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Station Eleven (2021–2022)
A fresh look at the post apocalyptic genre,
31 May 2024
I just finished binge watching station11.

It was wonderful TV. Often not having a clue what was going on, but it didn't matter.

Populated with fully formed characters, brilliant dialogue, stunning design and visuals. The story weaves beautifully through time and imagination, falling into place, piece by clever piece.

A real breath of fresh air. I was so excited to see what would happen as the last episode was coming up. I hope it is not a spoiler, but I cried.

Post apocalyptic yes, but not dystopian. Just people trying to rebuild lives. Yes, food, shelter and safety are key, but with more than just that being looked for and achieved.
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Malice (1993)
A Gem of a Thriller
28 May 2024
This film would be worth it just for the brilliant performance by Anne Bancroft.

It is a great thriller about some really nasty business. Bill Pulman does a terrific turn as an everyman, who spends the film being dumped on from a great height by some truly manipulative and malicious players.

A nice little vignette from an early days Gyneth Paltrow.

All and all an engrossing movie and one I return to watch from time to time when I need a good dose of venom.

I don't want to spoil the movie, as it contains a few twists and turns. You think you are watching a completely different type of film when you start watching, but whether you think the subplots are unnecessary, or not, it does tie thing together.

Very entertaining; give it a go.
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Tremors (1990)
One of my faves
22 May 2024
Have watched it many times over the years. A bit if an extended family favourite. Gather around the TV with popcorn, ice cream and fizzy drinks and enjoy. We still hoot with laughter, whoop with joy and shout at the screen when anyone is in danger.

This is a good old fashioned "B-movie" horror flick. No fuzzy, darkly lit views of monsters; they are mostly seen in desert terrain and in broad daylight. The monsters are smart and get smarter, but can they be outrun by this small group of down-home folks.

Kevin Bacon and Fred Ward are the handy men of a small outpost consisting of a few houses, trailers and a general store; they collect the garbage, empty the septic tanks, mend fences, anything really that needs a couple of strong men. On the very day they decide to leave and better themselves, the mother humpers arrive on the scene. Mayhem ensues.

A real cult classic, a gem of a film and great fun to watch.
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Coming of age, thriller, horror and ghost story.
3 May 2024
All the pieces in this film slot into place well, pay close attention to the final few reels.

The general sense of all pervading fear and imminent violence is just chilling; and that is just the kids.

The two leads, Mason Thomas as Finney and Madeleine McGraw as Gwen, do a really good job.

The Grabber, a heavily masked, top hatted magician, played by Ethan Hawke, is nuts and nasty. "Hey kid do you want to see a magic trick? The suggested answer is "no".

Think Child Catcher crossed with a prolific serial killer who has a side job as a children's entertainer; you know who I mean.

The relentless and seemingly fruitless search for a way out of the basement by Finney, racks up the tension.

I will not tell you what the black phone is. You need to watch the film to find out, needless to say, it is central to the story.

I really liked this film which is a mix of coming of age, thriller, horror and ghost story.

Highly recommend.
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Subtle and Impactful.
2 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This film is set during World War II, but it is all too relevant today.

We all go about our daily lives while families drown in boats trying to get, in their minds, to a safer place. The once victims of atrocity perpetuate the same on others.

We cannot hide behind a tall wall, as the family in this film do, as instant communication has breached any of our walls.

The film's atmosphere reminded me of that other excellent film, Dogtooth, where living in a toxic environment is the norm.

The wife's mother leaves suddenly, not because she is disgusted by what she can hear behind the wall, but because it is all too close to home and, she would rather not know.

People can so easily adapt to what they know is dreadful, dissociative behaviour, I think it is called. In the film Rudolf Hoss is shown vomiting; is this his body telling him that what his mind is letting him do, is truly terrible?

A total feeling of despair settled around me while watching this film. I think it is a worthy film, bringing the worst of human behaviour to light in a most subtle but impactful way.
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Challengers (2024)
Entertained? A bit.
1 May 2024
I went to see this yesterday although it was not my choice.

I tried to disregard that tennis mostly bores me.

Usually perceptive, but I did not get the point of the film.

A love triangle spanning 13 years with Zendaya as the master manipulator. What was she doing? Making the chaps better tennis players, making them grow up, making them aware that their long time friendship was more than just that. I do not know and then you ask yourself, why?

On the plus side, Josh O'Connor was mesmerising, turning in a good performance. The music was good, if on occasion a tad overdramatic for the scene being played out. Some titters.

