
2 Reviews
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Light hearted fun
29 August 2014
This is an enjoyable movie very similar to the first one. If you have seen the first movie; your opinion of this movie will most likely mirror that of the original.

The movie is set in Las Vegas where Candace and Michael are set to get married. The movie is set around the night before and the pre-wedding parties of both male and female sides.

I think it is fair to say that there is not anything original about what happens at these parties in fact it is pretty dull relative to the other bachelor/bachelorette movies out there. But that's OK as this movie is more about the characters and the relationships between them. The likability of the characters and their interaction with each other is really what keeps you interested for the duration of the movie.

It is the actors second go at playing these roles and they all play their part and give good performances. Although I did feel some of the celebrity cameos were unnecessary and did feel a bit forced.

Overall this movie certainly will not live long in the memory but it does what it is meant to do by providing some light hearted fun for 106 minutes.
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Transcendence (I) (2014)
28 August 2014
A good movie requires a either a strong plot or strong characters that the audience can empathise with. This movie has neither. This was a pretty dull movie that I struggled to get through.

The performances of the lead actors are flat but that has more to do with the bad storyline/script rather than the actors themselves. We are meant to empathise with Rebecca Hall and Johnny Depp's characters but they did not have enough depth for the audience to feel anything at all for them.

The pacing of the movie was all wrong and it certainly dragged on for way too long.

The only good thing that I can say is that the concept of the movie is interesting but unfortunately the execution of the movie is poor.
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