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14 December 2017
This movie is a drag. It is poorly made, everything looks fake and the story is predictable to the extreme. The acting is also incredibly bad. Kate Winslet, a very talented actress, was painful to watch, for she was THAT bad in every scene. Idris Elba, with whom I am not familiar was just a bad. The "famous" sex scene that lasted few seconds, did not save this drivel. In short, there is nothing to watch, but the mountains, for a few minutes. Shame, shame, hame to all.
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Sex Doll (2016)
Not bad
10 December 2017
I recommend you watch this movie first, then read reviews. Those who are expecting sexually explicit scenes would be disappointed. As for me, I enjoyed this nicely made movie. The acting is superb as pretty much in all French and European movies. I have few unanswered questions about the young guy with so many tattoos, but may be it was meant to be this way, to leave his motives unknown. A scene when he left her money is also confusing. Her story is also remains unknown. All in all it is a snapshot of a segment of life of two people. There is no beginning and no end. A professionally made snapshot.
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Chloe (2009)
French "Nathalie..." (2003) remake?
23 September 2017
This movie is a remake of a french drama Nathalie... (2003) with Fanny Ardant, Emmanuelle Béart, Gérard Depardieu, only with a different, typical for Hollywood ending. WATCH NATHALIE before commenting on Chloe. If you did not watch Nathalie, you might even like Chloe, but it doesn't stand to the French version. The acting other than Julianne Moore is horrible. I don't remember a single movie with Liam Neeson where his acting talents(if he has it) shine. Amanda Seyfried was good in Mama Mia, but certainly isn't up to the task in Chloe. Chloe is full of empty dialogues that have no relation to the story whatsoever (sneezing, zinc, son's problems etc. ????!!!) This is the same situation as with "The vanishing", 1993 French version and 1998 Hollywood version. The original beats the remake.
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Boring and feels fake.
25 May 2017
This movie did not resonate with me. Many people confuse infatuation and lust with love. There is absolutely no development that would even remotely lead to love. I found it to be boring, fake emotions and an absolute lack of chemistry between leading actors. While Amy Hargreaves was OK, Matt McGorry was completely flat. I did not like or cared about the characters. 44 years old Ellen turned out to be emotionally unstable and insecure, and behaved like a teenager. Not really attractive. Older women usually are secure and confident and that is what attracts young men. Here, Ellen is not much different than Monica, who is in her 20s. Fights between Henry and Ellen were really out of place and did not contribute anything to the story. Some dialogues where pretty stupid (You dried my eggs, LOL).
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The Next Skin (2016)
Well-made film
20 May 2017
I have just watched it on Netflix. I've yet to name a Spanish movie that I did not really like. May be it was "Leaving" (2009), Partir (original title), which I think is an exception, for Sergi López was a miscast. Everyone's acting in The Next Skin, including Sergi López were very good. I was really impressed with Àlex Monner performance. The film kept me engaged from the first minute through the very end. The tension was building up nicely and kept me guessing what the next scene was going to bring. I deeply cared about the characters. The ending was totally different from what I thought it would be. Overall The Next skin is a nicely made film I recommend to watch.
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Extortion (2017)
it has an entertaining value.
17 May 2017
This movie is just OK. The story is noting special, lots of barely believable scenes on which I had to "close" my eyes. I would have expected more from Kevin, an American doctor, in terms of being if not smart, but at least having some brains not to get his family into a potentially dangerous situation, which ended up being disastrous. I am assuming that doctors do have some intellect outside of their medical practices. Now about acting. It was just satisfactory and at times Eion Bailey completely fails to deliver emotions expected from a distraught and desperate father and husband whose family is on a brink of survival. They say that eyes don't lie and it is through eyes we express out emotions, not from a face scrunching ( Will Smith and J.Aniston have never figured this out), so in few scenes where Kevin's agony should have reached an apogee, his eyes remain absolutely calm. I should probably mention that he did manage to pull some emotions in some scenes, but as a whole, his performance was uneven. All other actors did not occupy the screen for long enough to rate their performances, but I would say that no one had impressed me. It is not a bad film, I still recommend to see it, for it has an entertaining value.
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18 July 2016
I recommend. This is an excellent German movie available on Netflix. Drama with elements of comedy or comedy with elements of drama? In my view it is the latter. Two couples go through mid-life crisis/ married life boredom. Their paths cross unexpectedly. Many truly hilarious moments will keep you entertained. The acting is excellent. There no "scenes" that usually present in this kind of movies (Hollywood). It is a calm and humorous reflection of unexpected encounter. The portrayal of a married life routine is so accurate and hilarious at the same time. Nobody knows why they do what they do, they just do it to break a routine and boredom.
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really bad
4 February 2016
To start with, we have seen this kind of story in different variations many times before. Nothing new or original here. The film itself is dull, nauseatedly predictable, pretensions and awfully acted. The dialogues made me want to vomit. It is appears the film was made with a hand held camera and it times the shaking was pretty bad. I liked Ana de Armas in Knock Knock. I thought she did pretty good in it. She is the only one in Por un puñado de besos who was trying to actually act, even then her performance is rather weak, overacting in many scenes. Everybody else could have been easily replaced by robots, it is THAT bad. Jan Cornet, as a leading actor is unbelievably bad, looking sad and wrinkling his forehead was all he could do. There is zero on screen chemistry between two leading actors, I mean absolutely none. So skip it, unless you are a 12 years old girl. No sex, violence or profanity in this film.
