
12 Reviews
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Spring Break Shark Attack (2005 TV Movie)
Definitely not a 10
23 January 2017
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I'm assuming the bloke who said this was the best shark movie ever was someone who was part of the production? Writer maybe? The problem with this movie was it had 2 "alpha" story lines and neither had enough time spent on it to make it enjoyable. How the sharks end up on their reef was downplayed so much I almost missed it. They should have spent more time building on that then throwing in the second storyline of girl getting roofied. Not much in the shark attacks. Even the feeding frenzy fell short. The acting wasn't bad comparing it to other shark movies. They wouldn't win any awards, but they weren't that bad. No the problem with this movie was having 2 story lines that had nothing to do with one another. Each a strong story on its own and each needing the full hour and a half so u didn't feel cheated. I wouldn't say Don't watch the movie I would only suggest not to have high expectations. But then that's how most shark, actually most creature features, are. Do NOT go by the reviews that give it a 10. You'll be disappointed. It's a solid 3. Maybe a 4 if your not one who watches these type of movies expecting to see much in shark attacks.
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Swim at Your Own Risk (2016 TV Movie)
Main character butchered the movie.
20 January 2017
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School gym assistant coach takes a liking to one of his swimmers and after meeting with her for the third time has sex with her in the pool. She immediately tells him it's over and of course he doesn't listen. He finds evidence about her mom, the actual swimming coach, about her taking drugs from when she was a swimmer and threatens to expose the mom if she doesn't continue to see him. He also has a video of the two having sex in the pool. The problem I had was how unbelievable the girl was. Her wide eyed doe look was annoying. You didn't get a sense of her fear or anxiety. It all felt like she was trying to hard. That she was "acting". It's hard to enjoy a movie like this when the main character isn't convincing. The movie felt rushed. They should have spent a little more time building tension between the girl and the stalker. Instead she went hot and cold so fast your head spun. And then the "climax" was horrible.

****major spoiler alert**** He ties up mom and then using her phone lures the girl to the pool. She gets there only to find him Holding a gun. He tells her he wants to go back to the night they had sex and makes her get into the water with him. She jumps in and pretends to want him and then shouts NO and proceeds to belittle him. He drowns her and she holds her breath then when he lets her go she jumps out grabs the gun and shoots him. Now when she started to belittle him I was shaking my head. It was so sad to see someone fail so miserably at acting but when she shot him and tried so hard to look horrified all I could feel was embarrassment for her. I kid u not. Don't watch the movie but fast forward to that scene. There is no way anyone could keep a straight face. The rest of the actors weren't that bad. But the main character ruined the movie. If your leading lady can't convince an audience that she's a damsel in distress. If you Can't feel her anxiety or fear then your film is in trouble. I've disliked movies before and have been disappointed in some people's acting skills but this is the first time I truly disliked a movie based solely on one of the characters horrible acting skills. If they had chosen a different actress (I use the term loosely) it would have been a solid 6/10. There were some irrational story-line flaws such as her going to see his dad, and his dad who didn't know the girl from Adam told her things no parent would tell a complete stranger. Or who came to the rescue of the mom, did they put all the characters name in a hat and drew one? There are much better movies similar to this that is so much better. I recall one that had mark walburg in it that was pretty good actually. I would search for that one and give this one a wide berth.
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Shadow of Fear (2012 TV Movie)
Hate it
19 January 2017
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This is definitely a movie you want to skip.

The storyline in itself isn't a bad idea. However the execution of it was terrible. You have a woman who is weak and not the most likable character. A guy fixated on her. A police force who first arrest her for assault as she was defending herself and 1 second they are making it seem like she's making it up but then, before u could blink, female cop comes in saying charges have been dropped and now he was being held. The male cop in the room who was still writing her statement acting like she's the criminal turns around and starts sympathizing with her. I mean there wasn't even a break in his writing. A complete 180 that left u with your mouth open.

It got worse from there. Everyone around her are going out of their way to protect her. Yet she does nothing to help herself. And even goes as far as to get insulted when an alarm system is bought for her. Which they never set up.

Jump ahead to the "climax"...... There wasn't one. Oh they caught the guy and so forth. But the way they did was so boring and such a let down that I started rewriting the final 15 min in my head so I didn't feel so cheated.

