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Don Jon (2013)
Excellent movie with a very realistic view of todays society
29 December 2013
Usually when watching movies, even new ones, you can feel that even though they send an interesting message and make you think, often their context is already outdated.

Not so Don Jon, the problems here seem more actual than ever in our generation. Media and commercials are giving people ideas how their life should be and in consequence how their partner should be.

Of course, this differs according to gender just like this movie shows - girls, growing up with Disney movies and romantic comedies, are taught that they need to find the perfect boy with a good salary, the wish for a family, and of course so romantic that he basically can fulfill her every wish without her even telling. Boys, on the other hand, are conditioned by the omnipresence of pornography, starting with naked women in commercials and music videos up to internet porn that creates exact expectations on how their girlfriends should look like and how they need to perform for them in order to get pleasure.

Needless to say, this "one-sidedness" on both sides creates a contrast that makes many relationships struggle just like we can see it in this movie - Barbara, the young, gorgeous woman played by Scarlett Johansson, sets all her demands on her boyfriend clear on the beginning, while Jon (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) who could have every girl he wanted does not even get the satisfaction he needs from this "perfect girl" alone.

All in all, this movie is a very good psychological analysis of today's society. Although it might contain content some people might view as offensive and you shouldn't probably be watching it with your family or small children, it gives a lot to think about.
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