On the minus side, the tennis montages grew tedious, the time jumps a little too often, particularly towards the end of the film.

There was one scene in a locker room, where I could not understand a word that was being said, I thought it was not in English, but I could not understand the gist or the purpose. Very frustrating.

The film was too long (I saw people leave) and, dare I say it, a little pointless.
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Baby Reindeer (2024)
Good work - do not dismiss.
29 April 2024
An effective way to highlight all those nasties so called normal people would prefer not to think about.

Being a conventional sort myself, I found this a very sound way to tell a less straight forward life story.

The amount of victim blaming I have read in some reviews saddens me, but hey- ho, such is the world we live in.

Comedians and comedy writers do sometimes have complicated back stories. I am aware of a few, one in particular, who indulges in a bit of nasty trolling. It often seems incongruous that someone who makes you laugh can be so sad or so malevolent behind the façade.

As a viewer, we often make judgements based on our own views, life experience, etc. As my husband often reminds me "not everyone thinks like you do". The brilliance of this excellent work is that it makes you look from the perspective of the characters involved.

To brush this aside as an "oh poor me" vanity project is a little too easy. Mr Gadd takes responsibility for his actions and inactions but lays out a scenario that helps the viewer to gain perspective.

Mental Illness, grooming, rape, drug abuse, child abuse, the evils of social media, the stresses of living life as anything other than straight and white and plain, often unconscious, misogyny are some of the themes laid out masterfully in this piece.

Naïve, caring people, who stick their heads above the parapet may regret it. You may not do it for fame, but simply by making choices that do not conform to current conventions, can put a huge target on your back.

It is indeed a sad world.

It makes a change to see something like this, dealing with the themes it does, with zero sensationalism involved, but still riveting.

The performances, by the way, were superb.
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The Heat (I) (2013)
What a treat
22 April 2024
I watched this for the first time today.

I had had a miserable day, and this film really cheered me up.

This is a very funny film with loads of heart. These two gals, Sandra and Melissa, were perfect together.

They both have funny bones, the prude and the crude, the odd couple, yes, all those cliches, making this a real laugh out loud experience. Brilliant sight gags, slapstick, spot on cultural refrences and clearly a fair spattering of improvisation. Well directed with great music too.

Highly recommend it, get out the popcorn, try not to get it up your nose, a few bevies and you are all set.

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A Haunting Tale
11 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Two young people get married in 1962, products of their past and present times. Florence deals with a sexually abusive father and an overbearing mother in an upper-class home. Edward deals with a brain damaged and erratic mother, but luckily in a warm supportive middle-class family.

Love at first sight and a relatively carefree courtship, as seen in flashbacks, lead them to marriage and a honeymoon hotel on Chesil Beach. The wedding night is awkward and ultimately disastrous. Married for only 6 hours their marriage ends.

This is a truly haunting tale. True love cannot overcome their experiences thus far. Florence wants to stay married so they can work through problems; she wants Edward to be happy and will do anything to stay with the love of her life. Edward is too young to understand and is deeply hurt by what he sees as her rejection of him as a man and literally turns his back on her.

As the years go by Edward realises what might have been and is stricken with grief by his loss.

The performances in this film are excellent, no melodrama, just awkward quiet desperation, which make the viewer yearn for a better ending.

Beautifully shot and directed. A film that will stay with you long after the last reel.

Highly recommended for sensitive thoughtful souls.
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The Last Englishman (1995 TV Movie)
5 April 2024
I came across this while researching Anthony Horowitz, who wrote this wonderful show.

I managed to track it down in YouTube where you can watch it in four parts.

It was an absolute joy to watch.

Jim Broadbent gives yet another superb performance as he relates the adventures of a true English eccentric.

It often feels like you are watching "Monty Python" or "Black Adder Goes Forth".

Lieutenant Colonel Alfred Daniel Wintle MC, better known as A. D. Wintle, was a remarkable Englishman by all accounts; he was brave, and steadfast as well as being a true to himself, rebel.

His candour got him into many scrapes, but he would not let any adversity stand in his way; he always did what he felt was right.

This is gem of a show about a gem of a person.
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One of the greats of cinema history
17 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
An amazing film.

The book, The Shape of Things to Come, by H. G. Wells, was published in 1933.

The film was released in 1936.

At this point, the enormous waste of life during World War One and the ensuing Great Plague, commonly known as the Spanish Flu (a misnomer as it did not start in Spain), had come and gone.

Given these dates and times, the prophetic scenarios depicted in this film, are quite something. It is a thought provoking film and one of the greats of cinema history.

