
3 Reviews
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Agent X (2015)
Do not watch it
9 November 2015
As my title suggest please if you liked Sharon Stone do her a favor and do not even think of watching this season.

The direction is bad, the script is bad , the action scenes are awful, you don't need to hold a gun to know that the bullets the actors are firing are fake as they get, frankly it looks like some toddlers with their squirt guns are playing around.

I am actually crying for the fact that i can never get back 40 minutes that i wasted on this show.

This show is the worst mistake in the history of Television and don't even get me started with the cast. Good God how can I tell the viewers not to ever watch this show
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The Strain (2014–2017)
28 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Please if you are looking forward to make a Syfy/horror please don't make it vampire/resident evil style season. To the viewers please know that this isn't a syfy season its just a resident evil style old school season in which the director thinks he would get more viewers if he make it more bloody. the funniest and the crappiest part is when the Rock Star is peeing and suddenly he changes into a vampirish amphibian the moment he becomes that his d**ck fells into the toilet which he proceed to flush and when he turns you see that he has no d*ick. Don't be tricked by the initial ratings like i got. Better go watch supernatural as its way better and it is about supernatural stuff and do not betray you into thinking oh this must be a kool syfy season
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The Legend of Korra (2012–2014)
26 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Wow I was never the fan of Avatar but this show from season 1 got me hooked, initially i thought making avatar a female character was asking the show to be just for the girls but was surprised to find the contrary. First two seasons were good but Man the third season is off the hook, they have infused the element of suspense, Hard core avatar action and awesomeness. Because of the third season turning out to be the best one I have seen I rated this 10. A must watch for animation series fan. Also you don't need to see any previous Avatar to understand this one as this starts off having its own story from the base. Also avatar game will be out very soon i have seen the game trailer and its pretty much similar to the show so yeah there you go
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