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Beautiful. Engaging. Highly affecting. Loved it.
27 April 2024

A highly original film which takes a very simple premise and produces a glorious film about two women, who through fate, are empowered enough to make their own way.

Kiran Rao has taken the legacy of Lagan, Dangaal and Secret Superstar (all 3 are a must watch) and directed this wonderful gem of a film.

If you love good, engaging story telling and enjoy Indian Cinema WITHOUT all the musical numbers, you'll love this.

Now we have 4 brilliantly told stories with the hallmarks of Kiran Rao and Aamir Khan.

One of the best things I have seen in 2024.


This is classic movie story telling.

A fairly original idea. A subtly humorous, emotional and lovely little film.

A case of two newly wed brides who through a mix up end up somewhere where neither belongs.

And on the surface that would sound ridiculous but it's a great conceit. It works so well and uses that premise to deliver a very human story. About respect, empowerment, love, family, kindness and humanity.

There are metaphors abundant throughout whether that was intended or not, I can't tell you. But it works so well.

This is Indian cinema at its best. Heck this is cinema at it's best.

3 act structure. Check.

Well rounded characters. Check.

Engaging narrative. Check.

Beautiful acted. Check.

Makes you laugh. Check.

Makes you cry. Check.

Heartwarming. Check.

Classic storytelling.

And all of it leaves you with an ending which is conclusive and still open to what happens next. We can fill in the blanks.

Why can't all films take this much care. This much dedication to good story telling.

I will now have a wait, I guess, a couple more years before Kiran Rao and/or AKP come up with something as equally wonderful.

I love films (and I watch a lot) and this is superb. Definitely one of my favourites in 2024.
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Phenomenal Acting. Good plot. Worth a watch.
21 March 2024
I must admit, I wasn't really interested in watching this but there is something about Taylor Sheridan shows that keep you engaged.

I just finished Tulsa King (end was a let down) and wanted to just have something that I could pick up once a day.

Bass Reeves turned out to be perfect.

The first thing. The very first thing one must say is wow.....David Oyelowo is a phenomal actor.

From MLK, to Silo, to The After....and even Gringo....the different types of characters that this man takes on is something unreal.

And his portrayal of Bass Reeves is probably one of his best work.

The development of his character through the years is something wondrous to behold.

He is the main reason why this works so well.

I can't pretend to know US history because all I have ever really been subjected to is what cinema and television thinks happened. But, whatever, this version is believable. And for a story to engage, the audience need to believe. I did. Very much so.

Great to see Donald Sutherland and Denis Quaid here.

Should you watch it?

Yes. If you like good engaging story telling and want to watch an actor at the top of his game, watch this.

I was expecting cliches and thankfully most were not there.

I enjoyed it far, far more than I thought I would.
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Can't wait for Shazam 3! To never be made.
24 January 2024
You've probably read the other reviews and seen the output from DC.

It's all the same and the more you watch the same thing....the more brain cells you lose.

It's like an over CGI'd TV episode of something written for the 80s.

This is not entertainment. It's some studio head's idea of a movie. A blockbuster. And yet it just empty calories. A lacklustre.

Look I could go into detail but what's the exclamation point!?

It is the definition of switch your brain off.

You will simply kill 2 hours and wish you had done something more constructive.

Bad script, mediocre CGI, a soundtrack that is way better than it deserves to be, wooden acting, feeble jokes and Helen Mirren (who is slowly become a member of "I only do this to collect the pay check" school of acting).

Put this in the bin marked....forgettable trash.

Only reason it gets a 4 out of 10 is because of the misplaced soundtrack but even that isn't everyone's cup of tea.

Please stop making these DC. We beg you!
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A Snyder story - Lots of show. Very little to tell.
28 December 2023
This is meant to be a story that Disney rejected. A Star Wars story that had to be rejigged to become something "R" rated.

I know why Disney rejected the idea.

Zac Snyder is hanging on to the coat tails of 300 and to a lesser extent The Watchmen. Both based on comic book stories written by people who understand story.

