
8 Reviews
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Music is way too loud
15 December 2023
I have to keep adjusting the volume down during the music then I can barely hear the voices. Annoying. They did a horrible job of continuity.

The movie is slow moving except for action here and there. The story could have been good but it didn't seem to flow well. A cyberattack could (potentially will) happen across the globe and we are woefully unprepared. In general, people are too connected to cell phones and electronics and don't know how to function without them. AC though during something like this, there will be periods of extreme boredom but this really went to boring extremes. I found I wanted to skip to the end.
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Magellan (2017)
12 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It was a bit slow moving but contains an interesting story regarding the proof of life on other planets. Roger is a bit undramatic in his role but gets excited and ecstatic when he thinks he may have discovered dna, a gooey substance on another planet. Being the only one on the mission would seem to be quite lonely, but at least he has Ferdinand to converse with. The three spheres, found on different moons from various planets, work together to communicate with Roger and he to them. Near the end, Roger makes a decision that shocks nasa, and River's wife, I'm sure. Although he's in stasis, it really isn't explained how he survives. A sequel in which he returns home, with only fewer than ten years passing instead of 100, would be interesting. Would he come home on the nasa ship, an alien ship bringing friends, or some sort of wormhole?
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Poorly done
25 May 2023
Horrible acting. No real plot. People getting struck by lightning. Cars blowing up. It just goes on and in. Boring. Does not improve at all. The so-called actors have such fake emotions and attitude, it makes this movie painful to watch. The storyline, however, could have promise if the movie, acting, etc had any kind of reality happening. The two sisters are weak, sniveling, and totally should not be acting. In fact, everyone needs to find a more suitable career. They could be better as cooks or assembly workers, but certainly not acting. In my opinion, don't waste your time watching this. Take up knitting instead.
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Reluctant Witness (2015 TV Movie)
30 April 2023
I only watched this because Paul McGillion is in it. I enjoyed his role in Stargate Atlantis and a few others movies I've seen him. This is the first one in which he's a bad guy. He did well in the role.

The movie was predictable in that I could figure each scene before it happened.

Erin played the ex wife. She was condescending, emotionless, self-centered, and too prissy. Everything had to be about her. She was secretive and, in her mind, was the only one would correct the wrong. How she didn't recognize her bad guy ex-husband was ludicrous.

The police officer (woman) was shallow and obnoxious.

Overall, I have this a low rating for lack of suspense, shallow roles, and predictive outcome.
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Breakfast. Lunch. Dinner.
30 April 2023
A funny, witty movie. Moves along fast, somewhat intriguing, funny lines such as Patrick's 'I was dropped on my head.' Very similar line used in SGA by Dr McKay 'I was dropped on my head several times.' Kate and David definitely carry their sibling rivalry to this movie. However, I think they have a great relationship in real life.

The whole movie is filmed at one location with a few familiar faces (Teyla and Teal'c namely), both of whom had fun roles that perfectly fit the movie. I wondered why it was so muddy, but that factored into the movie.

For a good laugh, I definitely recommend this movie.
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Deep Shock (2003 TV Movie)
Not so good.
22 April 2023
Rather shallow movie and the lead girl (Ann) is really annoying. She's the only one who can fix everything. I am so tired of movies that make one person the hero and everyone else stupid. Graphics are mediocre. Sad, because the storyline could have made a good movie. This just falls short in so many ways. It's predictable, borderline boring, and leaves much to be desired.

No spoilers in this review except to say it could have been so much better. Even if the graphics had stayed poor, the story could have been vastly improved to create suspense and a level of reality. Watch at your own risk. !
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Not impressed.
29 May 2022
Rather slow moving. Story line is convoluted and not well explained as it goes. However, the scenery is stunning. Quite disappointed in the ending, which didn't seem to match the storyline.
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War of the Worlds (2019–2022)
Boring. Slow moving.
26 November 2020
Too many subtitles. Just speak English. It's very slow moving and difficult to follow because of the subtitles. No real character development and shallow story line.
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