
22 Reviews
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The best movie I've seen in a decade
17 June 2022
I liked Top Gun as a kid. I was a little worried that this 2nd film would only make money off the back of the 1st film. This was not the case! Tom Cruise is so awesome. The film pays respect to the first but then goes above and beyond in its own story and edge of your seat entertainment. Val Kilmer is the man! It's so nice to see a reflection of honor in our military in a 1980s fashion. No agendas or subtle political messages, just good old fashion entertainment that makes me proud to be an American and shows love towards our pilots. Thank you thank you for making a great film I could watch with my family!
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Hannity (2009– )
Truth that the left ignores.
13 June 2022
People on here call him racist or anything else with absolutely no bases for these labels. His so called conspiracies are really just the other side of reality that the democrats and the sold out news medias purposely ignores. What Hannity says has proof and evidence behind it and usually, after enough evidence gathered and the rest of the media can't ignore it any longer, the left admit the truth with some incredible downplayed coverage. Like Hunter Biden's laptop that the other media kept saying doesn't exist until they now admit does exist. Hillary's fake Russian accusations against Trump that has been proven false and bought and paid for lies from Hillary's campaign that created the Russian hoax. The wire tapping that Obamas administration did against the Trump campaign and to this day is still denied or ignored by everyone even after the FBI acknowledged its truth after Trump was elected. Obamas administration even illegally spied on conservatives like Sean Hannity hoping to find anything they could use against Trump. Someone needs to talk about the truth. Hannity does.
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Unplanned (I) (2019)
Truth! Not lies.
12 April 2022
Everything negative said about this film comes from people who think it's ok to kill a baby in the name of woman's rights. Think about that.

No one should have the right to kill another human, no matter how inconvenient that person has made their life. Children bring joy if you let them. Abby is an advocate for the little ones who haven't been given a voice. The largest genocide of our time is happening under our watch. May God forgive us.
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Not terrible but...
28 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Not a terrible film. I actually enjoyed the slow pace, the music of Johnny Cash, and the beautiful cinematography. Quality filming, especially for the late 60s and early 70s. But the story lacked a completed feel. Did the young woman just use the sheriff to protect her dad's criminal business? I think the answer is yes, but then there were times the flirting seemed real. I would have liked to see or hear if their fling was genuine to begin with. Also, what a dirt bag the sheriff was to his wife and kids! Was there no love at all he felt toward them? Does he attempt to reconcile with his wife? I would have liked to connect more to the sheriff while he went through this emotional roller coaster, but because I didn't like him for how uncaring he was to his family, especially the kids, I couldn't feel remorse for him when his lust hurts him in the end. Also, why was his character physically abusive toward his young girlfriend? He actually slapped her and in the same scene seemingly convinces her to run away with him. Weird. His character needed to be a little more likable/relatable so I could experience his feelings better, after all, the story centered around him. I don't like watching films that have no likable people, it's not enjoyable and wastes my time. I'll end with a positive note, every character in this film felt real. Solid acting.
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The Chosen (2017– )
Amazing Grace
29 December 2021
I was pulled into the series after the 1st episode. I immediately bought season one and two on disc. Hands down the most entertaining and emotional take on the life of Christ. Probably my favorite series, religious or secular.
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If you like Christmas romance flicks, you'll like this.
29 December 2021
I'm not sure why there is so many bad reviews. Honestly, it's as good as any hallmark Christmas flick. It was funny and romantic. I wasn't expecting anything more than as it appeared on Prime. I enjoyed the film and I'm glad she picked the better guy.
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The Surface (I) (2014)
Exactly what I expected
8 November 2021
I just discovered this film on Amazon Prime and saw that it had Sean Astin in it. I have liked Seans parts in every film I've seen him in so I figured I'd like this one. It's a slow paced film that mostly takes place on a boat, but the depth of the characters and the meaning behind the story carries the film through. Just a good solid film without out the bells and whistles.
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Hands down the best Cinderella movie ever made.
10 September 2021
No woke agendas being pushed. Just a simple tender and heart warming story. You laugh, you cry, and at times you see the step sisters and mother as real people and you desperately want them to get along. Drew Barrymore is so sweet and every other character is perfectly cast.
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Val (I) (2021)
25 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I loved every second of this. Seeing actors as real people is interesting, but this went beyond that. I felt like I could relate to Val in many ways. I love how close he is to his family. I loved seeing his son speaking for him and their close relationship. When his brother and mother passed, it was tear jerking. How he delt with his parents divorce and ultimately his own. And how good he was to his mom, dad and step dad even when he had the right to be angry at times. I loved that he spoke about his wife only in loving ways. Val is a peaceful, loving and caring man. Not just a great performer with many hit films. I wish him well.