Snyder's skillset is trying to polish a core idea with OTT visuals.

The problem is that recently he's been polishing turd.

Justice League (the Snyder cut) was better than the original but that's like saying 15 day old milk smells better than 60 day old milk.

To Rebel Moon then. All the hallmarks of bad story telling (of a bad story) wrapped up in unnecessary amount of wrapping paper. You open the present only to find that's there's a lot of wrapping paper but very little else.

It is just Justice League really. Every character is "bigged up" by someone telling you. Take General Titus. He's a genius. He's a genius because someone refers to him as the "genius" General Titus. we see any of that genius on show?.....nope. Nothing. That's it. Pointlessly chewing up the scenery. We know he's a genius because someone tells us he's a genius.

You have a character whose whole purspose is to have no shirt on. By God he has a magnificent body. And I'm a heterosexual man! But every scene he's in, I'm thinking...sorry did you say something. Every chuffing scene. No shirt. Why? Eye candy for some of the viewers but absolutely nothing for the story.

And this visual splatter gun smorgasboard goes throughout the film. The overall world building is lacking. Even if you had questions, by the end, frankly, you're not bothered if they are answered.

You simply don't care.

And Snyder does the most Snyder thing. You think the film has ended. Long drawn out zoom out shot of our heroes standing there looking our heroes on horseback....talking about how all is good in the universe (with that fella with no shirt still topless) then zoom out shot of them riding into the sunset. Tadaaaah. The End..... nope there is another scene.

And to add insult to frankly a mess of a says END PART ONE. Because the word OF is like so last decade.

It's a waste of time that you would really only watch if you wanted to waste some time.

It isn't good. No. Not good at all.

4 out 10.


4 out OF 10.

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The Lazarus Project (2022–2023)
Season 1 & 2 done. Binge worthy.
8 December 2023
If you like the time travel genre, this does a very good job of merging that alongside espionage, drama and the need to know what happens next. It becomes binge worthy as the episodes unfold.

Takes a couple of episode to get going but once it does, it starts really messing with things.

Although the story is centred around Paapa Essiedu's character George, there are plenty more interesting characters that drive the story forward.

It's like a cross between Spooks (if you remember that old BBC spy thing) and I guess....a melange of Groundhog Day/Butterfly effect/Doctor Who.

It sounds silly when I write it like that but in actuality it's a well thought out drama with lots of great moments.

If that floats your boat then this show is a great watch.

I've just finished season 2. S1 and S2 are different. S2 gets even more complicated. S1 was great. S2 expands upon it and provides some really interesting ideas about loss and having your time again. S2 feels more complex.

Put it this way, if there was a S3, I would watch it.

I love good "messing with time" based shows and this is a good one.
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A MASTERPIECE in Storytelling.
10 November 2023
One of THE best things I have watched in 2023.

Beautiful animation. Rich, detailed characters. Unexpected turns. Engaging narrative and plenty of action.

This is definitely not for anyone aged under 18.

It has sexualisation and violence on par with Game of thrones BUT it only shows them in order to drive the story forward. There is simply nothing here that is done to titillate. Everything has a reason.

Honestly, even if you aren't in anime or manga, this is worth watching.

When I first came across this, I was very skeptical because of the whole gimmicky rhyming title. What rhymes with samurai.....oh yeah blue eye.

That, in the context of this story, is a perfect title.

Considering it's 8 hours, multiple directors and writers, it's work of magnificence to produce something that is so cohesive as a show. 8 episodes is perfect with definitely a second season to come.

I loved every part of Blue Eye Samurai. It's amazing. Watch it if you watch nothing else.
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Missing (I) (2023)
Great inventive story telling with tension and twists.
10 November 2023
If you ever watched a film called "Searching" (highly recommended btw), you'll gather it has a very similar looks and feel. That's because this film is done by the same people.

It utilises our use of everyday technology to weave an engaging narrative. From use of phones, to smart speakers, to doorbells etc.

We watched this with our young teenage daughter who was hooked. It was quite enjoyable watching her watch this, especially at the frantically tense parts of the film.

