
3 Reviews
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Excellent start to a promising season
14 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This was an excellent start to Season 4. After a shoddy and inconsistent Season 3 I am happy to see the writers concentrate on the real threat- Zombies and surviving a post apocalyptic world. The "B Plot" was amazing. I love how they are exploring Rick's sanity. Was his walk in the woods real or just another hallucination? Is he exploring the moral dilemmas of living in a harsh world or was he really just helping a lost traveler out? I hope they continue on stories in the same light as the exploration of morals and values in this new dark, and sometimes morally ambiguous world is what makes the show interesting and amazing. I can not wait for Episode 2 and the pacing has definitely picked up from Season 2 and 3. It's not at Season 1 level (and may never reach there) but it's a promising start. Mixing action with drama is no easy feat but so far , so good.
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Prisoners (2013)
Loved this movie
14 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I went into this movie "blind" (i.e I did not read any reviews ). I wasn't expecting much but was pleasantly surprised by the movie. The ending may have been a bit predictable but getting there was a fun and amazing ride. Hugh Jackman gives a very powerful performance surrounded by some excellent supporting performances. Paul Dano is fantastic as always. The material is dark and the movie is not an easy watch but it will keep you interested until the bitter and controversial end. If you love good acting and a pretty decent story then this is the movie for you. I also was impressed by Jake Gyllenhaal's under stated performance. I don't usually like the guy but he's great in this one. He's also surrounded by great performers so it's hard to shine. All and all you will enjoy this movie but , as a parent, it's not an easy watch. In fact it can be down right disturbing and will having you thinking about the content for days....but that's what good movies do.
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Sons of Anarchy (2008–2014)
This is a sinking ship.......a sinking ship painted pink
14 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
What a disaster this show has become. What started as a pretty decent show centered around bikers has turned into a cluster f#$k of bad writing, terrible acting and down right ridiculous story lines. It seems like the writers are going for politically correct garbage rather than concentrate on the reality of Organized criminals. These guys are drug dealers, scum bags and garbage yet they avoid racism, homophobia and even adopt a dog here and there. Totally unrealistic and Hollywood gutter garbage. Season 1-3 are OK but after that? It's become a bad joke. It's also slowly becoming the Gemma show. Each episode features 50%+ of her story line which are usually borderline insanity and ridiculous. Gemma is either God's new fallen angel or her husband (the creator) likes seeing her face on the screen all the time. The only series I have seen decline in this manner was Heroes but at least they killed that one. It's time to send SOA to the glue factory. This series has had it.

As one reviewer put it- if you want an unrealistic crime series written by a chick, for a chick and to place politically correct nonsense in the show then SOA is for you. I can't take another Gemma plot. In fact you'll see 5 Gemma plots in one episode.
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