These kind of stories you need to have the audience love the victim and hate the unsub. In this movie you felt nothing for neither and couldn't care one way or the other what happened.

If your looking for something to do I highly recommend picking the fuzz out of your belly button rather then watch this movie.
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The Barn (2016)
15 January 2017
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Not a total waste of my time. I read the reviews (which I'm beginning to believe we're written by people associated with the movie) and I was skeptic because most horrors don't get this high of ratings. But I thought what the heck I will give it a go.

It started and my first thought was it reminds me of a Canadian after school special. The monster costumes came from your local value village. The special effects consisted of smoke and coloured lights. I did get a kick out of the pumpkin killers costume.

There was a lot of giggling during most of the movie. The main characters cracked us up as they took on sending the monsters (3) "back to hell" and save what was left of their friends and townspeople. The one liners and James Bond sounding script was hilarious.

The one scene where the monsters attacked the dance and people were slashed and limbs torn off was very unrealistic but still amusing.

All in all this movie wasn't that bad. It's not scary, doesn't have much of a plot, more silly then anything else but if you go into it not expecting any of that you'll see the movie like we did and have a good laugh. There's even a little twist at the end no one would predict was coming. Don't watch tho if your sense of humour is asleep and you really want to watch a well put together scary movie.
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The only "horror" part of the film is having to watch it
13 January 2017
I read some of the reviews going into the movie. But I still decided to watch. Everyone has different tastes after all.......

Except for this little gem. I don't think anyone could sit thru this movie (if they managed to make it to the end) and say WOW that was great. Heck they wouldn't even say it wasn't that bad.

There are absolutely NO redeeming qualities in this movie. The acting. The special effects. The plot. The script. All were so bad that all you wish is to go back in time to the video store and when you are about to pick this movie the wall of DVDs crash down knocking you out for a few hours. Seriously you would enjoy that more.

If you are, like me, thinking surely these people jest. Go ahead. Watch it. Then come back here and write how you wish you would have listened.
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Hatchet (2006)
Your run of the mill horror
10 January 2017
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It's your run of the mill horror film. Legend goes boy that was disfigured was home alone one Halloween night. Local teens want to get him out of the house so they set off firecrackers only it starts a fire. The boys dad comes home and trying to get the boy out accidentally hits him in the head with a hatchet and kills him. Now the ghost runs through the swamp.

Fast forward now to Mardi Gras when some tourists and a local go on a scary boat ride in the night. You have your typical Bimbos showing their breasts to a porn producer. The old couple (old man a know it all) The comic relief and his friend who has broken up with his long term girlfriend who went on tour to forget her, the tour guide and last but not least a gun wielding local who is looking for her daddy and brother who went missing a few days prior. They end up hitting a rock sinking the boat and now trying to stay alive walking through the swamp. All to picked off one by one by the hatchet wielding disfigured madman.

The acting isn't award winning but then most horror films employ b-actors. For the most part I was waiting and hoping that the "bimbos" would be picked off quickly as they are beyond annoying. If your wondering if they are just playing to be bad actors I don't think so. I've seen the blond before and she was just as bad and annoying. Reminds me of tori spelling actually. So that tells you just how bad she is. Lol

There's not a lot of jump out of your seats moments, no creative killing tools. Your basic hands, hatchet, chain saw. A fair amount of gore and fast paced enough that you don't get bored. One question that i have, which i know it's Hollywood so anything goes and your suppose to just go with it. But the boy was disfigured and small and couldn't even feed himself (a scene showed his daddy having to feed him) yet now as a "ghost" he's huge and can swing a hatchet??

But as slasher movies go this one isn't the worse. It's a one time watch and as soon as I'm done writing this I'm going to look up hatchet 2 just for fun.
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Christmas Twister (2012 TV Movie)
Not the worst TV disaster movie
10 January 2017
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People need to remember these made for TV movies are NOT going to be full of top actors, explosive special effects, and twist and turn story lines.

That being said there are a few scenes where you will shake your head at. It's always good to wait until the tornado hits before having someone trapped. The scene is at the TV station. Everyone is heading to the basement. Pregnant lady is in other part of basement. Female lead goes looking. The woman is calling for help. As the lead makes her way to her the tornado rumbles the building. She doesn't even stumble yet she finds the missing pregnant lady buried under a pile of debris. Except the woman was hollering prior to the tornado showing up. That was sort of hard to swallow.