It's a detective thriller done in a very novel way. Find the missing person before it's too late.

I have, intentionally, kept details about the film to a minimum (the trailer will give you all you need to whet your appetite) so as to not spoil anything about the way the story unfolds. All the clues are there.

We really enjoyed this. A very good evening's entertainment with a family with older children.
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Gen V (2023– )
Gross out. Cliche stereotypes. Padded out plot.
8 November 2023
As other 5/6 star reviews have pointed out, you would not watch this IF it were not related to The Boys.

There are many problems that the series creates for itself.

When the writers aim a show at GEN X but fail to understand that an audience has brains, watches better stories on various platforms and really have gone way past gross out moments (e.g visceral, bloody gory kills, unnecessarily gross sexual scenes, mental health treated like a joke etc). It doesn't really provide characters with....humanity. No real grey areas to the characters. Either it's black or white. Oh look what they did to us so I'm gonna go bat **** crazy and kill everyone.

It's stupid.

Whereas The Boys is the same, the end result is a well developed story with well developed characters and motivations. There is empathy within the madness.

In Gen V, they have decided to explore the various aspects of (super)humans that other series don't really go into. In doing so, they simply create cliché plots, with cliché bad guys, good guys, bad women, good women....and that's it.

Characters happen to run into scenes, have time to chat, act woodenly, before fighting.

There is so much better stuff out there that this is only being propped up because of it's links to The Boys.

Watch it. Don't watch it. I don't think you'll learn anything new. It's all really just a Vought money grab.

And because of it's association will probably be no. 1 on Amazon.

If you want to see violence and character development done Blue Eye Samurai. Truly does the same job a 100 times better (albeit in Anime form).
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Don't Worry Darling (I) (2022)
Stylish. Intriguing. Interesting. But needs more.
29 October 2023
I enjoyed the film. Let me say that.

It's a good take on a previously done idea.

It combines elements of a number of films, from various genres, into one.

Florence Pugh plays her part very well.

Harry Style's British accent was off putting until it was explained.

The film ends but honestly it leaves you with a feeling that only the surface was touched. There is so much more to this story. And perhaps that's all true as a set up for a part 2.

But I feel it doesn't need a part 2. That extra bit of understanding what's beneath the surface should have been explained in more detail, here.

And that may well be the issue. In that, artistically, it was a choice left open to us, the viewers, to interpret how's and why's and who and where. We are left with imagery, snippets but don't quite know the whole story.

What we get though is good. Enjoyable. Interesting.

Just wish we could have had another 15/20 minutes more, cutting some of the existing film down to incorporate the extra explainer scenes.

May be there is a part 2. Just left me feeling....errrr....a little unfulfilled.

Worth watching. It's a good film of an evening.
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Pointless? You're missing the point.
19 October 2023
I have really enjoyed watching the John Wick series of films. Enjoyed.

The point of these films is not anything than being stylised actioner.

I have not been blown away by the dialogue. Although, it does put a smile on your face when Keanununu delivers a "Yeah".

I have not been blown away by the plot. It's silly.

Very silly.

BUT what I have been enamoured by is the enjoyment level. Some incredible fighting sequences have been choreographed in this series of films.

Chapter 4 attempts to keep to that level. I can't remember a horse fu moment in this one and the close quarter gun fighting in rooms full of glass has been done before in previous films. It's fun but nothing original pops out. Oh, the overhead room to room combat. Oooh that's very good. Oh and Caine.

This is like a grand tour of the house of John Wick.

Lots of guns. Lots of bodies. Lots of fighting. Cool clothes. All within an intricately designed universe of the high table and beyond.

I presume you have watched the other 3 John Wicks. If not please start from the beginning or this will look way OTT (than it already is).

It's a fun, entertaining action film. Not the best in the series but it does uphold the high standards for the action genre.

As action films go, I have enjoyed this and more so in the context of the other 3 films.

Switch off and let the silliness and the fun of it all sweep over you.
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Fine but not close to MNS's earlier films
26 September 2023
4 people turn up at a remote cabin and everyone's life is up in the air.