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Pleasantly surprised
29 July 2021
Picked a copy up from the store for my kids movie night. Never heard of it but it looked interesting. Thought my little kids would like it, but I didn't expect to get into it myself. Great story. Great message. Better than many popular animated films of recent. I rated 10 to help the movie get a boost in ratings. I'm surprised it's overall rating was as low as it is. But I'd say realistically, it's a 7 or 8 star for its type.
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Charly (2002)
Love it
3 September 2020
I've seen it several times in the past 15 years or so. Each time I end up crying. It takes a few minutes to get into then I'm sucked in. Deep and personal message of love and what a marriage can mean.
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Well done
7 January 2019
I was never a big Mary Poppins fan, but I appreciated the artistic talent involved that made it a classic. I truly believe this one had all of the same charm and beauty. Very well made film. Visually stunning and well acted by all the lead actors. The music was well written and holds up strong with the 1st poppins. I loved seeing Dick Van Dyke in the film and loved that he sang and danced. My only disappointment was that Julie Andrews didn't make a small appearance just as a tip of the hat to the 1st movie. I wondered why and found that the makers of this film made an attempt to get her on board for a cameo but she declined the invite. Oh well. I can say that I think this movie was as good as it gets when continuing the story of a classic. Great work people!
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Very good. Very fun
16 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Because it was a Netflix Christmas film I expected something fun for kids but kinda lame and meaningless. But because it stared Kurt Russell, whom I've always liked, I pushed play out of curiosity. The child stars did great work. The story was well written and thought out and had moving moments midst the fun. Of course Kurt Russell was phenomenal with his acting and energy as Santa, and his musical talent surprised me. It was extra fun to see Goldie as Mrs Claus. My only criticism would be that I would have liked to see some religious undertone since it is a Christmas flick. But hey, It not a hallmark and Netflix surpassed my expectations on this one. Nice job to all involved.
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Best family show of all time
10 December 2018
I grew up watching this show and then I went a few years as a young teenager without seeing it. After my dad left my family, I grew mare attached to this show by watching reruns on PBS because I imagined Charles as my dad. It was so nice to see such a close family and nice to see an example of a dedicated father. I realized how unrealistic that type of family was at least in our time, but I continue to hold it up as an example of what a family could be if we all served each other instead of serving our on self. I am forever grateful to all those individuals involved in the making of this show. I've bought the whole series and as a father of 5 kids, I watch this show with them. My kids see it purely as entertainment, but I know that the teachings of God and acts of kindness and charity for our fellowman is being instilled into their hearts. I never need to worry about what might be on the next episode. It's more than appropriate for all ages and fun and entertaining at the same time. This is what tv should be producing full time. I can't say enough great things about it.
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The Office (2005–2013)
Probably my favorite funny tv series
8 October 2018
Loved this show. I have rewatched this show several times. Great actors. Funny plots. Relatable office humor. Great writing and acting allows touching moments to happen instantly while the humorous plot of an episode remains intact. I never felt I was being pushed any political or social agenda and that all beiefs and views on life were open for playful humor. I liked the original British office alright, but the US took the idea and made it better. The 1st season was good, but with each season it just got better. After Steve Carell left, the series struggled a bit, but they managed to create new and memorable characters. When it ended I was sad the run was over but completely satisfied.
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Designated Survivor (2016–2019)
Entertaining without a lot of trash
8 October 2018
The premise is entertaining. The CG isn't the best but it's good enough. The script and acting is somewhat cheesy at times but I do not mind it because it's the type of cheese that old television use to have in shows like father knows best or little house on the prairie. At this point in Hollywood, I'll take almost anything that shows a married husband and wife with kids who love each other and the dad isn't portrayed as an idiot and he loves and supports his wife and the wife is brilliant, educated and chooses to put her kids and husband 1st and shes not ashamed of her mothering role. That traditional family feel is so hard to find in television now and I love it. As far as the politics in the show it seems to slant to the left and tends to villafy conservatives at times. I am conservative and certainly realize that Hollywood and the media are good at portraying themselves as moral defenders of humanity while their deeds and words contradict. But I have to admit that I didn't see this tv show going to far as to exclude people like me from the audience. The president is an independent and treats both sides pretty fair when trying to rebuild the government. I wish it were possible to actually have a moral president that truly serves the nation before himself and before his party while adhering to the constitution. I like this show and recommend it.
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Once Upon a Time (2011–2018)
Mostly great but why lesbian fairy tales?
