
17 Reviews
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Please understand this
22 April 2020
The Father and the Son are the Parents of the Holy Spirit, if many churches are correct. If many churches are correct, the Trinity is a Family-- two Parents and a Progeny, similar to a human family.(Humans are made in the "likeness" and "image" of God according to Genesis 1:26) In the book of Job, which is in the Bible, God is compared to a father and a mother with a womb "From whose womb comes the ice? Who gives birth to the frost from the heavens?"-Job 38:29. Because we can think of God as like a mother (Isaiah 42:14, Isaiah 66:13, Matthew 23:37, Catechism of the Catholic Church 2nd edition paragraph 239), all three roles(Father,Mother,Progeny) in a basic human family are filled in the Trinity. Saying that the Father and the Son are the Parents of the Holy Spirit is another way of saying "the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son" which has been official Catholic teaching for centuries. The Church teaches that the Son is begotten by the Father. If this is correct, the Father is the Father(Parent) of the Son. The Church teaches that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son. If this is correct, the Father and the Son are Parents of the Holy Spirit. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (second edition) paragraph 246 says that the Holy Spirit's "nature and subsistence" is "at once...from the Father and the Son."If the Church calls Mary mother(parent) of God even if Mary isn't the first source of Christ's humanity(God is the first source), then the Son can also be called a Parent of God (the Holy Spirit). If the Church is correct, the Father is the principle-Parent and the Son is the begotten-Parent. The scriptures are vague if the Holy Spirit is the Second or Third Person of the Trinity, whichever of these is true, the First and the Second may be the Parents of the Third. Parent definition from Merriam-Webster dictionary: One that begets or brings forth offspring. Principle means base/foundation/first-source/first-origin/root-cause.
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Read please
14 April 2020
The Father and the Son are the Parents of the Holy Spirit, if many churches are correct. If many churches are correct, the Trinity is a Family-- two Parents and a Progeny, similar to a human family.(Humans are made in the "likeness" and "image" of God according to Genesis 1:26) In the book of Job, which is in the Bible, God is compared to a father and a mother with a womb "From whose womb comes the ice? Who gives birth to the frost from the heavens?"-Job 38:29. Because we can think of God as like a mother (Isaiah 42:14, Isaiah 66:13, Matthew 23:37, Catechism of the Catholic Church 2nd edition paragraph 239), all three roles (father,mother,progeny) in a basic human family are filled in the Trinity. Saying that the Father and the Son are the Parents of the Holy Spirit is another way of saying "the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son" which has been official Catholic teaching for centuries. The Church teaches that the Son is begotten by the Father. If this is correct, the Father is the Father(Parent) of the Son. The Church teaches that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son. If this is correct, the Father and the Son are Parents of the Holy Spirit. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (second edition) paragraph 246 says that the Holy Spirit's "nature and subsistence" is "at once...from the Father and the Son."If the Church calls Mary mother(parent) of God even if Mary isn't the first source of Christ's humanity(God is the first source), then the Son can also be called a Parent of God (the Holy Spirit). If the Church is correct, the Father is the principle-Parent and the Son is the begotten-Parent. The scriptures are vague if the Holy Spirit is the Second or Third Person of the Trinity, whichever of these is true, the First and the Second may be the Parents of the Third. Parent definition from Merriam-Webster dictionary: One that begets or brings forth offspring. Principle means base/foundation/first-source/first-origin/root-cause. Stay indoors to avoid flu and coronavirus.
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EWTN Live (2002– )
Information for viewers
12 April 2020
Greetings: The Father and the Son are the Parents of the Holy Spirit, if many churches are correct. If many churches are correct, the Trinity is a Family-- two Parents and a Progeny, similar to a human family.(Humans are made in the "likeness" and "image" of God according to Genesis 1:26) In the book of Job, which is in the Bible, God is compared to a father and a mother with a womb "From whose womb comes the ice? Who gives birth to the frost from the heavens?"-Job 38:29. Because we can think of God as like a mother (Isaiah 42:14, Isaiah 66:13, Matthew 23:37, Catechism of the Catholic Church 2nd edition paragraph 239), all three roles (father,mother,progeny) in a basic human family are filled in the Trinity. Saying that the Father and the Son are the Parents of the Holy Spirit is another way of saying "the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son" which has been official Catholic teaching for centuries. The Church teaches that the Son is begotten by the Father. If this is correct, the Father is the Father(Parent) of the Son. The Church teaches that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son. If this is correct, the Father and the Son are Parents of the Holy Spirit. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (second edition) paragraph 246 says that the Holy Spirit's "nature and subsistence" is "at once...from the Father and the Son."If the Church calls Mary mother(parent) of God even if Mary isn't the first source of Christ's humanity(God is the first source), then the Son can also be called a Parent of God (the Holy Spirit). If the Church is correct, the Father is the principle-Parent and the Son is the begotten-Parent. The scriptures are vague if the Holy Spirit is the second or third Person of the Trinity, whichever of these is true, the first and the second may be the Parents of the third. Parent definition from Merriam-Webster dictionary: One that begets or brings forth offspring. Principle means base/foundation/first-source/first-origin/root-cause.
