
8 Reviews
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Snowpiercer (2020–2024)
A promising show to begin.
20 May 2020
I love the ideas in the movie version. A train that keeps running so the passengers can survive the end of days. The strong contrasts between the tail and the front are so strong that it reflects the huge differences of wealth in our society right now. If you love the movie, you will definitely love the show. Don't listen to all the other negative reviews here, because they didn't really get it. You have to watch the show to see if this is for you. I give it a 10 because this show has everything I want to see. The show is about the grim reality of being poor (tail). If you are a tail, you are always hungry, you are being treated like trash, and you are mercilessly oppressed. All your protests, struggles and rebellions will only mount to almost nothing. Ring a bell? Because it just feels like the reality. The show is about the happy wealthy lives of being rich (front). If you lives in the front, you get everything you ever need. You wear all the fancy clothes and you are always in charge, but you live in constant fear of unbalance and rebellion. Then the show is also about all others in between. They play their role in the train society and their own concerns determine what they do and what they think. So yeah, the first episode is about a murder, which you have seen plenty, but no reviewers had ever realized that the show is actually not about the murder, but about the differences of people, which I am very eager to explore in the coming episodes.
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Salvation (2017–2018)
A Good Sci-Fi show definitely worth your time.
22 November 2017
"My friends, you are listening to this because human race has gotten herself into, well, a little bit of pickle." This is actually quite a good summary of the whole first season of Salvation, but what a pickle it is!

This show raise a serious question, "What human race will do in the face of total annihilation?" If you think all the nations will be united together to face the existential threat, think again. In Salvation, nations (especially US) are extremely selfish and only care about their own survival, and they are happy to throw other ones in the harms way. Well, of course there are main characters work around the clock to bring us a solution, or find a way to easy the tension between nations, but in the whole series they seemed weak against the inner power circle, their methods are so temporary and prone to failure. It was just by some incredibly luck that they made some progress, but still, even at the end of the finale, the big problems were still not resolved.

This show gives us the idea of how frustrating and difficult it is to be on the right side of the history, and what kind of emotional toll it will be if you know the world is ending, but we are still fighting among ourselves. For successfully convey this along I can give it a 9 stars. The details of tech development and feasible future tech definitely worth another star.

Unlike other sci-fi like Scorpion, which throws all those mumbo-jumbo pseudo-science words at you, then apply those fantasy science instantly like pieces of cake, this show actually tells you any science development needs time, even the whole human race is at risk. All the science in this show is well thought-of, advanced but not impossible. The most important piece of tech, the EM drive, cost them great pain and effort to develop, test, learn from failure then finally succeed. The curve seems much more realistic than most of the sci-fi shows. Unfortunately it seems few reviewer noticed it here in IMDb.

I am also quite surprised to see the reviews here bashing the protagonists, and labeling them "stereotypes". The rich arrogant billionaire does have a familiar Elon-Musk feeling at first, but the show gave him much more depth after a few episodes. His brilliance of problem-solving shine through out the whole show, from the first to last. I was a little off by his few unorthodox methods at first, but his no-non-sense direct-to-the-point of thinking grew on me. So in the finale when I know he had been planning to sacrifice himself all along, it was quite touching. I don't see any other show portraits such an arrogant-but-warm-hearted billionaire this well. I think some reviewers here drew conclusions too quickly, before they really knew the characters. So please watch the show with an open heart, don't put any one in a "villain" or "hero" basket too soon, because you will have a few surprises along the road.

Right now I am eagerly waiting for the next season. We should make more of these fast-pace entertaining and touching sci-fi shows, maybe for our own salvation.
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Blood Road (2017)
An unforgettable journey of pass and present.
28 June 2017
Very few documentary can grab your soul like this one does. In the beginning it was simply a bike trip through Ho Chi Ming trail, and a daughter looking for her father's resting place, but when the story goes, it becomes much deeper. In this unforgettable trip you'll see humanity and evil, compassion and love, scar and the healing. You'll see yesterday's enemy becomes today's friend. You see how children are still suffering from the remnants of a senseless war, yet no matter who you are, east or west, rich or poor... we all have the same heart, all care about our families, and all feel the same pain of war.

The photography of this film is extraordinary. Many beautiful scenes of Vietnam and Lao interweave with historic stories, making you realize the connections between the pass and the present. Camera caught a lot of detail of Vietnamese daily lives as well.