The thing is MNS has gotten us used to expecting a twist at the end of his films.

And if the twist is "who are the strangers?"....then it's obvious (well it was to me) soon enough.

But then the ambiguity of whether what is happening is true or not may make you rethink your theory.

All in all, there is a message in there, but I just felt it was lost in amongst the it's attempt to make you double guess what's happening.

Ultimately, the film is watchable, and has a reasonable running time.

Is it memorable? Up there with MNS's best?

The answer is NO.

Is it worth watching?


If you want to watch something one boring evening or a lazy Sunday, then this will be fine.
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From OK to phenomenal. A must for every Star Wars fan.
23 September 2023
It's funny the theme that Lucas brought, to the world, with Star Wars. A strange mix of children's TV and some seriously dark adult themes. He did it with Star Wars and that continues here, in the Clone Wars.

Some episode start off all cutesy and meh, as if they are aimed at children, but then that episode ends with a very dark outcome. It's this disarming nature that pervades the series.

Near the end of season 4 is when things start really revving up. The fight scenes (especially when Sidious shows up) are absolutely breathtaking. I think I may have even gone WOW.

The development of characters is good. You see a lot of different facets to Anakin here and his quick to anger approach that will eventually be his downfall. Anakin, here, is a wise cracking young man and always sure of himself. Which is what Hayden Christensen was trying to do, except (and having rewatched Attack of the Clones) he comes across as a creepy brat who is reckless and not very funny. This, in the Clone Wars, is a much better rounded portrayal of Anakin.

In the Clone Wars, Obi Wan and Anakin's interplay is fun.

We find out more about where the force comes from, more about clones, more AHA moments (how did Luke end up on the same planet as Yoda for example) and lots of great background which fits in very well with the films.

The question to ask is, should you invest your time watching over a 100 episodes of this?

And the answer is Yes. Yes if you are a Star Wars fan, because there is a huge chunk of great canon material here, that is filled in for you. So much interesting stuff between Attack of the clones and Revenge of the Sith.

There are many standout episodes.

Actually, trio of episodes. Because, the show does this thing of starting a new story and take two more episodes to bring it to it's conclusion, before moving on to a different scenario. And in later seasons, certain characters return.

Indeed, having seen Mandalorian and Andor, you find some characters, in there, are in here.

If anything, slog your way through the first 3 1/2 seasons because the rewards, from the later seasons, is so worth it.

It is a must for every Star Wars fan. It remains with you long after the last episode concludes.
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Kandahar (2023)
Amazon Prime's answer to The Covenant. I enjoyed it.
5 August 2023
This film, from other reviews, looks to be seriously divisive.

People have accused it of being propaganda. Others of being too unbelievable.

I think both have a point. There are though far worse examples of this.

To me, this film is engaging. It was also interesting enough to try and deal with all the factions involved, Iran/Afghanistan/Pakistan/ISIS/Taliban/US/UK and mentions of past occupations.

Not sure so many different factions have been involved in a film of this type.

To his credit, I enjoyed Gerard Butler's performance (far more than Liam Neeson God awful recent output). There is a believability to what is effectively a fictional, action movie.

It isn't boring. And it does leave a few open ended possibilities for a sequel (which probably won't happen).

This is more like a watered down version of Black Hawk Down than a modernist version of Rambo 3.

I liked the sentiments of humanity and appreciated the reasoning behind people's actions.

There is a great line contrasting what ancient wars were fought for and why modern wars are fought.

It has a lot to say and sure it is a little sugar coated, perhaps over simplified but as a piece of fictional story telling, it does try and educate.

Who the good guys and the bad guys are (you know that old black and white dichotomy) varies depending on your mileage.

For me, this was a human story and I think it did that well.

Watch if you want a a couple of hours to watch a decent film that'll have you engaged

Don't watch if you think you may view a film set in Iran to be propaganda for the west (you may well find it, I didn't).
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Barbie (I) (2023)
I'm a middle aged man with daughters. I liked it.
27 July 2023
I suspect this is a personal thing. Who you are defines what you may get from this.