There were a few other scenes that you raise a few eyebrows but the movie wasn't the worst I've ever seen. Some reviewers were upset that they had the nerve to discuss global warming. Not only is it a real issue but it's also needed in the movie to explain why so many tornadoes were appearing just before Xmas. Months away from tornado season. Anyway. If you like made for TV disaster movies you'll prob enjoy this one.
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Ghost Shark (2013 TV Movie)
Surprised it took so long
9 January 2017
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It had to be done you know. There are so many flicks out about avenging spirits of the human nature. Why not one about a shark?

It's an interesting concept actually. One I'm surprised hasn't been done for Jaws. After all wasn't the final one about him following her to Jamaica? Why not the ghost of the ones they killed?!?

Course in this one any body of water will do. A car wash. Bathtub. Sink.... Which if your going to have an avenging ghost shark you can't limit him to the ocean right? . Lol

If you go into this movie expecting just a fun time and amusing concept then you will be entertained. If you go in thinking it's going to be a "jaws" like movie then you will be seriously disappointed. The title alone gives you an idea on the value of the film. Watch it. Laugh. For equal entertainment read the reviews. There is one that will make you giggle and then "goggle" You'll know exactly which one I'm referring to as soon as you read it. It's good for at least 5 min of laughter.
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Bait (III) (2012)
Was pleasantly surprised
8 January 2017
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I broke my leg a few months ago and started watching movies. I'm huge on horror. Animals attack type and suspense and of course cheesy 50's and 60's classics. I'm not easily entertained and I have shut off my share of movies. I won't waste 2 hours on a dud. That said lets get on with the review already.

First I didn't shut off the movie and that says a lot right there. And in no time did I even consider it. This wasn't in anyway "jaws" or "deep blue sea". BUT it is worth watching if you like shark movies. Movie starts in store where the characters are introduced and back stories are created. Then out of nowhere. (In a world that has all type of warning devices) a huge tsunami barrels down on a little beach community. A robbery is going down in a grocery store and just before more people are take out by the gun man the ocean comes crashing thru. The survivors pull themselves up on shelves to wait for help. Hey if they get hungry they just have to reach down and grab the bad of Doritos floating by. The rest of the movie is all about survivoral and ways to kill the now meat eating 12 foot sharks whose had a taste for live bait.

Positive: The shark didn't look like blow up sharks like they do in some. They move and look like the real thing. Characters actually have back stories that didn't bore you to death. The acting was actually half decent and the script isn't boring and have people just talking to fill in time. . And of course they added the one person everyone wants to be eaten and they don't disappoint Negative. I think they could have came up with a much better way to kill shark number 2. I don't understand how the store is half flooded yet the underground garage directly underneath has water but only to the roof of the cars AND yet the stairwells between the two levels is completely under water. How does that work?!?

Anyways back to my recommendation. Don't go in expecting jaws. Don't go in thinking your going to see stunning scenery (the common place of finding a shark). Don't expect Oscar winners or memorable one liners. or you will sorely disappointed. But if you tell yourself it's a b+ movie and your just wanting to be entertained to a few hours. Then you. Will. As I write this I am watching jersey shore shark attack....... I'll be shutting it off... NOW!!
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The Front (2010 TV Movie)
Horrible even for a made for TV movie
6 January 2017
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I go into these movies knowing that it's going to be corny, predictable, with a cast of so-so actors and very seldom will anything that happens be something you didn't see coming. Still I am still a sucker for them and every once in awhile you find a diamond in the rough. This was not the case in this movie.

