
17 Reviews
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Barry (2018–2023)
I need more Noho Hank!
16 June 2022
These are some of the most interesting and annoying characters of all time. The genius of the writing is that you come to understand each one as they evolve from one note caricatures to complicated human beings.

Every episode is fresh, outrageous, hilarious and memorable.

This show is one part Jason Bourne, one part Dexter, one part Fargo and a whole lot of The Family Guy mixed in.
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Must have gone to the same school as the crew of Prometheus
12 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Do they only send morons to space?

I found myself asking this question multiple times per episode, especially the latter ones.

A new co-pilot is inserted into the team just as the rocket is about to take off? No problem. He's an unlikeable blowhard but sure to be a team player!

Everyone on the station die of unknown cause? Take the helmet off, the air is fine! You can't be afraid of what you can't see right?

E2's body is found shot and frozen with precious cargo missing? By all means don't suspect the missing Ryu since it's only the monster that kills. Wait did you say gun shot?

Just stand there to waste time and watch Ryu meet his demise instead of hurrying away ? Don't let the water hit your behind on your way out!

Etc, etc, etc...
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"I was just playing"
15 February 2022
That's how the great Mary Lou Williams responded when asked by the show host what the name of the piece was after she had just finished. I could only dream of creating something that divine by "just playing".

This pioneer is an inspiration to all regardless of race, sex and creed.
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Talent wasted on a pointless story
16 January 2022
The movie is about unbridled human selfishness with utter disregard for others. I lament the 2 hours wasted as I could have watched snippets of politicians and athletes on the news if that's what I wanted to see.

However, the actors did a fantastic job of portraying the scum they all were, so 4 stars for that.
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Maid (2021)
Pride and Addiction
3 December 2021
This series shows very well that psychological and emotional abuse is just as harmful and dangerous as anything physical. Along that same line, psychological and emotional addiction is just as strong as any addiction to physical substance.

That is the only way to explain all the terrible choices the characters make over and over again, against all common sense. These aren't stupid people repeatedly making foolish choice, they are addicts just doing what their mind and body are telling them to do. It's a sad commentary of modern society but shows both carrots and sticks are necessary tools, whether you like it or not.

This show was rather difficult to watch at times - making me blurt out expletives only reserved for sporting events. But there is realism here that leads to better understanding of who and how we are and I'm glad I stuck it out to the end.
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French Exit (2020)
Parts are better than their sum
28 November 2021
The movie as a whole is uneven, but there are enough bits of charm, comedy and introspection to be interesting. But most importantly, it has Michelle Pfeiffer and a black cat.

5 stars for Pfeiffer and 2 for the cat.
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The Father (I) (2020)
This is what great acting looks like
27 November 2021
Anyone with elderly parents, regardless of their mental state, will instantly recognize and empathize with many of the characters. It's the main reason the story is so compelling.

The second reason is the magnificent performances by all the actors especially Olivia Coleman who shows the full gamut of emotions she goes through in an understated way. In the age of overacting, this was refreshing indeed.

We all know about Anthony Hopkins so I will say no more but he becomes everyone's elderly father the the duration of the movie.
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Cowboy Bebop (2021)
If you're a fan of the anime, you will not like this version
20 November 2021
If you haven't seen the original masterpiece, this will be passably entertaining. Not great in any way, but with enough production value to be worthy of your time.

As a fan though, I had two main misgivings:

1. The cast doesn't measure up. They lack charisma and style, especially the two main leads who play Spike and Faye. Harold with a six pack just didn't do it for me.

2. The tone of the series is unconvincing. The original was funny, sad, hot, cold, raw, emotional - lots of ups and downs. This version is just bland and lukewarm.

7 for first time viewers, 3 (for Ein) for us fans for an average of 5.
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Nevertheless, (2021)
Tramp stamps belong on the lower back
8 November 2021
Confusing story about confused people making terrible choices. I can usually finish a series, finding some redeeming qualities such as funny side characters, eye catching cinematography or stirring soundtrack. Alas, this had none. The actresses are easy on the eyes at first but become tiresome and one dimensional very quickly. If they were real people after getting to know them, I'd stay far away from them, as I should have done from this drama.
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An unsatisfying revenge
3 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Let's tally this up: Lives of 2 amazing women are sacrificed so the bad guy can get arrested and shamed at his wedding. Hardly sounds fair.