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Information here
12 April 2020
The Father and the Son are the Parents of the Holy Spirit, if many churches are correct. If many churches are correct, the Trinity is a Family-- two Parents and a Progeny, similar to a human family.(Humans are made in the "likeness" and "image" of God according to Genesis 1:26) In the book of Job, which is in the Bible, God is compared to a father and a mother with a womb "From whose womb comes the ice? Who gives birth to the frost from the heavens?"-Job 38:29. Because we can think of God as like a mother (Isaiah 42:14, Isaiah 66:13, Matthew 23:37, Catechism of the Catholic Church 2nd edition paragraph 239), all three roles (father,mother,progeny) in a basic human family are filled in the Trinity. Saying that the Father and the Son are the Parents of the Holy Spirit is another way of saying "the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son" which has been official Catholic teaching for centuries. The Church teaches that the Son is begotten by the Father. If this is correct, the Father is the Father(Parent) of the Son. The Church teaches that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son. If this is correct, the Father and the Son are Parents of the Holy Spirit. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (second edition) paragraph 246 says that the Holy Spirit's "nature and subsistence" is "at once...from the Father and the Son."If the Church calls Mary mother(parent) of God even if Mary isn't the first source of Christ's humanity(God is the first source), then the Son can also be called a Parent of God (the Holy Spirit). If the Church is correct, the Father is the principle-Parent and the Son is the begotten-Parent. The scriptures are vague if the Holy Spirit is the second or third Person of the Trinity, whichever of these is true, the first and the second may be the Parents of the third. Parent definition from Merriam-Webster dictionary: One that begets or brings forth offspring. Principle means base/foundation/first-source/first-origin/root-cause
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Knowledge here
19 December 2019
The Father and the Son are the Parents of the Holy Spirit, if many churches are correct. If many churches are correct, The Trinity is a Family-- two Parents and a Progeny, just like a human family.(Humans are created in the "image" and "likeness" of God according to Genesis 1:26) In the book of Job, which is part of the Bible, the Lord is compared to a father and also a mother with a womb "From whose womb comes the ice? Who gives birth to the frost from the heavens?"-Job 38:29. Because God can also be thought of like a mother (Isaiah 42:14, Isaiah 66:13, Matthew 23:37), all three roles (father,mother,progeny) in a basic human family are filled in the Trinity. Saying the Father and the Son are Parents of the Holy Spirit is simply another way of saying "the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son" which has been official Catholic doctrine for centuries. The Church teaches that the Son is begotten from the Father. If this is true, the Father is the Father (Parent)of the Son. The Church teaches that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son. If this is true, the Father and the Son are the Parents of the Holy Spirit. Of course, the scriptures are vague if the Holy Spirit is the 3rd or 2nd Person of the Trinity, whichever of these is true, the 1st and the 2nd may be the Parents of the 3rd. Parent definition 1 from Merriam-Webster dictionary: one that begets or brings forth offspring.
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Sotto il cielo di Roma (2010 TV Movie)
please read
20 November 2019
The Father and the Son are the Parents of the Holy Spirit, if many churches are correct. The Trinity is a Family-- two Parents and an Offspring, if many churches are correct.In the Book of Job which is part of the bible,the Lord is compared to a father and also a mother with a womb. "From whose womb comes the ice? Who gives birth to the frost from the heavens"--Job 38:29. What is written in this paragraph (before this sentence)is compatible with Catholic Church doctrine. Saying that the "Father and the Son are the Parents of the Holy Spirit" is simply another way of saying that the Holy Spirit "proceeds from the Father and the Son" which has been official Catholic Church teaching for centuries. Of course, The scriptures are vague if the Holy Spirit is the 3rd or 1st or 2nd Person of the Trinity--whichever of these is true,the First Person and the Second Person may be the Parents of the Third.
