
4 Reviews
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This Joka (2022– )
What's the definition of irony
2 April 2022
I was sure this show was a joke. But no, here's Will Smith teaching us the meaning of comedy and jokes.

I can't think of anyone less in a position to explain what's funny and what makes things funny Bahahaha.
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Matrix Resurrections. I presume they're referring to it being a mindless zombie of a movie
26 December 2021
This movie is like a masterclass on how not to make a sequel. The script, awefull, direction, terrible, editing, brainless, casting, what were they thinking, even the sound track is horrible.

You can see very similar fingerprints of Sence8 all over this film, only that series had some redeeming features. This movie has very few.
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Reminiscence (2021)
Being Chris Nolan's sister-in-law doesn't make you a good writer
21 August 2021
Wow, where do I start. Clearly lots of money has been thrown at this. Big names, big sets, terrible storyline, editing and direction.

Cliche after cliche, after cliche, mixed with predictable convoluted plot lines.

They clearly realized they had a lemon as the post production CGI I pretty B grade too.

All in all, unless your on a lockdown binge, move right along to the next movie.
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Ready or Not (I) (2019)
A fun if slightly silly comedy/horror flick. The 1&2 star reviews are clearly paid
14 December 2019
I'm not a big horror fan but I really enjoyed this movie. It definitely does not take itself too seriously and it has a lot of fun along the way. Not particularly original but a good watch.

Anyone giving it a 1-3 star either has an agenda or it's the first film they've ever watched. There is way way worse than this!
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