
3 Reviews
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The Devils (2002)
Worst Film, See thats just ridiculous.... Warning Spoiler!!
10 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Sometimes I wonder where people come up with these superlatives; every movie is the worst or the best, etc. And often one person like Karl, is saying this is the WORST, while someone else is trying to say this is the BEST, about the very same movie. Its a silly kid's game like who's the prettiest???

Okay, I'm not going to say this is the best, =) but;

It is a very interesting movie, it communicates some very complex ideas and does it in a way that is aesthetically well done. Karl says the movie has an overload of clichés, and lists murder, arson and incest.

First of all, murder and arson do actually occur on a fairly regular schedule on this planet, these acts themselves are something of a cliché, but;

This movie outlines an intense angst in the hearts and minds of these two kids, and the arson is actually a fairly mild reaction to that frustration. I really argue intensely with Karl's assertion that these themes are portrayed in a manner that is a cliché. I think the incidents are quite surprising in their context in the film, and therefore, not possibly clichés.

Secondly, there is no incest,,, one central point of the film is that Joseph believes Chloe to be his sister, but even though he is told otherwise, still wrestles with his intense feelings for her. The love for her that he has developed, thinking of her as a sister, can't be erased by learning the fact that she is not.

I agree with Karl that the acting of the boy playing Joseph is remarkably perfect, but the Adele Haenel's performance is even more astounding to me. Her character is spell binding.

All in all, I have watched this movie at least 50 times, (I work in a situation where I repeatedly have the opportunity to get caught up in it) and every time I've seen it, I find something new from it.

When I was in film criticism classes, I was taught that the basic purpose of a film is to communicate ideas, and do so in a way that is unusual enough to interest and entertain the viewer. This film does that well, so I rated it at an 8. Its not the best, but it's light years away from being the worst. Films aren't a contest Karl, the good ones are works of art to be appreciated by someone who takes the time to do so.
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A little beyond your average WIP movie. Some real issues involved...
6 May 2005
The movie begins with a very strong anti-war statement from the Indonesian perspective, harking back to atrocities committed by the Japanese in their wars in this region. There is a strong warning in the narrative to learn from the past. This is the over-riding theme in the film, and it is delivered with a strange mixture of very extreme, unrelenting violence, and some pretty maudlin sentiment, thrown in for the mix.

The first copy I ever saw had fogging on any exposure of the "naughty bits", but much skin on display throughout. The focus was not on nudity, however. I had this feeling watching it, of how strange it was that the audience was allowed to see beautiful women get their heads and stomachs kicked in, but, not allowed to see the stray nipple.

Most all the other typical components of the WIP are there; whippings,cat fights, beatings, and a level of violence not seen in most of this genre. The depth of the characters and the cinematography cause me to rank it much higher than average. The pregnant heroine stripped and paraded bareback on a bony donkey around the prison yard at the beginning, is an image hard to forget. Definitely watch it, if you get the chance, but you must have a very strong stomach for such subjects.
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New York Minute (I) (2004)
Why People Love Mary-Kate and Ashley
5 March 2005
Okay, Upfront this is more about the psychology of the Twins than a review, but on the scale I did rate the movie at an 8. It is more entertaining than a lot of the crap you see these days.

But back to the subject, why people love the twins. It's basically the same reason that they were such a hit when they jointly played the character on TV. They are your average kid, with an odd look that makes you interested in their faces and facial expressions. This is the same quality that makes a true beauty stand out from a line of Miss America contestants. They don't quite fit the mold, and this makes them unique enough to attract your attention, and KEEP IT.

And their young fans love this aspect of their fame, whether they understand it or not. The attention of the media on these two faces underlines the fact that the less than perfect face can be more beautiful than all the models on the TV ads rolled into one. This is a positive reinforcement to all the fans, that maybe they too, could be seen for their inherent beauty.

I have read reviews that have referred to the Olsen Twins videos as "child porn", and that the "New York Minute" film pushes the envelope on this aspect of the girls popularity. This is of course, nonsense.

What has happened to this country, when the appreciation of child beauty is simply written off as "child porn"? What terrible thing has happened to the sensibilities of U.S. citizens that simply must look at the writer/photographer Lewis Carroll as a deviant because he acknowledged and tried to portray youthful beauty?

There are forces in the U.S. that find it politically expedient to point fingers at things they do not understand, and brand it "child porn" in order to draw headlines to further their ambitions. Heaven help us if these forces attain the upper hand they so wish to use to control media and all of our choices.

The Olsen Twins are cute, they are pleasing to look at, end of story. Also they possess a quality or talent, that very few actresses in the history of our media have possessed. The reason Lucille Ball became so famous, (also Carole Burnette) was that she was willing to look slightly foolish, and do pratfalls and physical humor in order to make an entertaining movie or TV show. People loved that! They weren't particularly great dramatic actresses, they just riveted our attention with their visual and physical comedy. This is the gift that the Olsen Twins bring to their work as well.

To those who have commented that New York Minute wasn't funny, I sincerely think you need to have your sense of humor examined. It was great fun.
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