The decades long story is set in a place called Everytown.

The war starts in 1940 and devastates the world. Two world orders arise.

One, sees the world return to medieval times ruled by warlords where the remaining population struggles with constant warring with neighbouring groups, deprivation and a plague called the wandering sickness.

Although the viewer is not aware of it at first, the second, the scientists, have developed into a strong free world, building an ideology of peace and technological progress.

When ready, this second group, "clean up" the planet, removing the feudalism.

We then enter a period of progress and technological advancement, culminating in a world without want and making its first steps into space travel.

The main characters are Cabal (Raymond Massey), a man who looks to technology, The Boss (Ralph Richardson), a man who rises amongst the rabble as Everytown's warlord. Theotocopulos (Cedric Hardwicke), the artist and agitator in the new world, who rebels against the idea of progress for progress's sake, and my favourite character, Passworthy (Edward Chapman), a naïve, hopeful character, who questions change, simply wanting a conventional life with family and friends.

This is a brilliant film, its predications of future advances, or perhaps, warnings of what might come, are often spot on. Real life, now only 11 years away from the end point of the film, is different; we have the threat of nuclear annihilation, pandemics, constant regional aggression and warfare and the rise of overt nationalism and isolationism.

Yes, we have technological advances, but people have not changed, the world has not changed.
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The Creator (2023)
ooh, liked this very much.
4 February 2024
Entertaining sci fi film.

Americans are the bad guys again.

I do love a John David Washington film, so decided to take peek. Glad I did.

What is not to like; robots with heart and Americans without one.

Anyhoo, this is classic good versus evil fare as in Star Wars, possibly with better acting and dialogue. Don't get me wrong I have been a Star Wars fan since the first film I saw in 1978.

There is plenty of action and pathos in equal measure, and I want to see what happens next; roll on sequel.

Some may say we have seen it all before. Yes, we are a bit spoilt now, with many amazing special effects in films these days, but a good tale is still a good tale.

Relax and enjoy.
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Dark comedy of the squirmiest kind.
17 January 2024
The wealthy people in this film come into too close a contact with a poor person.

Beatriz is a healer, who has worked wonders with the daughter, a cancer patient in remission, of a rich couple.

The mother considers Beatriz a "friend" and keeps links with her by paying her for regular massage sessions at the couples isolated mansion.

One day Beatriz's car does not start after a massage session and is then invited to stay for a dinner party being held that evening.

The differences between Beatriz, the host couple and the two other guest couples make for all the dark comedy and squirming that ensues.

Beatriz is a tender spiritual soul who, as she listens to the conversations around her, becomes increasingly appalled by the crassness of the content and style of what she is hearing.

The three wealthy couples, clearly live in their ivory towers and have no idea how awful they are, probably with the exception of Strutt, played brilliantly by John Lithgow; Strutt knows exactly what he is and is totally unapologetic about it.

I have watched this film a couple of times and on both occasions have become almost hypnotised by Beatriz, by what she says, what she sings and the images in her head.

This is a good film and well worth watching.
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What a film.
9 January 2024
This is a a good film of clashing themes; sweet and sugary and bitter and malevolent.

Despite my irrational negative reaction, in general, to Carey Mulligan, I decided to watch this film.

It was a really interesting film to watch. I liked the interplay between the characters. Cassie at home, Cassie at work, Cassie falling in love, all lovely vignettes.

Then you have the off-kilter vengeful Cassie.

The use of colours, from the gaudy pinks, to the soft pinks and pale blues to the sinister blacks and bright red lipstick, to denote different aspects of the story, were commendable.

The music choices were spot on.

The screenplay and acting was excellent.

A surprising film, with a strong message; how easy it is to look away and accept the unacceptable.

A film that sneaks up on you, nothing is shoved down your throat, but you get it.
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I was disappointed.
28 October 2023
This is the second time I have tried to watch this film and both times I have dozed off.

I was a huge fan of the original as I love all things dystopian anyway, so it was a real treat as I watched the story unfold way back then, sitting in my cinema seat.

When I heard that Blade Runner 2049 was on the cards, I was a little skeptical, as I did not want it to tarnish the original.

Alas and alack it did for me.

There are a few good nuggets, the opening scene, for one.

I liked the rather strange romance between K and Joi as it added a bit of heart.

Otherwise, I really did not get it. It all seemed a bit muddled. The miracle child, the birth of a new human / replicant form; this did not go anywhere.