I found the characters bland and unlikeable. Andie Macdonalds character I kept hoping would be knocked off. That's how little I felt for them. One part where the murderer was speaking to one of the investigators grandma and she realized he was the bad guy. You expected something to happen. They locked eyes each knowing what the other was thinking and then cut scene. When we went back there was police and an ambulance and I thought oh oh she got it. But no she was sitting in her living room talking to the investigators explaining what had happened and I'm sitting here going. Did I fast forward to far? Did they accidentally cut off the scene? Cause there seemed to be a whole scene missing. How did she get away? Did the people who were suppose to be guarding her break in? Was there a fight? Hellloooo...... Nothing not a word about it. She tells her grandson and his partner that this guy (at this point they still don't know who) was bad and wanted to be her grandson....... Uh OK. Now at this part I was now just waiting for the top of the hour to change the channel. Oh If that wasn't enough. The worst part and the part I didn't see coming was the two investigators who spent 3/4 of the movie fighting were all of a sudden all over each other. I will say I didn't see that coming. But not because it was written so well. You don't see it coming because there was nothing to see. The arguments they had had no heat behind them. You can't have sexual tension between 2 people with no heat. Now whether this was because of the poor acting or the script I couldn't tell you. Each was as bad as the other. And thinking about it I think it was done because they didn't know what else to do to fill in the time. I found that in a few of their scenes. Things not needed to see or know but the writers didn't know how else to fill the 2 hours. Personally I think they should have opted for an extra commercial. I'm not going to summarize the movie cause you can read that on your own. Plus it's a bit fuzzy in my head. Most things are when there that forgettable. It's a hit and miss for movies like this. Take my advice and give this one a miss. but if you do decide to give it a try make sure you are comfy in bed, dogs have been let out and your bladder is empty. You'll be asleep long before the credits roll.
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Horrible from start to finish
23 December 2016
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How anyone could give this movie any great reviews is beyond me. The babysitter played by Brooke Anne Smith was the type of character that makes you cheer for the bad guy. She drinks takes pills and swears at the baby. She opens the door every time someone knocks. And when she sees some guy wearing a costume instead of slamming the door like a normal person she walks up to him. Luckily for her it wasn't anyone set to harm her. Though to be honest I was hoping they would and the movie would be over. Then in the next scene she sees the killer at the patio door and what does she do? Leaves the baby in the house alone and goes outside for a swim. At this point in the movie you've established your opinion on the leading characters. And I'll guarantee you won't like the leading lady. Then there is the plot. Killer stalks babysitter. Killer kills leading girls friends. Killer breaks into house babysitter knocks him out. Babysitter leaves baby in house and jumps out window hurting her ankle in which killer gets girl. At this point I'm truly hating the babysitter. Then somehow as she's tied up and he's threatening her and she's asking not to be killed a virgin. Kill her yes but she wants him to have sex with her first. And then killer falls for leading lady. I started thinking maybe this was one of those fake scary movies full of dumb characters. But I don't think that was the writer/director/producers plan. With such a horrible script, untalented and unlikeable characters this movie isn't even good enough to call bad. It's not a b-movie more like a g- movie. I don't review most of the movies I watch. Perception is singular and all people are different. But when I see such a horrible film I feel the need to save someone from wasting an hour and a half on such trash when they could be watching paint dry and have more fun. I recommend watching something else. I could give ideas of better movies but in truth. Their all better then this one.
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Stupidest movie ever
15 December 2016
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I watched this because I read reviews raving about the twist at the end.... I was expecting a sixth sense kind of ending. So I put up with the horrible acting, ridiculous dialogue, predictable story line, and the oddest killing tools that I've ever seen. The first attempt to kill someone should have been my first clue. Pulling a chair out from someone (yes a chair not a ladder) which by the way the guy sees it coming, they fall and pour boiling water on top of them. Now I won't even get into how most people would have jumped down because it's ridiculous that anyone would grab a huge pot of boiling water to stop them self from falling, but he was alive and yelling and crying and no one thought to ask "hey who did this?" I'm assuming as they kept saying how much pain he was in that that was there way of explaining why he couldn't tell them anything. Now I've sat thru movies thinking the victim was pretty stupid to be caught like they were, but sitting on the toilet in a public bathroom when the killer uses a broom handle to keep the door from opening and then releases bees and your to stupid to crawl under the stall? I was so frustrated that I rooted for the bees. Then there was the kill with a curling iron? Where exactly does one put that to kill someone(her clothes were still on in case your mind went there). Then half way thru the movie they realize there is a killer and NO ONE goes home? Instead they continue on as if nothing is wrong. Then the writers who think we weren't paying attention have someone call the camp and they are told yes their is a killer?!?! Huh? Then we are finally at the end and I'm thinking OK this is it, this is where I get rewarded for not shutting the stupid movie off and the killer is revealed AND ITS...... well I won't go into that much detail. All I can say is that yes when I saw who it was and they flashed on why I went wow didn't see that coming.... However it wasn't worth getting there. My advice watch the first 15 min. Then the ending and call it a day.
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