The story is simple and straight forward. Don't expect any twists, but due to the good editing I didn't find it boring at all. In fact I couldn't stop watching it once Rebeca started her bike trip. In some points the experience was quite touching.

Highly recommended if you don't hate foreign people, hold no grudges against "commies" and ready for an emotional ride.
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Incorporated (2016–2017)
Daring hard sci-fi show
24 June 2017
This show is a rare gem in the recent TV shows. From the beginning you might be put off by sci-fi's familiar theme of dark dystopia and big bad corporations, but please give it some time. I was hooked in just 3 minutes after the news says "Canada construct a new wall to stop illegal immigrants". See? There are so many small details you can find. It depicts a dark picture of future corporations run amok, and unfettered capitalism results in extreme polarization between rich and poor. It's a future that we don't want to have, but also possibly end up with.

Although there are other shows having the same idea, but only "Incorporated" dares to go far. Not only it shows the dramatic difference between "Red Zone" and "Green Zone", but also different ways of thinking and surviving. In "Red Zone" you will see people fighting for scrubs, selling their own bodies and committing crimes to make ends meet; in "Green Zone" you will see people being afraid of losing their life style, stabbing other's back to get promotion, and the appalling methods of corporations use to maintain the order. In both zones there are no clear good guys or bad guys, only people struggle to survive their environment. All these make this show more believable than other Sci-Fi series.

The acting is top-notch. Many emotions are expressed with subtle facial and short words. No drama queens, no over-acting. The main story surrounds a young couple which both have their secrets. The husband appears to be a loyal corporation ladder climber, but has anti-corp agenda. The wife in the beginning seems like a spoiled rich brat but in time you will see she has a good and strong heart. Both of them experiences very difficult situations in their own way, but they did their best to keep calm and being normal. Sometimes I wondered. "That's it? But both of them had such a tough day!" In many ways "Incorporated" share similarities with "The Americans", which I also enjoyed tremendously.

The special effects are also high-end. From the refugee camp to the splendid "Green Zone". Every scene seems fit the description, and not cheap. The devil is in the details. Rich people drives very futurist cars and "Red Zone" people ride shabby ones. Rich people have expensive exotic dinners and "Red Zone" people eat rats. I really appreciate how much attention they paid in every little thing. Sometimes I pause the screen, just to see what's in the scene, and admire how much effort they must have put in for even a short clip.

However, even the show's script is great. Some pot-holes are still there, like why some "Green Zone" people took great risks to go to the "Red Zone" for fun. Then they later ended up being kidnapped. It seems not reasonable to me. But overall this show has much less holes than other Sci-Fis.

In conclusion, this is a great sci-fi show. It touches many social issues, very suspenseful, and sometimes deeply emotional. It should worth your time.
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Brought tears to my eyes.
13 June 2017
The document is not only about David vs Goliath, Democracy vs Totalitarian, Freedom vs Oppression, but also about human nature, about the real sacrifices of some individuals for their movement.

Everyone in Hong Kong knows about TianAnMen, June 4th, 1989. and what Chinese government would do for any disobedience. Yet, facing the real grave danger, Hong Kong citizen stood up against the center government at 2014 and 2015, led by a teenage boy. It's truly a remarkable story to tell. This film documented from the beginning to the current situation in roughly chronological order. It explained in personal details about how Joshua and his friends became activists, later leaders of movements. It shows us why in 2014,2015 so many Hong Kong people occupied the street and joined the demonstration, and what is the "umbrella movement". It shows the incredible spirits of not only the leaders, but also the citizens of Hong Kong as a whole. As I watched hundreds of thousands of people waving their lights together, I cannot hold back my tears. Those are truly touching moments for me. I was from China, but I've never imagined peaceful demonstrations could have taken place there again.

The film is only the beginning. The struggle is continuing every day. Chinese government demonized Joshua and his friends. This film is no doubt banned in China. However, I hope more Chinese people would find this film and watch it, then judge by themselves who's right and who's wrong. This film tells the story from Joshua's angle. It's biased, but since the official condemnation was everywhere, it's very rare to be able to see it from this angle. As the old Chinese saying, "Listening to both sides and you will be enlightened".
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This is what happen when amateurs get thrown in the wild.
22 March 2017
This show's concept is intriguing: drop 10 young people in an island with loads of money and gave them options to buy things at exorbitantly high price, and see what will happen. I have to say I am pretty entertained at the Lord-of-flies aspect of it.

