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Monarch (2000)
One King to Rule All the Henrys
19 February 2014
Henry VIII is s tough nut to crack in terms of drama. Either it becomes a romantic soap opera or an epic of the David Lean proportions. Either way this can be a hard ear to connect with. John Walsh's film has got some balls. With a budget that would only buy a few costumes on a Hollywood film, he has woven a tale that's manages to engage and offer a new perspective on this most written about, talked about and most filmed monarch in history.

The film is a hidden gem and so is the cast. Irish stage actor TP McKenna embodies Henry and acts the rest of the cast off the screen. That is until he meets his match in the 'form' of Jean Marsh, enough said here otherwise it's a spoiler. Get the film, have a look and then look at the costume dramas that are consuming our Sunday night TV. I want Walsh to have another crack at history, he's clear got the knack.
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Fear and Loathing in The North East: A party political documentary
18 November 2013
Given the events of the past two years; it would be hard to imagine you could empathise with a lifelong labour supporter who had 'pushed the blue button.' But somehow you end up engaging with documentary film maker John Walsh as he reincarnates himself as the Tory candidate for Middlesbrough in the 2010 General Election. For fans of 'The Thick of it,' and 'Yes Minister,' there is much to enjoy here.

At first is unclear to viewers whether Walsh, who has specialised in social justice issues in his films, is engaging in his new career in the manner of Morgan Spurlock. Is this some kind of experiment to see how far he can get in sleeping with the enemy by climbing his way up the greasy Tory parliamentary poll? It soon becomes evident that this is not the case and also that it is frighteningly easy for someone without a political background to infiltrate the system. Walsh becomes candidate for the North East seat after one initial interview and then is successful on first nomination.

Walsh is likable but we never really get an idea of why he has changed team other than vague disillusionment with Tony Blair, disgust at the expenses scandal and the fact he sees Gordon Brown as 'a ditherer.' The film is very entertaining.

The main focus of 'Toryboy' is his attempt to unseat the encumbent Labour MP Sir Stuart Bell. The 73 year old has been returned since 1983 albeit with an ever decreasing majority. Walsh visits his home with a film crew, repeatedly calls the MP's contact number with no success. Bell does not even turn up for a pre-arranged public debate. Interviewing constituents it comes to light that the MP has not held surgeries for 15 years and pays his wife a hefty salary out of governmental coffers. He also fails to turn up for a significant day in the life of the town; the closure of the Corus plant which will devastate residents. Many also seem to blame him for his inertia to act in their defence on this issue.

You get the feeling that Walsh's heart is in the right place, young and eager in comparison to the old guard, he seems to really care about the community. He carries out surgeries and charms the old ladies of the small Tory community. A particularly incongruous moment is his first meeting with Conservative activists where he plays to one man and his dog (in attendance 6 people) and describes the process of flash-mobbing as anarchy.

Walsh's personable campaign and the absence of Bell, who it is rumoured actually lives in France, ensures that he further decreases the Labour majority – of course he still loses as old wounds run deep. Captured on film are locals who say they would rather die than vote Tory. Walsh insists, following his defeat, that Middlesbrough need to 'break free from the Labour tribe' while despite his own background, not understanding why they never will do. The conclusion you come to is that the seat just needs a much better Labour candidate.

For those with an interest in the political process and how it plays out in the local community this is well worth a watch.
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