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Gor (1987)
If you don't know the books it might be better
21 February 2013
Many of the negative reviews compare this to an apparent book series. I know nothing of those books, nor their author. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie - of course in the proper context of 80's pulp sci-fantasy.

This film did not have the "big name" actors that other contemporaries did, but it was a generally coherent story. Full of cheese and B-grade schtick, this film will not inspire or thrill you as Conan may have - it is definitely on par with others (Red Sonja, Fire & Ice, etc.) It's an Italian film I gather, and if you know anything of spaghetti westerns, expect similar production value.

This is NOT for fans of "A" grade barbarian films (are there any really?), nor apparently fans of the fiction upon which this is (loosely) based.
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Bones: The Corpse on the Canopy (2013)
Season 8, Episode 12
Yeah more Bones!
29 January 2013
Uh. On second thought - No. This a second or third nail in the coffin for this show for me this season. I know it's fairly old - how many ways can you do twists on the same basic plot each week? I have really enjoyed this show up to this year, and I understand why it's turning into more of a drama. Perhaps its time to go ahead and commit to morphing it and trying to wrap it up instead of beating a dead horse into the ground again and again.

In this episode the villain is completely unbelievable. I give them full indulgence for fudging the realism because it is usually fun at least... Not this time. Bring back Zack for an episode and let him and this Pallant character have a super-duper nerd-duke-out with Zacks super power psycho brain matching Pallant on every move but from a more primal level since he's freshly broken out of jail, and the Jeffersonian funding is now close to defunct. Give us a super bloody dual at the end where Agent Flynn swoops in like Robocop with his newly installed modern bionic parts since the mini-gun incident, and saves the day.

I think that would be a great final dramatic moment for the climactic finale, and then we can watch the special extended last episode where everyone is having the "Memories of the Jeffersonian" gathering at Booth and Brennan's. We find out what each character is moving off to do with the rest of their lives, and each one recounts some of their favorite scene in a memory montage.

Then we can all smile and say so-long dear sweet show, and wait for the reunion or movies, or what have you.
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As with Keirin's paintings apparently many don't "Get it"
10 January 2011
I'm not sure what people don't find funny about this movie; but then American audiences don't do well with satire in any but the most blatant forms, and this one was chock full of fairly blatant.

The plot is going to lead you from point A to B in a very direct and obvious manner. It is a minimal vehicle for the character interactions.

This movie is NOT: Drama, Romance, Mystery, or Action with comedy elements added in. This is slapstick comedy along the lines of Dumb and Dumber, based around an earlier French movie of approximately the same title. The French film is excellent in a French comedy sort of way. This film is hilarious if you understand what the movie is supposed to be.

DON'T WATCH THIS MOVIE IF: * You don't understand the concept or implementation of satire * You don't understand the word "implementation" - You will probably identify with the plight of the "schmucks" and therefore will not understand this movie. * You want a nice heartfelt story where lessons are learned and there are funny situations along the way. * You are the kind of person that expects dramatic character development and believable plot planning.
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Not THE worst movie I have ever seen, but I can't remember what is
8 June 2006
This movie had a few redeeming features about it- I got too see it at the Dollar Theater, I saw it with other fans of cheesy movies, and finally- yes some geeky girls did actually show up in chain mail bikinis (actually it was tin foil with holes punched in, but WTH).

About 15 minutes through I had already had a few beers which we sneaked in, then after about 30 we were hitting on the scantily clad (or is that skankilly clad)geek chicks. 35 minutes after that we were trying to throw popcorn down their "breast plates".

Somewhere in there I remember seeing one of the Wayans brothers falling out of a tree dressed like a keebler elf, a fat guy with bright blue lips, and something that resembled the horrid dialog of Romeo & Juliet performed by the drama squad of the special ed department.

Overall Pyramid Heffeweizen is an okay choice of beverage, though with theater popcorn it tastes a little flat. Remember to swirl the bottle to mix up the natural yeast break and round out the flavor.

And don't laugh at geeky chicks before drinking at the same social event they are attending- after a few beers you may find them more appealing but they will remember your insult.
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A tired retread of an aging role
31 August 2005
I quite honestly could not watch much of this movie. I did have it playing all the way to the credits, just to be fair however.

What completely turned me off of it was that the type of humor that was so well crafted into airplane and the first two naked gun movies has unfortunately been made so blatantly vulgar by whoever directed this film that it is not funny. You could watch the same scene in Mr. Neilson's earlier films 3 and 4 times and find a new joke every time.

