
5 Reviews
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I need to tell you something about this film
30 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I read the top of the most helpful reviews, noone mentions this. There is alot of great stuff in this movie like Charlies story and the morals. But that is for kids hence sung by the small oopma lompas. No, the most masterful in this is the best acting performance ever. That is the sadness and loneliness of Willy Wonka conveyed by Gene Wilder. The same sadeness I feel for having to write this out since noone seem to get Wonka.

Willy Wonka has the admiration of everyone in the world. Do you ever see him admiring anyone? No and he doesn't care for anyone. Not even Charlie. He doesn't care how he acts in front of people nor what they say. He is all alone. The candy is his extreme attempt to make him happy, however in the end he is not. Why do you think everything is in half in his personal office? He is not fulfilled. He does not care if he or anyone else die in the boat or the elevator. He uses everyone for his own amusement. And why shouldn't he? Noone cares about him, only for his chocolate.

In the end Charlie makes a good deed. Maybe seeing himself in him, Wonka gives him his legacy. He can't give it to an adult because he is not like them. Alas he just continue to give joy to others like his candy has always done. The final conversation is there only to be ambiguous. It's simplistic for children not for adults. What I'm trying to say is this; Please don't just enjoy the movie like a candy. Try to understand Wonka so he won't have to be so alone.
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Neat but it's just wrong
29 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a dumbed down, sugercoated and misinterpretated adaptation. The animations are good but the movie faults on a fundamental level. It makes an interpretation of the original story and rehash the story again somehow. I personally think they didn't get the original story right. (The prince is obviously part of another character and should never grow up!) However you yourself should make your own interpretation and apply it to your own life. Why do you need the filmmakers interpretation to enjoy the original story? There is also some stupid kids movie stuff in it, and death is made insignificant. I believe the original story is foremost made for adults. The infantilz ed art should just part of the narrative for the story.

It's hard to score this since the original story is great which is basiclly the first half of this movie. The second half is pretty boring. Animation is good and I liked that they were smart enough not to name any of the characters. However the -74 adaptation is the film version to watch. I seriously can't understand how this has an higherscore than that one.
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Possibly the worst movie ever
15 October 2019
Looking at what this movie had, big budget, proffesional employees, great actors (not in this though), preceeding great movies. And then looking at the result, an unfunny, product placed, fandom destroying, big studio manipulated, animated cashgrab cringefest. This makes it one of the worst movies of all time.

The only thing that could have made this worse was if Rick Moranis was forced into it as well. Paul Feig did probably call him and asked if he wanted to be in it. Rick joked by saying something like: "Sure.. maybe I could play the dog demon this time." Whereby Paul Feig said "Sure thats a great idea! You can be like the ghostbusters pet and..." Rick then instantly realised that Paul had a mental deficiency and hung up the phone.
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Trespass Against Us (I) (2016)
A movie about the means to change ones life's path
7 September 2019
Reviews that don't understand the language should just get subtitles. Do you complain about not being able to understand Greek spoken movies without subtitles? Reviews that does not get this move are people who have a narrow mind just enough to fit their own way of life. It's a great movie, but not perfect.
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Explanation for the low score reviews
5 November 2018
I read some of the low score reviews of this movie and I feel the need to explain something to them and people reading them.

People mainly complain that the film is incomprehensible, the photo is unsteady and out of focus. Well let me spell this out since you clearly didn't notice: It's shot from a childs perspective! The camera is low to the ground almost the whole film ffs! Thats why the photo is like that. Thats why it feels incomprehensive, becouse thats what the world is to a child!

Then there is people complaining how the characters are portrayed. Well if you are offended by that, don't watch movies where you can get offended.

And then the point about it being unrealistic. Maybe you can you figure out why it has some fantasy in it at this point?

A feeling I got during this film was the inability Huspuppy had to intervene, which people probably didn't like. But that was also a feeling or letting go.

The only thing I can agree upon that is negative and why I didn't give it a 10. That is that it sometimes is over the top pretentious and really try to push a feeling into you.

However seeing that most reviews are either a top score or a bottom score, that surley is a hint that this is a good film. People get emotions out of it =)
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