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Waste of time
31 August 2015
I can't believe how bad this movie is and how bad François Cluzet, George Bush look alike in it. A very annoying, phony, stupidly written and directed movie. I didn't even make it half way through before it almost put me to sleep. No character depth, I didn't connect or relate to the characters at all. Empty dialogs that lack true emotion. All actors were really bad, but François Cluzet was the worst. Unbelievable for a famous actor like him. I though he was not bad in The Untouchables. I generally enjoy French cinema, but they were following Hollywood steps lately producing junk after junk like this one or "Tu veux... ou tu veux pas?" for example.
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Catastrophe (I) (2015–2019)
Managed through season 1
16 August 2015
Could not find anything to watch on Amazon or Netflix, somehow Catastrophe appeared on a search page and I decided to give it a try. Normally I do not watch TV series. The only 3 TV series I watched and loved, yes, loved, were "Hung", "Top of the Lake" and "A gifted man". I did watch "Mad men", but only half way through before I lost interest. Now back to Catastrophe. I only watched season 1 so far. If it meant to be a parody on modern relationships,then it is OK. Otherwise it is annoying. I did not like main characters. I was irritated equally with Sharon and Rob. Sharon turned from somewhat normal into a hysterical and obnoxious woman (cliche?). Rob's character is just a little better. I have to watch further to form my opinion. My favorite characters are Chris and Rob's mother. The most absurd characters so far are Dave and Sharon's girlfriend (from episode 1). I will watch next episode if it will become available on Amazon Prime. So here is my summary- the acting is OK. Not too many clichés. Will see what season 2 brings.
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Mixed feelings
20 July 2015
Fifteen minutes into the movie and I wanted to turned it off, but then decided to continue. What turned me off initially was the appearing "falkeness" of the characters. Then I decided it was intentional, it was a sarcastic portrayal of an average American couple (s) . An intentional exaggeration. Their empty conversations and dialogues were dismal and their bickering annoying, in my opinion. Then it became more interesting as the movie progressed. Some of the male actors were miscast. None of them looked much older than 26 years old Brad, however they were talking about themselves as if they were over 40 or approaching. The acting was just OK.
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7 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie on Amazon instant video. I understand that sometime the meaning can be lost in translation and there are cultural things that impossible to understand. Having said that I found this movie to be really bad. Acting is terrible to start with. Nothing in this movie makes sense or believable. Dying children that are hospitalized cheerfully playing ball games? The love story? The corruption story? Jogging in a desert? Pool parties? A doctor behaving as an idiot? The ending!!!!!! Give me a break. Sloppy pieces of incoherent stories put together made an absurdous movie with absolutely unrealistic ending.
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The Forger (2014)
22 April 2015
Is it a joke? I am talking about this naive, primitive,pretentious, idiotic movie with Travolta in it? How in the world he ended up in this piece of garbage? Was it made for people with elementary school kids level of maturity and mentality? Everything about this film is bad, very bad. Only Tye Sheridan's performance, in my opinion, was good. What is happening in Hollywood? One piece of garbage after another. Even Oscars are given now for not only mediocre, but really bad movies. Argo? Gravity? Give me a break! American Sniper was nominated? That is why I only watch foreign movies now. The latest I watched, Force Majeure was excellent.Don't miss Letters to Father Jacob.
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it is Okay movie
11 April 2015
Everyone has different perception and here is mine. I wouldn't say that this movie was very bad or boring. It was not believable in my opinion. If you decide to commit suicide in your own home, you make sure the doors are locked and nobody is going to visit you in the next few days. In this film she did not even pass out before someone was already banging on her door and how did they come in? Let alone how did they find out? From the email she sent in response to an advertisement? From that on things were becoming even less realistic. A nut house that looks like a retreat for super rich. Not sure why her parents were even brought into the story. The sudden transformation from hating life to loving it was unsubstantiated. A guy? A silent guy who was sitting on a tree suddenly made her realize that life is worth living? Quite a stretch after she was cynical about guys and marriage and family life in general. The performances were okay. I did not watch any of her other movies prior to this one simply because they are not the movies I watch.The final scenes, after the escape, were dull, pretentious and unrealistic. This film just confirmed that I stick to foreign movies, which almost never disappoint me. Force Majeure is the latest one I enjoyed.
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Really bad
7 September 2014
I am giving it 3 only for the beautiful summer scenes of the south France. And maybe for the cute little actor who did not say a word, but won my heart. Everything else, including performances are really awful. Even Jean Reno, the French star, was bad in this movie. Teen actors were seriously overdoing it. This movie is loaded with stereotypes and unbelievable characters; the "reunion" part was especially awful, pretentious and clichéd. Unsuccessful attempt to bridge the generation gap. I have nothing else to say about this movie to meet 10 lines requirement, therefore I will say that I feel cheated, since I got used to really liking French cinematography.
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