Me - I'm well into my mid life (had my crisis already thank you). I have daughters and both have watched this. I'm also pretty laid back to life. I encourage my children to be whatever the heck they wanna be and help them as much as I can.

Now to the movie.

For an afternoon showing, it was 2/3 full and mostly women and girls. Just an observation. But it was.

The film is fun. It's tootles along with lots of off beat moments, a great monologue near the end (got teary there), silliness and self awareness (lots of self referential humour).

My girls enjoyed it. I did too but not sure it's like 9/10 good. It's definitely enjoyable but 7/10 good.

A Barbie movie could have been really bad. Really it could have been. But as has been shown by Lego movie, Detective Pickachu and few can take something predominantly aimed at children and make it into something that both adults and children can engage with.

The core message is great.

I must say, I have heard a lot about Ryan Gosling being funny. He's ok. At least to me, he wasn't laugh out loud funny. There are much funnier things in this.

But it is funny and enjoyable enough.

Will Barbie dramatically change the landscape for dialogue? No, I don't think it will. It will though give pause for thought to all those who do go view it.

A good, fun movie worth paying for the entertainment.
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4 episodes too long.
27 July 2023
I just wish they hadn't made a series out of this. And I hope there is someone out there who can cut out around 4+ hours of this and make it into something possibly entertaining.

It's boring. Snorefest in lots of places....but please bear with me as I explain a few things of what is the good in this overlong dawdling plot.

Olivia Coleman - what a wonderfully, engaging actress. If it wasn't for her, this would truly be unbearable to watch. She gets a gold star and hopefully we see more of her. Her character is so and so but she makes it work.

The final fight scene - although short (I suspect the budget couldn't stretch to making that longer), it did introduce an evolution to superheroing. At least that perked me up from my boredom.

.....and that's it.....other than that everything else was mundane, boring and redundant:

Nick Fury - Crikey Sam Jackson....pedestrianly collecting the pay check. Yeah I know you'll say that's unfair but it's true. Either script adds nothing or you don't. I suspect both.

Espionage - what espionage. People walking down dark alleyways, talking's all boring BS. The espionage level is very poor.

The plot - dragged out to sleep inducing levels. Action, until the last episode, is A-team (1980s series) standard of hokum. All sorts of inaccuracies and logic lapses. In a hospital where you can hear people in the background.....where are those people? Things like that.

The baddy - love the welsh accent but.....nah.

All of this combined is very poor from Marvel. The script is terrible and dominoes into most of the acting, the sets, the action, the filming. It just looks cheap and not very cheerful.

It's like tick box stuff this. We need some other output for Disney+, said a senior exec. We can pay the actors but the rest of it....err we can cut costs.

Watch a synopsis of this on YouTube. It'll probably be much more entertaining. Save yourself from watch 6 hours you'll never get back.
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Blaxploitation, Jordan Pealesque Sci Fi silliness. Love.
25 July 2023
I just read a review about people who give this film anything but a 1 either being family members etc etc. Quite the tirade.

With a third of their review concentrating on a child slurping a drink. That's their review.

This one is mine.

Look. This is quite a different output than your usual.

It is very much influenced by blaxploitation (and at the end that is the point) films and the modern revisionism of someone like Jordan Peale.

A completely off the wall plot that mixes multiple genres into one.

John Boyega is such a good actor. He really, really is.

With multiple roles, he manages them well.

Jamie Foxx adds silliness and humour to proceedings.

This isn't an Oscar winner. Nor is it garbage. It is just different.

I was engaged throughout the film.

To give you in a nutshell what to expect think Groundhog Day meets Invasion of the body snatchers, meets Nancy Drew meets Shaft meets Get Out meets Boyz n The Hood.

It's just a crazy mix which on the whole, IMHO, works.

And as to the'll all make sense by the end.

And it lends itself to a sequel (which likely it will get).
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The Responder (2022– )
Hard hitting. Superb acting. Can't wait for season 2.
18 July 2023
I just read a review accusing this of being messy.