I like the show having only self-elimination, thus it tests the limit of each person, and also encourage team effort to work together. I had expected of something like "we have to united to survive 48 days in this island", but it turns out to be an endless bashing, whining, and sniping tribal affair. It's not ideal but quite realistic, given the tough circumstances. Some unfortunately ones did reach their limits and tap-out, and others were hanging on a thread, thinking about quitting all day long. At the same time they still managed to undermine others and push other's buttons. The miseries they suffered are below "naked and afraid" but much more than the over-rated "Survivors". Watching them moaning and complaining I cannot help but thinking I might do the same things myself if I were there. So for a reality show it's pretty good at dramas.

What I don't like about the show is that the 10 competitors were all in their 20s or 30s, none of them were really familiar with living in the wild, and they made really bad choices. I am not talking about they buy things at a extremely high prices. I am talking about they made decision like 10-year-olds and none of them taking survival seriously. Even the eagle-scout person couldn't make a fire and later threw his shoe away, only forced to tap-out later due to his feet. All the decisions those guys made mostly were wrong and pathetic. After 18 days none of them ate any worms or caught anything to eat. Had not the show given them the option to buy super high price food and the so-call "temptation", all of them would have tap-out within 2 weeks.

However, I still like the show a lot, because if there were someone like Bear Grylls in the show, they would not have suffered that much and bickered that much. This is the show that tells you what will really happen if you got into a sticky situation. People will bond into groups. Some will fight and hate each other. Some will commit stealing and some will hurt everyone's interest to get even.

Therefore, this show is not for everyone, especially for the high-spirit and self-righteous folks, but it's definitely worth a try if you want to see the true nature of people.
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2Survive (2015)
Surprisingly good movie
26 May 2015
In the beginning it was seem like a cliché: a group of guys and girls taking cameras with them on a trip and encountered some paranormal phenomenon. There are just too many of them out there already. However this one, in my opinion, was the one done right, like the "Blair Witch Project" long time ago.

Unlike all those with extremely shaky cameras, which cause you so much nausea 10 minutes into a film, this one at least have good camera stabilization. You can be sure of not vomiting and holding your lunch or dinner down to the end of the film.

The actor and actresses are doing a great job of showing real emotions. Everyone's character is believable and not over-acting. No one is good or evil. They do what they did to survive (or win the game show). There are even one or two touching moments if you are sensitive.

The surviving technique and know-hows are not bad either. You will learn one thing or two after watching it. So it's not a completely time-waster.

Also the small details like scars, dry lips and a little surprise in the end are good addition too.
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A almost perfect Sci-Fi anime.
13 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
After reading residentgrigo's review, I felt an obligation to express my view of the movie. So for the first time in a long time I write a review in IMDb, because I really like the movie. It might contain some spoilers.

First, it is built on a very possible scenario: in the future world-wide desertification threaten human's survival. So they built a gigantic space station which contains millions of souls/virtual brains. In the meantime some real human, in much less quantity, still live in the ruins of the previous civilization. A mysterious hacker from Earth invaded the space station and broadcast some strange messages. Thus the "Gods" in space send out "Angels" to earth to find the hacker and stop him...

I won't go too deep into the plot. What I want to say is this movie has impressive details: the virtual fantasy world in space is vastly different than the after apocalypse world on Earth. Everything from above is shiny and super-advanced while everything down there is dirty, rusty and hand-made. How they dress and trade things, how they think about happiness are quite different based on their situation. In short, everything is carefully thought of, except one giant hole as other reviewer mentioned: she should have changed her clothes while walked in the town.

The cities of ruins look authentic. One of them is clearly Manhattan. I can even see the "34th Street Penn Station" words on the subway entrance. Other cities all have kind of America-after-collapse feeling. I wish I knew which one they were based on. Nonetheless you can feel like each rusty pole, each broken window, each damaged building is telling you a tiny story. Details, people. The desert scene and night view are also very well drawn.

The action scene is good and decent. A little too fast but that's Japan anime for you. Watching it frame by frame will give you unexpected surprised. Try it if you watch it a second time. The fighting is 80% brain and 20% brawl, unlike most of other animes. Weapon system is mostly old school. (An advanced weapon was used in the beginning but somehow not used in the later fights. Another small plot hole.) So in all I'd say this is a decent Japanese Sci-Fi animation. Fans of Gundam and Ghost in the shell will love it.

Lastly, when watching this movie, pause at Earth scenes and think about it: will my grand children live in a world like this? According to most scientists, they will.
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