
7 Reviews
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29 April 2018
Mr. Peabody and Sherman are two of my fave everythings ever. I loved their show. Mr. Peabody was awesome and I loved the way they would talk to each other. Great adventures and this best of really is a best of, no bad filler just to get this put together quickly and cheaply.
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Still Standing (2015– )
Below Average, Typical CBC TV Comedy
15 February 2018
Jonny Harris is a harmless enough host. He's nice to the people and is likeable enough as a TV host, even though the jokes he does are all groan inducing "dad jokes" and puns.

The show is just very boring. By visiting these small towns and meeting a few people we learn a bit about them but it's never particularly interesting. Meeting a few fishermen and finding out fishing used to be a huge industry in the town but now it's not anymore.... that is information but not entertaining. Maybe if the jokes were great but they never really are.

I'm not sure what else to say. This show has a fine host but it doesn't really serve any purpose other than to visit towns across the country, with some very below average jokes and writing.
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Watching Paint Dry
23 January 2018
This show is incredibly boring. Shatner is wasted or bored himself and Russell Peters is particularly awful and miscast. The rest of the actors also range from bad to average at best. The writing is OK but the actors don't pull it off and whoever shot it made it a very, very uninteresting story. Do yourself a solid and skip this one.
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Die Hard 2 (1990)
Great Action
23 January 2018
I'm not sure why people don't like this as much as Die Hard 3. It's obviously not as good as the first one but almost no action movie is. Die Hard 2 is a great movie though. Awesome action, John McClane is still a believable real life hero, the villains are great, lots of great laughs. Bruce Willis is great in all three of the first three Die Hard movies. Die Hard 4 and on all stink though.
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The Debaters (2011)
23 January 2018
Debaters is a good show. The host is funny and most of the comedians doing the debates are funny too including some well known stars. There are some exceptions where the comedians or the topic aren't funny enough but most of the debates are worth watching and there is more than one debate in every episode so the bad ones don't last too long.
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Meet the Family (2013– )
I Literally Laughed till it Hurt
30 September 2013
Watched this show last night and it was so funny. A boy goes to his date's house to meet her parents but it is a prank show where there are hidden cameras and instead of parents there are actors playing her parents and also a brother and a sister and all of them are designed to freak the guy out. They make him do things like help destroy their office or prove he doesn't have a tattoo under his jockeys. Not sure what else to say. Couldn't hear the guy sometimes but he kind of mumbled and talked low. They made him sing jingle bells because the mother was drunk and wanted to pretend it was Christmas, stuff like that. We both laughed a lot! Poor guy!
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My Favorite Christmas Movie Ever
28 September 2013
I watch this movie every year at Christmas time with my dad and it is our favorite family tradition for the holidays. It's so funny because it's all so true! My dad says it was like that growing up in the fifties and I believe him, but being a kid today is the same as it always has been in some ways. The kid playing Ralphie is fantastic, so perfect. A nice kid you really pull for and you can identify with all his problems. Picked on by a bully, getting a horrible piece of clothing (don't want to spoil it!) for a present and having to wear it when the aunt who gave it to him comes over to visit, it's all so true. The really annoying and spoiled baby sibling. Wanting so desperately to get something for Christmas and then the disappointment of not getting it (or does he?) 10 out of 10 for this hilarious, touching and wonderful film! I'm sad to see the director has passed on.
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