Far from it. FAR from it.

First of all, as someone who knows Liverpool well, Martin Freeman doing scouse is immense. He really is fantastic in this. Having heard interviews, subsequently, he has put a lot of effort into his character.

Each episode turns the screw tighter and tighter. The tension just keeps ratcheting up. It simply doesn't let up and by the last episode I was just shaking my head chance this is going to end did end well......and setting up for season 2 (which Martin is very keen to do).

This was written by a former responder who worked in the Merseyside police force. It is dramatised (these things didn't necessarily happen to him) but the characters and situations are taken from what he has seen or experienced in his line of work.

The secondary characters are great.

Having been filmed in COVID times adds to the atmosphere.

Look this is solid. It will appeal to people looking for dramas that want you coming back for more.

It's got that happy valley realism to it (the plot is completely different of course). It's that allusion to authenticity that I think makes this work so well.

We enjoyed this very much.
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Beef (2023– )
Extremely well written, thought out and compelling
13 July 2023
This is how to do entertainment.

What starts off as a road rage incident, goes on to be something much bigger and profound by the end.

Every character is explained and fleshed out very well. You get their motivations. You get their reasonings. You get why they are doing what they are doing.

It really does a very good job in providing back story to everybody.

It's not a story that's clear cut. It's complex, nuanced, never insults the viewer's intelligence and doesn't take the easy road when telling the story.

Both Ali and Stephen are brilliant in this. Excellent acting all around.

I haven't said much (I don't want to spoil anything) but as TV, nowadays goes, this one will keep you hooked from start to finish.

Flourishes of surrealism, of serendipity and social commentary pervade this wonderful piece of story telling.

There is swearing in it and a sex scene (whilst not being graphic per se is graphic enough in it's language to boggle the more older viewers)....just so as you are aware.

Part thriller, part drama, part human story.

I loved it.

If you like the richness of characters in Breaking Bad, for example, you also will love this.
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Really quite brilliant albeit overlong
8 June 2023
On one hand, this sequel out does the original. On the other hand, it over does it. Let me explain.

If you liked the original (why wouldn't you?), you're gonna love this.

It is definitely multi versal in it's story telling and uses cutting edge animation, blending with all sorts of nods to the comics (so many), to produce a compelling story.

You are never not engaged.

The only thing I would say is go for an earlier showing.

It is a long film and I didn't know about the ending.....which for me and my daughter....sort of left us with a look of incredulity.

This film is so meta it's a spidey fan's dream.

So many references (you simply can't believe how much) to the comic books, the films, the rumours and so on.

If my daughter had not told me about Community, I would have still been going....whhaaatt?!.....but because she told me beforehand, the specific scene relating to that show made so much sense.

It's a film to watch without knowing anything about it. Everything essential, from the first film, is explained here.

Once you finish, may be worth reading the internet to understand and marvel at how much they have put into this film.

The animation is top notch. The dialogue and delivery is heartfelt at times.

It's a good film....just wish they cut it a little. 8pm showing, with ads and trailers, meant I didn't leave the cinema till 10:45pm.

It's not a sleight against the film, per se, but something for you, as a viewer, to be aware of.

You will enjoy it.

Oh BTW, lots of flashing lights. So if you are affected by this, then you need to be wary.
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The Old Man (2022– )
Excellent "you don't see that coming" start to a solid finish
30 May 2023
The premise for this one is intriguing.

And you've got hippy dude himself Jeff Bridges in it.

I must say I expected this to be good but to be this good. Wow. This is a thrill ride and a half. Completely did not see those action sequences coming (and boy they are good!).

What if John Wick grew really old (yeah older that Keanununu), was an international spy and has been in hiding for years.

I don't want to say anymore but if you like action, spy movies and that Unforgiven type of old man picks up gun one more time kinda story.....this is right up your street. You will be entertained.

I'm sorry if I'm not going into too much detail with this one but I think some gems should shine for themselves.

