
3 Reviews
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26 August 2022
Gosh some people are so critical on here. Look it's no Class A show but it's entertaining B Grade. There's a lot going on in this show so hold on for he ride!
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Gorgeous Little Comedy
11 March 2022
I wasn't expecting much at the beginning of this film but was delighted with the story line. Some parts were so funny I cried laughing and wonder how on earth Scott Eastwood was able to deliver the lines without cracking up! I'm still laughing at one particular line! Just one exceptionally funny part of a film can make a good movie and there were a few in this delightful comedy.

A sweet comedy cleverly written.
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A clever little comedy
17 December 2021
A delightfully funny comedy about couples and their sex lives. A laugh out loud movie with gloriously quirky characters.

If you like slightly alternative movies then this is a must see. Each character has a BIG personality that is humerus and loveable.
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