22 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed most of the seasons. Regina and Rumple were complex stories and well thought out. It was so lovely and interesting and an entertaining concept I could watch with my kids. It was a bit dark at times but some fairy tales are. I loved the good versus evil and the concept of forgiveness and change. Where I struggled is when they introduced lesbianism into the show as if it's sweet and cute. My kids wondered why little red riding hood and Dorthy kissed? I had to stop watching with the little ones. Many still teach their children to Love all people, but that doesn't mean we condone some people's choices. The main problem I had with the lesbian concept in this show, is that they took great characters from my childhood and made them gay. Dorothy from the wizard of oz is gay? Little red riding hood is gay? Alice in wonderland is gay? It's one thing for Disney to support gay pride, but just as Sulu from Star Trek suggested, I may be gay but the character Sulu was not. The stories can change but the foundation of a well known character should not. It will be hard for me to watch one of my favorite classics, the wizard of oz without thinking about Dorothy the way Disney has made her.
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Anne with an E (2017–2019)
Visually stunning, with an agenda
3 August 2018
I loved the 1985 Anne of Green Gables and I was excited to watch the new series. I was open to the idea of story line changes as long as it didn't deviate to far from the family friendly principles and morals of the others. I was pleasantly surprised with the 1st season although I found it a bit dark at times with Anne's PTSD. I loved the music and basic plot and the visual art was great. Season 2 lost it completely for me. I'm so sick of the gay agenda being shoved down my throat. I let my kids watch because season 1 was ok for my older kids. Then suddenly my kids are hearing about lesbians and transgenders and how their love is special and good. Yuck... sorry, but not everyone in the world has accepted homosexuality as the norm and many would rather their kids not be propagandized about it. My kids were upset. I've taught my kids to love all people and serve all, but that does not mean we must condone and encourage the actions or lifestyle choices of all people. Many traditional families still try to teach that right is right and wrong is wrong even if society says otherwise. I miss the days when families could relax, let their gaurd down and watch wholesome family television. Can't we just have one tv show that isn't pushing an agenda? I thought Netflix FINALLY made something good for the whole family. Nope. My kids will be introduced to the Anne Shirley we all once knew and loved.
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Last Man Standing (2011–2021)
One of the best sitcoms ever
29 May 2018
Hilarious and clever. Some people have complained about this sitcom because the main character is political. I love that it's political because that's what creates the funny scenarios of the story lines. To act like other sitcoms are not political is wrong. I would argue that most sitcoms of today have hidden political statements. The big difference of the politics of this sitcom verses others is that the main character leans to the right instead of leaning left like most of Hollywood. The right wing politics anger some people, but yet it is rated high and was very popular during its run because much of the United States has been hungering for their points of view on TV for a very long time. I am one of them. I love that the sitcom shows that an average conservative is NOT a racist and are actually good and kind people. Tim Allen's character has to do his best to blend in with 2 liberal daughters and wife and manages to do so. It's funny with the reality many conservatives live with mixed into it.
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Battle Creek (2015)
Sad it was canceled
17 April 2018
I enjoyed the show recently on Netflix. Halfway through the episodes I realized it was only one season. So disappointed, I almost stopped watching the rest of the episodes because I knew I won't be able to see what will happen in the lives of the characters. I loved the subtle humor and the personality of Russ. The two main characters played off each other well. It wasn't always realistic, but that's not what the show was going for. It was supposed to be entertaining and I think they nailed it.
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British accents in America?
16 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Why does it appear that the family is supposed to be Americans living in the United States but everyone has British accents? Maybe they are native British but moved to the United States? Nope that can't be it because every other character in the USA has a British accent too. I get that this movie may have been produced by Europeans, but if you can't hire people with American accents then just make the family's home setting in England or something. It was frustrating. Eventually the family flies to London, so the felt better. Also the lip sync was terrible and the movie is full of farting and the mother desires to have an affair. Not very family friendly but was clearly intended to be geared toward kids. I gave it 3 stars because the animation was very good and clearly a lot of effort was put into the "look" of the movie.
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Powerful and captivating
16 March 2018
I'm so glad to see great actors like Ben Cross, Karina Lombard and Eugene Brave Rock on board with this project, their acting left nothing more to want. Writer and director Darin Southam who also stars in the film has created a work of art. The music by Kyle Warr was incredible. The hero's of ancient America have always inspired me. The reign of judges instead of a king who can oppress. Freedom from those who seek to destroy and most of all, a promised land giving hope and strength to a nation who will follow the Christ. I felt this inspiration while watching this concept film. I've been nervous about anyone making a film about these events because they need to be told right in a film or not at all. I watched this last night and was moved. Realizing these complex stories cannot be told in a short concept, I certainly got a taste of what I've been looking for. I cannot wait to see the features.
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