This waste of celluloid wants to be risqué, but is not willing to deal with adult humor at an honest level. This 'suggestive' humor is not all that funny since the whole point of a dirty joke is to be dirty. The rest of the humor is not complex enough to warrent more than five minutes of attention.

On the positive side- production value is adequate. The film does not appear to be a bargain budget piece that one would see as a Sci-Fi channel original's series.

Bottom line:

Unless you have an unnatural obsession for Leslie Neilson films- skip this one.
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Disappointing conclusion
30 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This episode of the series was the most disappointing, not because of any lack of eye candy, which was good, but for the focus and the changes made to the conclusion. I was really into the first film, the second filled in the important place between what should have been a great beginning and action packed end... This one fell short of the grandiosity I perceived in the books. Peter Jackson is brilliant in bringing the books to life as well as he did, but this was honestly over hyped. It was probably the ending that put the nail in the coffin. Being a fan of the books I expected something a little better, but it was perhaps my girlfriend of the time who put the right perspective on it likening the end-scene to a homosexual punchline.
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Better than the first
29 June 2005
While I feel that the 90 odd minutes of my life spent watching the first were not a complete waste (about 45 were spent dozing off) I felt cheated out of the rental price. I am not a great fan of Tarantino films. They are typically overdone caricatures of a theme and very shallow.

This was either a relief to see, or Quinten's head was a little clearer when he did this one. The supporting cast definitely adds to the story, and there are comedic moments of irony sorely lacking in the first.

Beyond this however, the violence and profanity is still grossly mindless- I am not at all opposed to either, however it must be justified with context.
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Not a positive review
29 June 2005
Prefacing this with the comment that I am not particularly a Tarentino fan and do not find brilliance or genius in his movies should help you decide if the review will be of any value. I have appreciated (as opposed to enjoyed) a few of his films. This is not one of them.

For the budget and era, this film is very disappointing. Once again Tarentino focuses on the shock value of over the top violence and profanity to rewrite what is essentially the Charlie's Angles plot.

Eyecandy toys and action in a film can be nice but do not compensate for the essentially shallow and clichéd plot which left me dosing off about half way through.

In comparison to other films by this director this one lacks any additional elements such as irony, surrealism, or comedy. Definitely not a repeat viewer.
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Dune (2000)
Very good for a small/indie production budget!
29 June 2005
First of all, this movie should not be compared to the original production. Decades of cinematography and effects separate the two, as does a completely different approach to the film. The only particular difference that must be noted is the storyline for the 2000 production is fairly complete- as one might expect of a mini-series- meaning it does not leave the reader feeling confused throughout and require them to imagine an introduction or resolution. In fact to be true to the book the length of the film is almost necessary.

The acting in the film is quite good. There are not many well known actors (at least for US audiences), but that has the effect of balancing the film; letting it flow around the storyline not a few select characters. There are hints of overacting here and there but usually in awkward scenes where some of the subtle meaning explained in the book would be very difficult to portray.

Special effects are not all that bad. Though the use of CGI/Bluescreen is fairly obvious. Considering the year and budget these are for the most part forgivable. There are three flaws which I cannot forgive: Footage of a Fremen raid on the Harkonnen hanger is used at least three times throughout the film, and the birds which occasionally are rendered (poorly) in the background generally distract and detract from the scenes they are inserted into. Lastly, the lighting is somewhat overdone, appearing to be more in line with theater lighting than a movie set.

Overall this is definitely a film to watch if you like science fiction. You can watch it as a stand-alone piece, or read the various books that Frank Herbert wrote for a more complete understanding of the story.
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SpiderBabe (2003 Video)
Another amusing Mundae flick
25 January 2005
I'll have to admit that I am a big Misty Mundae fan... Lord of the G strings was the first flick I saw her in, and wasn't quite sure what to make of it at first.

Is the acting in her movies great? NO. Are the special effects mind blowing? NOPE. Does a porn/comedy really need plot or dialog anyway? Not at all!

Misty does not look like the typical $30k plastic-doll type of soft-core girl you are used too and that is refreshing, because she also has a personality. This shows through in Spiderbabe true to form. Lots of lesbian sex and nudity with out a lot of lame attempt at 'legit' film with useless plot and wasted time on back story. It lampoons Spiderman just enough so you know what it is based off of, but beyond that has great humor as well. Incidentally Spiderbabe went over the top with special effects this time... probably spent a few hundred bucks!

If you want "serious" acting and movie quality stay away from Misty Mundae movies...
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