Unfortunately, I did not connect with this film; I tried, I really tried.
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Nowhere (II) (2023)
Excellent little film.
27 October 2023
The beginning of the film shows why people find themselves fighting for their lives and it did not pull any punches; the so called authorities in Spain were heartless.

I became thoroughly invested in this woman's attempts to survive against all odds.

Think "Castaway" in a container not on an island.

She made good use of whatever she found in the cargo boxes, even if at first, you felt, as she did, it was all useless stuff.

The perilous moments were well depicted and suitably tension raising.

The mother fighting for the survival of her unborn and subsequently born child is the core of the film.

The tender moments do bring a tear to your eyes.

Films, like this are often overlooked, but do watch it. Don't worry about the naysayers, it is a good premise and well acted.
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How not to solve senseless brutal murders.
22 October 2023
As a Londoner, in my late teens / early 20s at time, the manhunt did not fully resonate with me. It was something that came on the news, on the rare occasion I watched the news.

I had only been up north, to Preston, a couple of times in 1978, once to watch Chelsea play an away game and once to visit Blackpool with friends. I remember it was like stepping back in time; it felt grim. Unless you were in one of the many pubs; pubs where there was a great deal of, alcohol driven, bonhomie.

The evocation of the times was well done.

This was an excellent production, showing not the shock horror gore of police procedural dramas, but concentrating on the victims, the circumstances of their lives and their families.

The "keystone cops", as voiced by one of the reporters, were well portrayed. Most of the detectives were thick, misogynistic bods, who sense of "little men" power was their overriding driving force. The let's "bully and beat out a confession" approach appeared to be the only tool they had for crime solving.

The women in the incident room were portrayed as hardworking and generally caring people. I don't know if this was a cynical portrayal of the policewomen to counteract the horrific, openly non-PC culture, of the time, as displayed by the policemen, media et al. The division of victims into prostitutes and innocents made me feel sick, now as well as back then.

Given what I have said, none of this came across as a world filled with cartoon characters because the ensemble cast gave excellent performances.

This is more than worth watching.

Now, as a sixty odd year-old woman, I can only reflect on how much has changed, technology for one and yet, how little has changed, as tough times still affect many lives adversely.

I also wonder how much of our current enlightened times is just a thin veneer. Would we not openly make the comparison of innocents and prostitutes now, just think it?
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Great scary film - with heart
22 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Seen many times, usually when I am in the mood for a good jolt of fear. This has joined my list of favourite cult films.

The Vampires are real monsters and the, good old, small townspeople simply don't know what's hit them.

An Alaskan town enduring its annual 30 days without sunlight during the winter, become prey to a wandering band of vampires. The ensuing cat and mouse scenario is truly scary in a palpable way.

The storyline, the characters, the script and the performances are spot on.

Makes you wonder what kind of "mouse" you would be. I would probably throw myself straight onto the trap to avoid all the angst.

Brilliant turn by Ben Foster as the stranger, a truly warped and scary character; setting the tone for the rest of the film.

The ending scene is brilliant.

Anyhoo, watch this superior horror film.
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Chernobyl (2019)
23 September 2023
Sure, on the face of it looks like anti USSR propaganda and maybe, this was the reason for the strange blip of 1-star ratings, but Chernobyl did happen.

This is a superlative series that gives us scientific facts concisely as well as the human tragedy which played out.

The performances were very good and convincing from the central and surrounding cast.

The world weary Legasov (Jared Harris) and Shcherbina (Stellan Skarsgård) taxed to get the disaster under control were the "good Russians".

The self-promoting Bryukhanov (Con O'Neill) and Dyatlov (Paul Ritter) were the "bad Russians".

Lyudmilla Ignatenko. (Jessie Buckley) was the Russian.

Bacho (Fares Fares), Glukov (Alex Ferns) and Pavel (Barry Keoghan) were part of post explosion, drafted in "volunteer", Russian help.

Although I have singled these performances out, I must point out that this was an excellent ensemble cast with worthy performances all round.

The bit I always want to skip through, which for some reason really brings home the tragic loss, features the task given to Bacho's (Fares Fares) squad. You may or not agree with me on its poignancy.

This is a really good piece of film making and I highly recommend it.
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this is a most remarkable of films, why?
20 September 2023
It is an American film that, unusually, does not let the US off the hook.

It is a brilliant script.

The performances were superb.

This is a film of its time; all the more remarkable that it was actually made at that time.