Having said that, the story is captivating. Dark, funny and even joyful at times. The acting is effortless yet deep. The pace was swift with nary a dull moment. The soundtrack was another star adding to the many layers of each scene.

-2 for the bad guys outliving the heroine.
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The White Lotus (2021–2025)
Days of our defective lives
2 November 2021
Selfishness abound in the self-centered lives of the people of White Lotus. All the characters are distasteful yet they are also lovable because they are us. It's dark, funny, crude and totally bingeable.
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Alice in Borderland (2020– )
Interesting start devolves into lame nonsense
26 October 2021
I've done something like this also in my creative writing class. I start with a great story with interesting characters and a unique premise only to realize I can't find a logical ending to tie it all together. So I throw a bunch of nonsensical crap at it and hope the teacher doesn't notice. C-
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Malignant (I) (2021)
Really wanted Gabriel to win...
4 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'll give James Wan credit, the movie was not boring. But if he were trying to do a 'Cabin in the Woods' thing, he didn't succeed.

The big reveal that I've been hearing so much about actually made it worse as we learn that physical limitations do not exist as long as your body is being controlled by something. So our bones won't break if we jump out of a building if someone else wills it?

The main players act so stupidly in the end I didn't care whether they died or not. Who goes chasing a monster and not think to call for back up? Don't they have some bigger guns at a police station? So many questions were floating in my head as I was watching...

The first two acts were used to build up tension and the third shat all over them.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
What happened to Zeus?
26 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The many plot holes and stupidity of the heroine allowing those close to her to be hurt and even killed are much discussed in other reviews so I won't bother. When I first saw the dog's food bowl with the name 'Zeus' on it, I envisioned a devil dog, a terrifying accomplice to his abusive master. But moments later we meet a sweet pup that wants to leave his hellish abode with his mommy. However she takes his shock collar and then, just leaves him there? With the cruel husband she just drugged and is running away from? Who does that? Couldn't the sister have taken the dog to a shelter? I was relieved to see him alive and well later (how?) but her initial action turned me against Celia and had me rooting against her for most of the movie. The right people died at the end though, including her sister who must be one of the grating characters I've seen in a long time. It was visually well done and watchable if you have a couple hours to kill.
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Annihilation (I) (2018)
Visually interesting but plot is nonsensical
18 March 2018
Sci-fi movies create a reality with its own logic and physics and viewers either accept it and become part of that world (like the original Star Wars) or don't because it violates its own truth (like the last 2 SW installments). This movie creates a visually stunning world with an interesting premise but doesn't follow it's own rules. The viewer has no idea what it's trying to say. 5 stars because it kept my interest for 2 hours, but I can't help but feel it was 2 hours wasted.
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Annoying characters - who cares?
31 December 2017
TLJ has been thoroughly examined by others, but I wanted to expand on what I see as the main problem.

Star Wars was never about the story; it's a cliched one after all. The plot could be set against prehistoric, Roman, medieval, western, modern, future times in any language and culture and still work.

To me, it was always about the characters: Luke, Han and Leia. They were easy to identify with and root for. They were people you'd want to be or at least hang out with.

The problem with the new trilogy is that all the players are so unlikable, even the old ones like Luke. I lost interest in the outcome of the struggle because I didn't care whether the good guys won or not.

I could have overlooked all the gaping plot holes if there were one character I cared about but there were none.
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Morgan (2016)
A fine cast derailed yet again by stupid and lazy writing.
17 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I don't write reviews, but the acting talent wasted by the crap script and inept directing has compelled me to write.

The biggest problem was that it's never made apparent to the viewers why the staff protects Morgan even though they had just viewed the mayhem she's caused. The moronic and nonsensical actions of the highly educated staff makes me think the writer believes all of us are this stupid except that the last presidential election has shown otherwise; only half of us are willing to protect someone in the face of certain death and destruction.

The moment Lee shoots Amy dead was the highlight of the third act for me. While everyone apparently followed the "How to do nothing while a coworker gets mauled to death" company handbook, Amy was the worst offender of them all. She had about 4-5 chances to stop Morgan or at least warn others of their impending doom. Then there's Skip, the useless cook, who had a rifle pointed at Morgan and thought the only reason she was acting this way was because no one had asked her not to.

I watched to the end purely out of hope the fine cast would turn this around. Alas, I was disappointed yet again.
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