This is a gem. Can't wait for the next season (fingers crossed).
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Swimming Pool (2003)
I shrugged, initially, and then I realised ohhhhhh.
29 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Look I'm not a novice. I've been around the cinematic block a bit. I like to think I know a few things about films than your average Joe.

This film is trying to be enigmatic by the end.

It's trying to be high brow art house.

Of course it is.

And one could argue it is of it's time....but it isn't. It has the feel of something from the late 80s. Yet this was released in the new millennium.

Pretending to empower women by showing their sexuality.....and you know I'm all for that....if that's your bag but is it really necessary to leer at a naked nubile young woman's body for way past what is needed.....what actual point are you putting across in the female empowerment stakes?

That leering camera work may just be the point. It's about perspective.

....if you think about the the dream scene at the start and the full kit off Charlotte Rampling at the end (yep she takes her kit off again!) can see what it's trying to say.

I get the premise.

You will have a couple of questions, at least, by the end.

1) what was that actually about?

  • so you cast your mind through the film and realise
Oh what if all that was not really about that but about....

2) Is the female nudity in that way necessary?

  • and that is probably right considering the point of the film.

The interesting thing is, the more I write about this film the more I think...aye up.....actually it's quite clever if you see the film as.....

Mild theory spoiler below!!!

A film.....

....about a woman going through a mid life crisis....finding release....imagining a younger self....of what she was able to be....and accepting a new part of her life. By the end the "bored" writer is released. She is no longer feeling like she is chains....she is free.

There's a line in it, near the end, where it goes self reverential by indicating subtlety over plot twists.

I'm going to revise my score up because I think it's quite clever this but really no need for those leering shots (easily accomplish the same thing without most of them).

Peculiar little film which has lingered way after it was meant to.....what does that say? I think.... I....errr...liked it.....once I thought it through. it if you want a very slow art house film. Don't watch if you're after big plot reveals and a massive plot twist (it really is not that type of film).
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Atlanta (2016–2022)
Different. Surreal. Funny. Silly. Original.
29 May 2023
Just to say, I don't think this show is for everyone. You have to want to watch this and to be forewarned is important. I wasn't and discovering it was a joy.

It's surreal. I mean some of the episodes are just crazy out there but at the heart of it it has humanity and empathy.

It is not high octane. There is rarely a sense of danger. Or angst or all the other stereotypes you see is some shows and films focusing on the black American experience. It has all that but generally turns your worldview to something that is human.

I love the characters that this show has created. I love the situations these characters find themselves in. I love the way it's filmed in places. Each episode has something to say. It may not be much but it all adds to the humanity of the Show.

It has so much and it's almost an education to watch.

Even the last ever episode, the point is that we don't know much about a specific character and what makes him tick. And through the surrealist storytelling one gets a hint as to what is missing in his life and why he is the way he is. That's the discovery in the last episode.

The show gives a complex look at being a Black American and their outlook on life.

So please don't watch it if you are expecting high octane, stereotypes that are never challenged etc etc.

It does do everything you've seen before, in terms of language, food, cultural norms etc but it builds on it. It dives more deeply into prejudice, where you come from, who you are, what you like....

Simply put, it takes your stereotype of black America and shows you that "black America" is a smorgasbord of people. People may share a skin shade but people are....after all....just people. All with their individuality.

I watched this show, one episode every so often. I don't think you can binge this. Each episode needs to sink in. Let it brew in your mind and then dip back in again.

If you don't mind slow but effective story telling and you like to see something completely different to what's out there, then this is for you. Take your time and enjoy.

Bravo to the director, writers and the actors. You really have created something special.
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Citadel (2023– )
Despite the cliches it's good entertainment.
26 May 2023
Look, I am one for hating cliches, bad dialogue, lazy scene plotting etc. And worse still trying to polish that turd with awesome visuals.

And having read other reviews which vary form 2/10 to 7/10, I think most reviews have it right. I actually agree with both sides

The thing that, for me, makes this entertaining is the little twists that come along.

