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The Boys Presents: Diabolical: BFFs (2022)
Season 1, Episode 5
14 June 2022
Honestly the worst thing I've watched my whole life, coming from someone who used to binge watch B sci-fi and horror movies as a teenager. If you are reading this before watching, just skip this episode and save your time.
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Raw Love
21 November 2019
In most movies about a relationship falling apart, there's one element that was the turning point. Someone lied, someone died. But in Blue Valentine, there's no one thing that caused Cindy and Dean's relationship to deteriorate; there's no point you can look at and go, "that's where it all went wrong." This makes watching the film even more painful, because there's no way to know how to fix it if you don't know what the problem is.

The editing makes this process even harder, showing us two distinct moments: the week they falled in love, and, years alter, the week they get a divorce. Cindy also delivers one of the cruelest quotes about marriage and the moment you realize you don't love the person you married anymore: "How do you trust your feelings when they can just disappear like that?"

Amazing. SIde by side with the "Before trilogy", and a must-watch to anyone.
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Twin Peaks: Beyond Life and Death (1991)
Season 2, Episode 22
With proper production time, it could have been much better
21 October 2019
This looks like a 2 hours episode that needed to be rushed down to 45 minutes in order to please the channel directors, who had no idea who Lynch was and how he wrote his stories, in the end, it just didn't deliver, and everything that, with proper time and development, would have been great, ended up feeling rushed and incomplete.

Still the best series I have ever watched, and I highly doubt I'll see a better one for as long as I live, overall 10/10, and even with the disappointing ending, it is still a must watch.
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Taxi Driver (1976)
The movie that defined my life and love for cinema
18 October 2019
Today I rewatched this for, maybe, the 150th time, during my teenage years I had a strange obsession with Travis, the way he sees the world and the brilliant De Niro performance, the scene of Travis watching American Bandstand with that empty look in his eyes is absolutely one of the saddest scenes in cinema history. We really see how much his loneliness has effected his life without a single word of dialogue spoken. Brilliant!

Every time I watch Taxi Driver it helps me understand his character, and now I am in a position where it trully speaks to me in a deeper level, on August I decided to let all my friends go: a longtime friend from school, lots of ex-teammates from the football years, a girl that was for sure the best person I have ever met in my life, miss here so much, hope she is well, only one guy stood, and he is the one friend that I'll keep forever, so for 2 whole months this is the only guy that I can speak to, since he is kind of and "internet friend", irl it is even worse, not a single word spoken through days, sometimes even weeks, in the beginning the feeling of being alone was really bad, haunting in some ways, I got used to being around people, produced content on the internet that made people admire me, and losing all this was... hard, God knows how hard, but it was needed, I needed to put myself in this position in order to get stronger in the future. Today is a friday, I'll go home, sit alone, and wait until I have to sleep, there is no point in doing anything, listening to music, watching a movie, or even playing games, the joy in doing it is just gone... tomorrow it starts all over again, God knows for how long. In Travis own words: "loneliness has followed me my whole life everywhere", so it's time to face it and try to overcome the bad sensation, when I managed to deal with this, I can start again. On the 25th of October this friend that I still talk to comer to visit, first time seeing him in a decade, and finally having someone to talk to in person will be amazing, after the experience, I'll rewatch Taxi Driver again and update the review.

Posting just so I can read this in the next years and remember how thing were back in 2019, personal post, if you are reading it on the "Taxi Driver review page", just ignore.
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Twin Peaks: Arbitrary Law (1990)
Season 2, Episode 9
A piece of art
4 October 2019
It's incredible how Lynch keeps delivering through this whole series, it already started well, with one of the best season premieres ever made, but here we can see everyone on one of those magical moments where everything is just perfect: direction, acting, pacing, writing... a piece of art, there's no other way to describe it.
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