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Fatima (1997 TV Movie)
Understand this
16 August 2019
Father and the Son are the Parents of the Holy Spirit, if many churches are correct. The Trinity is a Family-- two Parents and an Offspring, if many churches are correct. In the Bible, our Lord Jesus Himself said, " I and the Father are One".--John 10:30 On the topic of marriage in general, according to the Bible Jesus said "they are no longer two but one..."-Matthew 19:6
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Plz read and understand
16 August 2019
The Father and the Son are the Parents of the Holy Spirit, if many churches are correct. The Trinity is a Family-- two Parents and an Offspring, if many churches are correct. In the Bible, our Lord Jesus Himself said, " I and the Father are One".--John 10:30 On the topic of marriage in general, according to the Bible Jesus said "they are no longer two but one..."-Matthew 19:6
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Understand and Know this
12 August 2019
Father and the Son are the Parents of the Holy Spirit, if many churches are correct. The Trinity is a Family-- two Parents and an Offspring, if many churches are correct. In the Bible, Jesus Himself said, " I and the Father are One".--John 10:30 On the topic of marriage in general, according to the Bible Jesus said "they are no longer two but one..."-Matthew 19:6
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Padre Pio (2000 TV Movie)
Look at this
10 August 2019
The The Father and the Son are the Parents of the Holy Spirit, if many churches are correct. The Trinity is a Family-- two Parents and an Offspring, if many churches are correct. In the Bible, Jesus Himself said, " I and the Father are One".--John 10:30 On the topic of marriage in general,according to the Bible Jesus said "they are no longer two but one..."-Matthew 19:6
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Read this
29 July 2019
The Father and the Son are the Parents of the Holy Spirit, if many churches are correct. The Trinity is a Family-- two Parents and an Offspring, if many churches are correct. In the Bible, Jesus Himself said, " I and the Father are One".--John 10:30 On the topic of marriage in general,according to the Bible Jesus said "they are no longer two but one..."-Matthew 19:6
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Please Read This
23 July 2019
The Father and the Son are the Parents of the Holy Spirit, if most churches are correct. The Trinity is a Family-- two Parents and an Offspring, if most churches are correct. In the Bible, Jesus Himself said, " I and the Father are One".--John 10:30 On the topic of marriage in general, according to the Bible Jesus said "they are no longer two but one..."-Matthew 19:6
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21 July 2019
The Father and the Son are the Parents of the Holy Spirit, literally or metaphorically. The Trinity is a Family---literally or metaphorically two Parents and a Progeny literally or metaphorically, similar to a human family.(Humans are made in the "likeness" and "image" of God according to Genesis 1:26, although the human author of Genesis probably didn't know about the Trinity when he wrote Genesis) In the book of Job, which is in the Bible, God is compared to a father and a mother with a womb "From whose womb comes the ice? Who gives birth to the frost from the heavens?"-Job 38:29. Because we can think of God as like a mother (Isaiah 42:14, Isaiah 66:13, Matthew 23:37, Catechism of the Catholic Church 2nd edition paragraph 239), all three roles in a basic human family(father, mother, progeny roles) are filled in the Trinity. Saying that the Father and the Son are literally or metaphorically the Parents of the Holy Spirit is another way of saying "the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son" which has been official Catholic teaching for centuries. The Church teaches that the Son is begotten by the Father. If this is correct, the Father is the Father(Parent) of the Son. The Church teaches that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son. If this is correct, the Father and the Son are (literally or metaphorically) the Parents of the Holy Spirit. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (second edition) paragraph 246 says that the Holy Spirit's "nature and subsistence" is "at once...from the Father and the Son."If the Church calls Mary mother(parent) of God even if Mary isn't the first source of Christ's humanity(God is the first source), then the Son can also be called (literally or metaphorically) a Parent of God (the Holy Spirit). I think that the Father is the principle-Parent and the Son is the begotten-Parent(literally or metaphorically). Some early Christians thought that the Holy Spirit was the Mother-figure because in the languages (Aramaic, Hebrew) that Jesus spoke (during Jesus' time and through at least the 4th century), Spirit was a feminine noun. (Some languages like Spanish assign genders to genderless nouns) The scriptures are vague if the Holy Spirit is the Second or Third Person of the Trinity, whichever of these is true, the First and the Second may be (literally or metaphorically) the Parents of the Third. Parent definition from Merriam-Webster dictionary: One that begets or brings forth offspring. Principle means base/foundation/first-source/first-origin/root-cause. The Church teaches that: Father, Son, Spirit are eternal (have always existed) and the Father is the Principle with regards to origin, not time. We can say that: the Father is the eternal Parent of the eternal Son, and that the Father and the Son are literally or metaphorically the eternal Parents of the eternal Spirit.
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21 July 2019
The Father and the Son are the Parents of the Holy Spirit, if most churches are correct. The Trinity is a Family-- two Parents and an Offspring, if most churches are correct. In the Bible, Jesus Himself said, " I and the Father are One".--John 10:30 On the topic of marriage in general,according to the Bible Jesus said "they are no longer two but one..."-Matthew 19:6
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Mac and Me (1988)
Better than E.T.
28 May 2018
This film has often been compared to E.T. Yes, it is like E.T. but better than E.T. When I watched this film when I was a kid, I thought it was better than E.T. Now that I am an adult, I still believe it is better than E.T.
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excellent performance by its star
27 July 2011
The best movie ever made in my opinion. This has action and comedy. The Academy made an oversight when it failed to award Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor and Best Foreign Language film to this movie. Stellar performance by Eddie Conde Gil alias Eddie Cabal Gil--President and Chairman, Isang Bansa Isang Diwa Foundation. Cameo appearances by Palito, Larry Silva.

This movie is severely underrated. In my opinion,better than all 6 Star Wars movies combined. I believe this motion picture is better than all mainstream Hollywood movies which were released in 2005. I believe this is the pinnacle of the Motion Picture Arts.
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Crazy Safari (1991)
excellent movie
16 May 2005
The best of all "the gods must be crazy" movies. Chinese humor is excellent. (Note, I am not Chinese. I live in America) Vastly underrated. Perhaps, they did not show it in many American theaters because they were afraid that westerners might not be able to appreciate the movie.

Excellent acting.

Excellent script. The creators of this movie should make more similar movies.

I saw this movie a long time ago. But still remember it. It has lots of humor which does not require much thinking. Good clean fun. I do not remember any offensive content in the movie.
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