Stanley Tucci is just great. Love him and surprisingly so is Priyanka Chopra Jonas and her accents. I knew she was a good actress from when I saw White Tiger (brilliant film).

It's an odd combo of bad dialogue/scenes and great dialogue/scenes.

Look, I get this is isn't everyone's cup of tea BUT as entertainment goes, it's fun. It keeps you invested and doesn't require TENET levels of brain power to figure things out NOR is it as bad as say a recent Liam Neeson actioner.

Best enjoyed, one episode a week when you want to just switch off from the world.

It's not earth shattering but it is enjoyable.

I look forward to next year's Citadel output.
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Ghosted (I) (2023)
Cliche plot + cameos = Pfffft
14 May 2023
I like Ana De Armas and only because of what could have been, following her brilliant appearance in "No Time To Die". An action star in the making.

We have a script that provides "a twist" on the classic male action hero and the girl he saves. The twist is nothing more than female action hero saves the boy.

Ghosted is trying to be everything, that some tick box film makers thinks makes a good film.

Ghosted - title that should appeal to a modern audience - TICK

Female action hero - should appeal to a modern audience - TICK

Big name cameos - should appeal to an audience looking for big name stars - TICK

When you have so many better examples of action films (John Wick say), this just looks cliched.

A plot we have seen a million times before.

Some world destroying thing.

Action sequences that were done better nearly 40 years ago (Die Hard, Indiana Jones etc).

Boy meets girl and falls head over heels (except he is chuffing over 40 years old and not a chuffing teenager with a crush).

Cliche after cliche after cliche.

Some OTT accented bad guy making speeches (far longer than he should) before killing good guy/gal but unfortunately his big mouth has allowed the good guy/gal enough time to have an escape route. That kids stuff.

Neatly tied ending (literally cliche).

Not an ounce of originality in this film.

I suspect they wanted an action film as a vehicle for Ana De Armas and something that kept Chris Evans in the genre.....but because both are getting older and it takes a while to find a good action script with originality.....they thought a film where the roles are reversed must be original (obviously they haven't seen a Long Liss Goodnight) isn't.

Masking a pedestrian cliched plot with the title "Ghosted" doesn't hide the fact that it's a pedestrian and cliched film.

Honestly, if you just want to switch off your brain and see pretty people do colour by numbers story telling then watch this otherwise there's loads of more content out there to occupy your time.

General verdict on the reviews is don't bother. I agree. Don't.

No one will remember this film....ever.
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Nope (2022)
A let down in many ways. If only.....
25 April 2023
I greatly enjoyed Get Out and loved US, both allegories of sorts. Very clever.

With his third major outing, I was very much looking forward to watching what Jordan Peele and team had come up with.

It's an intriguing premise. The idea is sound and there are some very interesting scenes in there.

The problem is that it's all disjointed. Nothing is there to glue things together. There are many obvious questions being asked by viewers which we have to infer the answers to and even after that, the viewer will no doubt go......really?

Characters just decide the solution rather than piecing things together to come up with them. That's the way it comes across.

This could have been a spectacular film. The central idea is very good and the inclusion of Jupe's storyline was intriguing.....but those things shown were for nowt.

I'm sure if someone explained it to me I would get why Jupe's storyline is even relevant to this film. In fact, his storyline, expanded, would have been a better story. But it just flittered away. Just seemed completely pointless to even include that.

There are characters who do not know each other and by halfway are best of friends.

No police are shown. Police tape exists.

Just stuff like that. The editing has been too heavy handed.

Even when at the end, the whole point of what they are trying to achieve is about to take fruition, one asks the question, where's your phone? Can't you do what you are about to do from distance?

All of it, by the end, to me, seemed like some homage to cinematography....with lots of ideas just tacked on one after another without coherence.

It starts with lots of mystery and ends with a meh.

Lot of hot air with no solid, cold substance.

Such a pity, as this could have been something special but instead has turned out to be non sensical at best.

It's not even scary. Was it meant to be horror?

Who knows and frankly you shouldn't care.

Watch it if you are a Peele fan (just to see how it fails) but bypass if you are not.
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