Whilst watching it I could not help thinking of Rod Sterling and his ability to use what is an entertainment medium to illustrate deep moral deficiencies in people and, so called, civilised countries. See Twilight Zone episodes "The Shelter", ""The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street", in particular.

This film is about the ability for those in power to turn ordinary people, with all their good and bad points, into "monsters".

Fear is the big weapon.

For instance, fear of the immigrants and the minorities is often used by factions to turn people into unthinking bigots.

I have watched this film many times throughout my lifetime, but what hit me most this time, as a now older person, was the sad realisation that we never learn.

Strangely, throughout the film, as certain arguments were made, especially those about what morally dubious things one would do for one's country, a distortion of patriotism. Feelings of patriotism brought on by a rallying "call to arms", a thin disguise for leaders of that country seeking / keeping power, I, could not help thinking about what my lifetime's worth of conflicts.

Northern Ireland, The Balkans, Iraq, Israel, the Middle East, Ukraine, all the scary regimes, wars, the rise of "populism" in politics and the inevitable dichotomy of, one person's terrorist is another's freedom fighter.

Our ability not to learn, not to "see" what is happening around us and how we can be manipulated by those in power is saddening.

This is why it is important that films like this one exist.
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The Woman in the Wall (2023–2024)
Definitely worth watching
19 September 2023
Many a drama serial offering these days are a bit lack lustre, but this one has held my attention.

Ruth Wilson's portrayal of a severely traumatised survivor of Ireland's Catholic Church abuses, is very good.

She is not a likeable character, which makes it all the more convincing.

I am usually quite good at knowing the outcome of serial dramas, but this one keeps you on your toes; what is real and what is hallucination.

After episode 4 I think I I may have it worked it out but I am not sure, so I continue to watch.

I am hoping all the threads will come together and we are not left with one of those ridiculous "damp squib" endings so many current dramas seem to have these days.


Just watched the last episode and it delivered. So go on watch it.
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Did not hold my interest.
18 September 2023
Was looking forward to it as the last two Branagh, Poirot outings, were good.

Unfortunately I was fidgeting in my seat halfway through, thought of leaving but decided to hang in there.

I know it is a difficult story, but I really could not get into it. I sort of knew where this was going, but really didn't care.

All the characters were slightly off, from the thoroughly annoying author played by Tina Fey to the off his head doctor, played by the unfortunate Jamie Dornan ( I hope he was paid well).

The boy was the only character I was convinced by, and it was performed well.

The whole movie just did not seem to gel, I simply do not know why.
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Better than I remembered
14 September 2023
A truly fabulous film.

It brought a huge smile to my face; it is fun and funny and quite moving. Misfits maybe, but just people with a real sense of self, which is more than most in the world.

It is a road trip full of, yes, adventures.

Obviously loved the music,costumes and stage performances.

Three of my favourite actors, doing a fantastic job on this film.

Bernadette is the solid one; Terence Stamp portrays her as sad, a little brow beaten, but dignified.

Felicia (Guy Pearce) is young and brash and more than full of life.

Mitzi (Hugo Weaving) is kind hearted, hopeful and has a past which we discover along the way.

Together, they are a force to be reckoned with.
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Still, quiet and deeply felt.
27 August 2023
A mesmerising watch.

Not a thriller, no, but a subtle, yet powerful, insight into the world of psychological abuse.

Anna Kendrick portrays the anguish of being trapped in a toxic relationship; one where she must be perfect and must not be bad.

Flip the switch and eventually, though agonisingly slowly, her oldest friends bring her around and almost back to normality. Rehab for the deeply wounded mind.

The music is haunting, the whole film is haunting, reflecting that Alice, although physically apart from her partner, is continuously haunted by him.

The most wonderful scene in the film is when Alice's two girlfriends form a shield around her, protecting her with body and soul.

This is a film for adults, no thrill seekers need apply.
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Black Mirror: Demon 79 (2023)
Season 6, Episode 5
18 August 2023
Well done Mr Brooker and Mr Ali.

This was a thoroughly entertaining episode both funny and dark by turns, but mostly funny.

The two lead characters Nida and Gaap, played wonderfully by Anjana Vasan and Paapa Essiedu respectively, were perfect.

Everything worked for me including the locations, the sets, the clothes and the music.

Why? Well, I was about the same age as Nida at the time, the pretend tiles in her bathroom were the same as in my parents' home, the department store location was literally in my hometown, the National Front were our era's "tossers", and the nuclear threat was always all pervading.

This was a wonderful neat little package of a show. Well worth waiting for, even if the nostalgia does not resonate with you.
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