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3 Body Problem: Judgment Day (2024)
Season 1, Episode 5
Basil Exposition and poor CGI
27 March 2024
I was quietly really starting to enjoy the show and then I watched this truly clunky episode. So much exposition and frankly embarrassing CGI. I understand that they needed to explain complex concepts to make the series make sense but it was so so basic! Plus some of acting it's truly wooden, pretty people may be easy on the eye but some of the cast (Auggie and Varma in particular) are truly painful to watch. Saying that I'm loving Bendeduc Wong as Shi and the girl who plays Jin. I am hoping they they develop the characters a bit more, as for instance Will and Saul are just cyphers at present.
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Who's this for?
29 September 2022
This truly is a misjudged project from the mighty marvel machine. Who is their imagined target audience? This romantic comedy superhero crossover is not going to please the fans of either genre. I don't mind silly, I don't mind lighthearted romantic comedy, I don't mind superhero series; but this is just a messy mix of all the above. The saddest thing is the total waste of the totally amazing Tatiana Maslany, who truly deserves much better than this. It's no coincidence that they keep on hinting at the appearance of DareDevil but don't introduce him... they know that as soon as they do nobody is going to tune in anymore.
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Paper Girls (2022)
Shame about the lack of investment
3 August 2022
I enjoyed the series. The girls were all excellent, the concept intriguing, the characters and dialogue well written, but it was all sadly undermined by the very poor production value. All the SF bit looked incredibly cheap and shoddy. Shame.
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10 December 2021
I finally got around watching House of Dolmio... pardon me, House of Gucci.

As an Italian I thought I would be infuriated by the accents, and frankly it was a rather offensive choice and utterly misguided choice, but what I wasn't expecting was such a dull and poorly scripted movie.

They could have made Succession with murder, instead it was just boring and embarrassing for all concerned (apart from Jack Huston, who didn't seem to get the memo to instruct him to chew the scenery at all costs!). Boof indeed.
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Little Women (2019)
Almost Perfect
13 December 2020
Let me start by saying that the character of Jo March had a immense impact on my life as a young girl. I wanted to be Jo, she epitomised everything I wanted to be. As a 11 year old I wasn't really aware of what feminism was but loved Jo for her ideals and independence. I have seen every adaptation of this story and enjoyed most of them. This is in my opinion the best one yet. The core message of the story is clearer and sharper than in other versions, the light, the storytelling, the photography, the music... all perfect. The casting is also almost perfect, and here comes my one and only criticism of the movie. I just could not believe in Timothee Chalamet as Laurie. He looked like a young teenager skipping around the scenery. I know he is a good actor and I know that he has worked with Gerwig before (very effectively) but he was, in my opinion, totally unbelievable in the role
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Not all important subjects in movies should be depicted heavily
20 October 2020
I really enjoyed The Trial of the Chicago 7 but people are telling me I'm a bit simple for doing so... Many people think it's too 'light' but for me that lightness of tone makes it even more tragic. To think this is a real story and a lot of it happened exactly as portrayed and some of what happened was even worse. Personally I would have enjoyed it much less if it had been totally serious/heavy in tone. The whole trial was a farce and it was rightly depicted as one
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Utopia (2020)
Blunt and poorly written
20 October 2020
This show is so poorly written and so high in exposition. I really can't understand how the person who wrote Gone Girl ended up writing such trite dialogue. The acting also varies immensely, with some characters being played rather well (Becky, Grant and Ian) and others being really poor (I'm looking at you John Cusack!) and plainly unlikable (Jessica and Arby, yes, I do understand we are not supposed to like them... but they are so unengaging). However, it's the convoluted and expositional plot and really trite dialogue that made me give it a 2/10. So much potential so poorly executed. Shame really, it clearly had potential but it's huge fail... People giving it a 10/10 are really puzzling me. This is at best 'just ok'
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never great but now simply unwatchable
31 January 2020
This show started off OK, then it tied itself into humourless knots and by season 3 it has become simply unwatchable badly written dribble
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the worse movie I have ever seen
30 April 2006
Such a pretentious and lame attempt to hipness. Diabolical script and dialogue and truly embarrassing acting. Really the worse movie I have ever seen(at the cinema). Nothing in my opinion saves this movie from being a total disaster. I saw it when it came out in a cinema in Brighton. People were walking out and there were more people chatting outside the toilets than in the auditorium! At the end there were boos and scorn from the meagre crowd left, which was quite sad as relatives of one of the main actors were present and looked really sheepish. However the movie was that bad that I really could not feel like that sympathetic with them. Everybody has to start from somewhere and their son started off his acting career with this truly awful attempt at 'Tarantinism made in the UK'. 5 years have gone bye, but sometimes I still cringe at the memory of that sad night at the movies! This is a movie with no redeeming features whatsoever! I gave it a 1 as 0 was not available. They should invent a 'shameometer' for everybody involved in this sorry mess of a movie. I know some of them have moved on to better things, the positive thing is that none of them could have sank any lower than this.
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The Apple (1998)
A truly contrived and ultimately dishonest movie
11 May 2005
I really wanted to like this movie, especially after seeing an interview with the exceptionally bright 'director'. But sadly I have to say that I have never felt so blatantly manipulated by a movie. The mixture of reality and forced acting was embarrassing, the entire experience was contrived and frankly very poor. If this movie had been made in the UK or Holland or the US it would have been seen for what it is: a lame, lazy and dishonest piece of film-making. I wonder how much responsibility for this movie really lies on the director, since her father is such an influential figure in Iranian cinema. She is clearly very intelligent and committed, and I am sure she was touched by the girls experience, however she managed to create a really uneasy mix of reality and contrived set ups, which in my opinion set very uncomfortably together and created an extremely stale feel to the whole film. This Apple (I don't even want to get into discussing the pathetic symbolism of the fruit!!) has left a really bad taste in my mouth.
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