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Sword of Gideon (1986 TV Movie)
Incredible story.Well acted.
7 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
It seems strange to be writing this now after so long.But, after seeing, MUNICH, I felt compelled to write something. This film remains the best interpretation of those tragic events, even though it was done twenty years ago. I saw Sword of Gideon when it first aired on television. Since then I have seen it several times and never failed to be moved by it. It was unforgettable.Well cast and well acted. The narrative was excellent, the characterizations clearly defined. Steven Bauer did an amazing job. I must say that between MUNICH and SWORD OF GIDEON, Gideon is, for me, by far a superior rendering of an anguished moment in world history. When Steven Spielberg decided to offer his own take on this event, I was optimistic. Ciaran Hinds, Daniel Craig, Geoffrey Rush and Eric Bana are superb actors. But for whatever reason, MUNICH just didn't live up to it's promise. Sword of Gideon was a superior interpretation and well worth seeing, even now. The essential facts of the story are well documented and Gideon does an excellent job of presenting them.
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Walk the Line (2005)
Thoroughly enjoyable!
23 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I thought Reese Witherspoon did a remarkable job in her role as June Carter. And she can SING!That was the most delightful discovery about her performance in Walk the Line. She did a credible job, even if she took few risks with her role. In fact, hers was probably one of the least demanding roles in the film. The risk-taker in this one is, hands down, Joaquin Phoenix. He said he knew nothing about picking a guitar and never sang before in his life. He was terrified, by his own account and worked really hard to develop his character.He succeeded wonderfully well! There is a temptation to compare this film to last year's RAY. Don't give in to it. RAY was a traditional biopic, this was, at it's very heart, a love story. The trauma of his brother's death left a deep scar on Cash's family and stunted his relationship with is father. Even as he achieved greater success, there was always the gnawing desire to win the approval of a hard, bitter man. His father's emotional abuse and menacing behavior informed Cash's actions, including his pursuit of June, even more than he was willing to acknowledge. She was the love of his life, from the moment he heard her perky voice on the radio as a child until the day he died, four months after her passing. The consummation of that love affair was a healing experience. It was, in truth his rescue. If you approach this film expecting something like RAY, you will be disappointed. If you approach it as the love story it truly is, you will be delighted. Joaquin deserves an Oscar nomination.
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"You got it right."
15 October 2005
I don't know where to begin. If one judges a film by its ability to literally transport the viewer to another time and place, this film succeeds. If one judges a film by the cinematography, the composition of the scenes, whether the characterizations are well drawn, this film succeeds. If one judges a film's merits on integrity, truthfulness, honesty, this film succeeds. Good Night and Good Luck captures a moment in time.We look back on the fifties as a simpler time, our period of innocence. This film tells us straight and true that it was no simpler and no more innocent than our lives today.In fact, the sharpest contrast drawn between today and back then is the intelligence and the literacy, the erudition and the commitment to the tenets of good journalism of Edward R. Murrow and his crew.I cannot picture a Brian Williams or anyone else telling the owner of the network, as Murrow tells Bill Paley, "I can't make it to the game tonight. Thanks for inviting me, but I'm busy tearing down your network." A flawlessly executed film, the acting ensemble well cast, the point clearly and eloquently made, this film should be nominated for an Oscar, a Golden Globe and anything else that's out there. Thank you George Clooney. Your father is correct. "You got it right." Thank you Steven Soderburgh. Thank you, Mr. Murrow.
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Dear Frankie (2004)
9 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this at the Tribeca Film Festival last year. I am so happy that it is finally being released!!! This film will beguile you with the sweetest bunch of characters I have ever seen!!! Jack McElhone is a marvel as the little boy, who is deaf. Emily Mortimer brings the strength, fierceness and fragility to her role you would expect of a single mother. Gerard Butler, as the stranger who consents to pretend to be Frankie's dad for a day is simply incredible. There is one scene in particular, so subtle and yet it really speaks volumes. Little Frankie and his "dad" are looking at a sea horse swimming around in a tank. No words, just the look on Butler's face as he watches Frankie! Gerard Butler continues to challenge himself with complex roles and succeeds beautifully. He gives a nuanced, restrained performance that is very powerful. I loved this film. Everyone in it deserves highest praise.
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9 March 2005
I think this film was absolutely one of the best musical films I have ever seen. I rank it with West Side Story, The King and I, Funny Girl and Chicago in my top five. The music, of course, was brilliant, but the sets, the costumes, the direction were all flawless. I felt transported! I especially admired the casting. All three principals were well cast. I was especially impressed with Gerard Butler. He brought a dimension of humanity, sensuality and passion to the character that was very impressive. His performance was powerful and he evoked profound sadness. When he is on the screen, you cannot take your eyes off of him. He used his voice, his eyes and his movements to great effect. I am mystified that he did not even get the recognition of an Oscar nomination for his worthy effort. A few have criticized his raw, edgy, rock star vocalizing. I found it compelling. He really drew the audience in. His voice was perfect for his character. He was the perfect Phantom! This film is a classic.
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