humour would improve the performance, but unfortunately fell flat and unforgivably boring. Needs to get over himself and his narrow point of view to be relatable. Making mild shock statements does not make for funny. Using the offensive Q word it was a word of hurt and pain and should not be reclaimed as it never was a word of inclusion but of singling out people as not normal. I get it he never had had to fight for acceptance and his basic human rights, but he belittles all those who have gone before with his spouting garbage in the effort to be humorous. I've seen drag acts in bars funnier and more entertaining and engaging. Leo has his niche but it's a miss in my opinion.
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Harry Wild (2022– )
Poor reimagining of a BBC classic
4 March 2023
In no way a novel or new programme a very poor reincarnation of the BBC's Hetty Wainthorp investigates.

Pedestrian poorly acted and low production values.

So clearly a rip off of another franchise production but without any of the acting quality of the original series this is so obviously copied from.

Doesn't deserve to be an afternoon filler let alone a peak time staple.

Struggling to find any reframing features Characters are wooden and thrown in to an episode showing it's been cut down to fit a length it was never intended to be. Confused and pointless and showing an Irish police officer inferior to his English mother borderline racist.
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Why's this given air time
19 February 2023
Goes to show being bankrupt both financially and morally only means you get frightening poor facial surgery and fake teeth and still exploiting her son who deserves so much more than a drunkard drug taking bag of silicone for the person was born out of. It's a sad decline of a model who lived off her child for far too long.

Which brands would want to be pulled down by this nobody only goes to show how desperate for viewing figures is to put this person on display to help people learn they can be the maker of their own demise. It's a great how not to program. Hii oi w not to behave how not to parent how not to decorate and how not to be a something anyone can look to and say ' I want to look and act like that'
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Intergalactic (2021)
More ham than at Christmas
25 March 2022
Haven't worked out if it's a comedy or the acting is so bad it's become funny. You need to feel sorry for the few with talent who clearly tried their best, but it's utter garbage.
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Voyagers (2021)
Pedestrian waste of time
16 October 2021
Characters you end up not caring about and a plot I'm sure the actors never knew where it was leading them. Too derivative with nothing novel or worthy of the painful acting to justify watching unless you need a good snooze.
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Professor T (2021– )
Confused locations
2 August 2021
Why has the police station in Cambridge bearing the street sign Seville Row W1 That'll be london and lazy continuity.
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Where's the other half?
12 June 2021
Fox does Marvel on a small budget. Unfinished and seemingly missing the second half. It's a sorry excuse of a movie that doesn't do the actors any favours to their careers. Oh well won't get that 90minutes back.
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Ad Astra (2019)
Pedestrian self indulgent
27 May 2021
How do these people get the finance for such a weak collection of disconnected scenes? If you suffer from insomnia here's the cure.
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A-X-L (2018)
Boring from start to midway when I checked out
14 February 2021
Not sure what this travesty was meant to be nor which age group or demographic aimed at. Tired boring with forgettable characterisation embarrassing for the cast to have thus on their cv
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That's 3hrs of my life I'll not get back
30 January 2021
Unsure what it was meant to be, but no suspense no tragedy and no story narrative. Characters had no depth It was someone's ego massaging project. Please no more.
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Genocide and imperialism
22 July 2018
You get too see how the States of America got to the disfunctional present by destruction hate and genocide Any decent human must hold their head in shame
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Truely awful
13 March 2018
That's 40 minutes of my life I'll not get back, niote to self avoid any guy Richie movie
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